Early AI Adoption: Some Benefits

November 25, 2024

Is AI good or is it bad? The debate is still raging about, especially in Hollywood where writers, animators, and other creatives are demanding the technology be removed from the industry. AI, however, is a tool. It can be used for good and bad acts, but humans are the ones who initiate them. AI At Wharton investigated how users are currently adopting AI: “Growing Up: Navigating Generative AI’s Early Years – AI Adoption Report.”

The report was based on the responses from full-time employees who worked in commercial organization with 1000 or more workers. Adoption of AI in businesses jumped from 37 % in 2023 to 72% in 2024 with high growth in human resources and marketing departments. Companies are still unsure if AI is worth the ROI. The study explains that AI will benefit companies that have adaptable organizations and measurable ROI.

The report includes charts that document the high rate of usage compared last year as well as how AI is mostly being used. It’s being used for document writing and editing, data analytics, document summarization, marketing content creation, personal marketing and advertising, internal support, customer support, fraud prevention, and report creation. AI is definitely impactful but not overwhelmingly, but the response to the new technology is positive and companies will continue to invest in it.

“Looking to the future, Gen AI adoption will enter its next chapter which is likely to be volatile in terms of investment and carry greater privacy and usage restrictions. Enthusiasm projected by new Chief AI Officer (CAIO) role additions and team expansions this year will be tempered by the reality of finding “accountable” ROI. While approximately three out of four industry respondents plan to increase Gen AI budgets next year, the majority expect growth to slow over the longer term, signaling a shift in focus towards making the most effective internal investments and building organizational structures to support sustainable Gen AI implementation. The key to successful adoption of Gen AI will be proper use cases that can scale, and measurable ROI as well as organization structures and cultures that can adapt to the new technology.”

While the responses are positive, how exactly is it being used beyond the charts. Are the users implementing AI for work short cuts, such as really slap shod content generation? I’d hate to be the lazy employee who uses AI to make the next quarterly report and didn’t double-check the information.

Whitney Grace, November 25, 2024


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