"Real" Entities or Sock Puppets? A New Solution Can Help Analysts and Investigators
January 28, 2025
Bitext’s NAMER (shorthand for "named entity recognition") can deliver precise entity tagging across dozens of languages.
Graphs — knowledge graphs and social graphs — have moved into the mainstream since Leonhard Euler formed the foundation for graph theory in the mid 18th century in Berlin.
With graphs, analysts can take advantage of smart software’s ability to make sense of Named Entity Recognition (NER), event extraction, and relationship mapping.
The problem is that humans change their names (handles, monikers, or aliases) for many reasons: Public embarrassment, a criminal record, a change in marital status, etc.
Bitext’s NER solution, NAMER, is specifically designed to meet the evolving needs of knowledge graph companies, offering exceptional features that tackle industry challenges.
Consider a person disgraced with involvement in a scheme to defraud investors in an artificial intelligence start up. The US Department of Justice published the name of a key actor in this scheme. (Source: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndca/pr/founder-and-former-ceo-san-francisco-technology-company-and-attorney-indicted-years). The individual was identified by the court as Valerie Lau Beckman. The official court documents used the name "Lau" to reference her involvement in a multi-million dollar scam.
However, in order to correctly identify her in social media, subsequent news stories, and in possible public summaries of her training on a LinkedIn-type of smart software is not enough.
That’s the role of a specialized software solution. Here’s what NAMER delivers.
The system identifies and classifies entities (e.g., people, organizations, locations) in unstructured data. The system accurately links data across different sources of content. The NAMER technology can tag and link significant events (transactions, announcements) to maintain temporal relevance; for example, when Ms. Lau Beckman is discharged from the criminal process. NAMER can connect entities like Ms. Lau or Ms. Beckman to other individuals with whom she works or interacts and her "names" appearance in content streams.
The licensee specifies the languages NAMER is to process, either in a knowledge base or prior to content processing via a large language model.
Access to the proprietary NAMER technology is via a local SDK which is essential for certain types of entity analysis. NAMER can also be integrated into another system or provided as a "white label service" to enhance an intelligence system with NAMER’s unique functions. The developer provides for certain use cases direct access to the source code of the system.
For an organization or investigative team interested in keeping data about Lau Beckman at the highest level of precision, Bitext’s NAMER is an essential service.
Stephen E Arnold, January 28, 2025
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