How Can Creatives Survive AI Disruptions?

July 26, 2024

What does the AI takeover mean for creative workers? No one really knows. But there is no shortage of opinions on how to prepare. Art and design magazine Creative Boom polled its readers and shares some of their insights in, “Where the Creative Industry Is Heading, and How to Survive the Next 15 Years.” Some point out creatives have had to adapt to disruptive technologies before, like digital photography, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator. But is generative AI in another ballpark? Perhaps.

Several creatives emphasize, well, creativity. They insist human creativity is something AI can never master (though I would not be so sure.) They advise fellow artists and designers to focus on what makes one human over mastering the tech. Writer Tom May states:

“It’s now less about your technical skills and more about your ideas in terms of concepts, branding and strategy. In other words, as technology automates more aspects of our creative work, our human-centric skills will become increasingly valuable. The ability to understand and connect with people on an emotional level, think critically, solve complex problems, and generate truly original ideas are skills that AI cannot easily replicate. ‘As a designer, I believe we need to think about the future regarding how we can be more human and design in a more human way,’ says designer Hugo Carvalho. ‘It’s like how Art Nouveau was a reaction to the loss of expression that came after the first industrial revolution. Similarly, this new era will be a reaction to AI and the loss of focus in human-to-human design, connections, and relationships.’”

How optimistic. The write-up advises perennial tactics like continuous learning, developing a strong personal style, networking, and taking risks. May also reminds readers not to sideline ethical considerations as they navigate AI upheaval. Accessibility, sustainability, cultural sensitivity, and social impact should remain priorities. Interesting. Is empathy the real factor that sets humans apart from algorithms?

Cynthia Murrell, July 26, 2024


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