IT Departments Losing Support From Top Brass
September 19, 2024
Modern businesses can’t exist today without technological infrastructure. Organizations rely on the IT department. Without the Internet, computer, and other technology businesses come to a screeching halt. Despite the power IT departments wield, ZDNet says that, “Business Leaders Are Losing Faith In IT, According To This IBM Study. Here’s Why.” According to the survey, ten years ago business leaders believed that basic IT services were effect. Now it is only about half of what it used to be. Generative AI is also giving leaders the willies.
Business leaders are disgruntled with IT and they have high expectations over what technology shoulder deliver. Leaders want there technology to give their businesses a competitive edge. They’re also more technology competent than their predecessors, so the leaders want instantaneous fixes and results.
A big problem is that the leaders and tech departments aren’t communicating and collaborating. Generative AI is making both parties worry, because one doesn’t know what the other is doing concerning implementation and how to use it. It’s important for these groups to start talking, because AI and hybrid cloud services are expected to consume 50% more of infrastructure budgets.
The survey shared suggestions to improve confidence in IT services. Among the usual suggestions were hire more women who are IT or AI experts, make legacy systems AI ready by making infrastructure investments, use AI to build better AI, involve the workforce in how AI drives the business, and then these:
“Measure, measure, measure technology’s impact on business outcomes: Notably, among high-performing tech CxO respondents defined in the survey, the study found that organizations that connect technology investments to measurable business outcomes report 12% higher revenue growth.
Talk about outcomes, not about data: "Focus on shared objectives by finding a common language with the business based on enhancing the customer experience and delivering outcomes. Use storytelling and scenario-based exercises to drive tech and the business to a shared understanding of the customer journey and pain points."
It’s the usual information with an updated spin on investing in the future, diversifying the workforce, and listening to the needs of workers. It’s the same stuff in a new package.
Whitney Grace, September 19, 2024