Curricula Ideas That Will Go Nowhere Fast

February 28, 2025

dino orange_thumbNo smart software. Just a dinobaby doing his thing.

I read “Stuff You Should Have Been Taught in College But Weren’t” reveals a young person who has some dinobaby notions. Good for Casey Handmer, PhD. Despite his brush with Hyperloop, he has retained an ability to think clearly about education. Caltech and the JPL have shielded him from some intellectual cubby holes.

So why am I mentioning the “Stuff You Should Have…” essay and the author? I found the write up in line with thoughts my colleagues and I have shared. Let me highlight a few of Dr. Handmer’s “Should haves” despite my dislike for “woulda coulda shoulda” as a mental bookshelf.

The write up says:

in the sorts of jobs you want to have, no-one should have to spell anything out for you.

I want to point out that the essay may not be appropriate for a person who seeks a job washing dishes at the El Nopal restaurant on Goose Creek Road. The observation strikes me as appropriate for an individual who seeks employment at a high-performing organization or an aspiring “performant” outfit. (I love the coinage “performant”; it is very with it.

What are other dinobaby-in-the-making observations in the write up. I have rephrased some of the comments, and I urge you to read the original essay. Here’s goes:

  1. Do something tangible to demonstrate your competence. Doom scrolling and watching TikTok-type videos may not do the job.
  2. Offer proof you deliver value in whatever you do. I am referring to “good” actors, not “bad” actors selling Telegram and WhatsApp hacking services on the Dark Web. “Proof” is verifiable facts, a reference from an individual of repute, or demonstrating a bit of software posted on GitHub or licensed from you.
  3. Watch, learn, and act in a way that benefits the organization, your colleagues, and your manager.
  4. Change jobs to grow and demonstrate your capabilities.
  5. Suck it up, buttercup. Life is a series of challenges. Meet them. Deliver value.

I want to acknowledge that not all dinobabies exhibit these traits as they toddle toward the holding tank for the soon-to-be-dead. However, for an individual who wants to contribute and grow, the ideas in this essay are good ones to consider and then implement.

I do have several observations:

  1. The percentage of a cohort who can consistently do and deliver is very small. Excellence is not for everyone. This has significant career implications unless you have a lot of money, family connections, or a Hollywood glow.
  2. Most of the young people with whom I interact say they have these or similar qualities. Then their own actions prove they don’t. Here’s an example: I met a business school dean. I offered to share some ideas relevant to the job market. I gave him my card because he forgot his cards. He never emailed me. I contacted him and said politely, “What’s up?” He double talked and wanted to meet up in the spring. What’s that tell me about this person’s work ethic? Answer: Loser.
  3. Universities and other formal training programs struggle even when the course material and teacher is on point. The “problem” begins before the student shows up in class. The impact of family stress on a person creates a hot house of sorts. What grows in the hortorium? Species with an inability to concentrate, a pollen that cannot connect with an ovule, and a baked in confusion of “I will do it” and “doing it.”

Net net: This dinobaby is happy to say that Dr. Handmer will make a very good dinobaby some day.

Stephen E Arnold, February 28, 2025


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