Endeca Brings Enhanced BI Capabilities to Oracle

October 5, 2012

Oracle’s acquisition of Endeca in October of last year brings the promise of enhanced business intelligence capabilities to the expanding business IT company. According to the post titled “What Endeca Adds to the Oracle BI Bag of Tools” on The Emtec Blog, Oracle will now be equipped to handle unstructured data such as social media and text files and has begun to change Endeca into a reporting engine for social media and other similar text source systems.

We learn about the new capabilities in the article:

“Endeca enables users to iteratively model the data as it suits them.  IT does not have to perform traditional data modeling on the data before it can be available for end users.  Endeca combines structured and unstructured data from disparate systems (inside or outside the company) and automatically organizes the information for search, discovery and analysis. This makes Oracle Endeca the only BI technology that unifies structured content and social media for analysis.”

The integration may prove a bit difficult for Oracle because of the power of Endeca’s unstructured data search capabilities, but will likely be a very wise move for the corporation. We can already see the company’s BI capabilities expanding and believe Endeca is a great addition to Oracle’s BI framework.

Andrea Hayden, October 05, 2012

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.

LexisNexis Embraces Open Source

October 2, 2012

LexisNexis has been anchored in commercial, for fee search and retrieval for decades. I fondly recall watching the red Lexis terminals double space each line. I saw the white space as a way to charge for data and special paper. The search system was proprietary. When the company talked about search, most of the information was about how to extract information from the LexisNexis system, not about the details of the systems and subsystems.

I found “How LexisNexis Competes In Hadoop Age” quite fascinating because the story included some high level information along with a bit more detail about LexisNexis’ approach to data management for its risk businesses. The idea is that LexisNexis has quite a bit of data from different sources. These data become the raw material for analyses which allow users of the for fee products and services to assess risk.

The big news in the story is that LexisNexis has developed a high performance computing cluster. The foundation is HPCC. Here’s the key phrase, “an open source platform. Those critics of open source who question the security and stability did not dissuade LexisNexis from an open source path.


HPCC charges an annual subscription to the platform software and includes enterprise support.

The other high level items in the story included:

  • The decision to shift to open source was taken over a span of several years
  • The market for a big data platform such as LexisNexis is new. This means that LexisNexis and its corporate parent Reed Elsevier are pushing into uncharted territory.
  • The Hadoop platform is viewed as becoming fragmented. The strategy seems to be to offer an fragmented alternative.

The data management system is HPCC. Some of the details about this platform are:

  • The data transformation methods are implemented via an open source Enterprise Control Language
  • The system includes a social graph (relationship analysis) component
  • HPCC will be easier to use.

The community edition is available via download. There is a fee for the enterprise edition of the system. Modules which extend the basic system are also available. Information about how to buy a subscription is available on the HPCC Web site. There was no pricing information on the HPCC Web site on October 1, 2012. You may want to call HPCC or check the Web site to see if more cost information is posted.

In my opinion, the shift to open source makes sense due to the cost efficiencies the approach can deliver. The technology of open source software can be excellent for operating systems and search. For data management, the proprietary data management vendors assert that systems like Oracle’s database and IBM DB2 offer advantages which many organizations find attractive.

Will LexisNexis embrace open source technology for its commercial search and retrieval service? Perhaps LexisNexis, like Microsoft, is moving more quickly in the open source sector than I know. IBM has been a leader in tapping open source technology within its commercial business model.

As I write this, Reed Elsevier, according to Google Finance, has been able to grow its top line revenue modestly since early 2010 while tripping total operating expenses by a percentage point or two. My view is that open source software offers one way to trim certain licensing fees and possibly some of the restrictions that vendors of proprietary software vendors impose on their customers.

Stephen E Arnold, October 2, 2012

Sponsored by Augmentext

Intel Trax Top Stories September 20 to September 27

October 1, 2012

This week the IntelTrax advanced intelligence blog published a series of articles that explained the importance of integrating analytics solutions to increase performance efficiency within the workplace.

Big data can be quite confusing. That is why it is always great to listen to the opinions of experts in the field. “John Whittaker on the Need for Data Integration for Big Data Analytics” explains why successful big data analytics requires integrating data from a multitude of sources.

When explaining why big data integration is necessary, Whittaker said:

“One of the big aspects that people are trying to get a handle right now, and one of our major uses, is big data analytics. Once you get beyond the Google or Facebook use cases and start talking about how the rest of us will use big data, it is going to be analytics. Whenever you’re doing analytics, you want to marry information from different sources. You might want to be able to correlate what’s happening within your ERP and the operational data that might exist there, with experiential data from your website. The operational data often tends to reside in relational databases, but when you’re talking about experiential data, about how people are utilizing your website or what people are saying on social media about you, that sort of data resides within the unstructured big data world of Hadoop. It’s really about being able to marry these sources together into one environment and drive better decisions based on the information there is the primary value that the big data environment is going to provide for the normal enterprise.”

Along with integrating big data, many experts are also making predictions regarding the future of big data. “Predicting the Next Big Thing in Big Data” talks about some of the new up in comes in the industry that may make a big impact.

When explaining a new report that has come out, the article states:

“Big Data – The Next Big Thing”, a first-of-its-kind report on the ‘Big Data’ industry, focusing on the opportunities, challenges, and its impact on businesses globally. ‘Big Data’ relates to rapidly growing, structured and unstructured datasets with sizes beyond the ability of conventional database tools to store, manage, and analyze them.

The report identifies five key insights on global ‘Big Data’ trends and the opportunity it throws up for IT and analytics players in India. First, Big Data has become all-pervasive with the potential to create significant benefits for a number of sectors. The early adopters driving the business with appetite for Big Data analytics are industries such as Manufacturing, Retail, Financial Services, Telecom and Healthcare.”

In “Marketing Analytics Industry Expected to See Dramatic in India” references a report that shows companies are increasingly using marketing analytics technology as a way to stay ahead of their competition. This is particularly relevant in India because the marketing analytics industry is expected to grow from $200 million to $1.2 billion by 2012.

The report explains:

“Over the past few decades, the evolution in traditional media and the emergence of digital media has revolutionized the way products are sold to the customers. Marketing analytics play a pivotal role in helping marketers take informed data-driven decisions and effectively reach out to the audience. The marketing analytics industry is poised for exponential growth and India will be one of the foremost forces leading this revolution. This report is an effort to showcase potential of analytics to organizations, analytics players and prospective employees and will help pave the way for concerted effort to increase the usage.”

While these articles may discuss different aspect of big data, they all have one thing in common. They all call for a need for companies to invest in solutions that evolve with the times. Digital Reasoning is a big data analytics company that works within nearly every business sector to promote automated understanding over human effort.


Jasmine Ashton, October 1, 2012

Sponsored by ArnoldIT, developer of Augmentext.


IntelTrax Top Stories: September 14 to September 20

September 24, 2012

This week the IntelTrax advanced intelligence systems blog delivered some interesting stories that are especially pertinent to those looking to solve the big data problem with analytics solutions.

One field that could see a great deal of benefits from data analytics is education. “The Future of Education Lies with Data Analytics” foresees an education system that is taught through computerized software programs that collect data on the length of time it takes students to master material. Unlike teachers who have limited time and availability, this software would provide instant feedback and compare students to classmates as well as other students across the country.

When discussing the value of this new system, the article states:

“In comparing these two learning environments, it is apparent that current school evaluations suffer from several limitations. Many of the typical pedagogies provide little immediate feedback to students, require teachers to spend hours grading routine assignments, aren’t very proactive about showing students how to improve comprehension, and fail to take advantage of digital resources that can improve the learning process. This is unfortunate because data-driven approaches make it possible to study learning in real-time and offer systematic feedback to students and teachers.”

In the field of data analytics, new and innovative partnerships are always coming about. “Tivo and Scripps Sign Deal to Improve Audience Analytics” announces a deal made between Tivo Research and Analytics and Scripps Networks Interactive, allowing Scripps to access TRA’s audience insights and analytics.

Here’s how it works:

“Media TRAnalytics® TV Auto Ratings launched in January 2012 and enables networks and advertisers to identify the right TV programming based on the make and model of automobile purchases by households watching specific networks and programs. By matching households of television tuning and automotive registration data from Experian Automotive’s North American Vehicle Database (NVDB), TRA provides advertisers, advertising agencies and television networks the industry’s largest household-level single-source solution to plan, buy, sell and evaluate the automotive industry’s current investment in television advertising.”

Big data analytics tools allow for companies to be able to gain valuable insights from your credit card statements, web searches, and social media activity. “Social Media Allows for Personal Analytics as Marketing Tools” explains how businesses can harness the data being put out of social media platforms like Facebook in order to gain insights in order to predict buying behavior.

When explaining the service, the article states:

“It also provides an interesting insight into the kind of machinations that Facebook itself could easily be doing with the data in house. Line this up with the output of Facebook’s own data export tool and you get a good picture for the truth of how much data is being collated. Consider combining patterns across tens or hundreds of millions of profiles with this level of detail and you start to get a picture of the power of the platform.”

Being able to uncover marketing trends and insights about customer behavior is becoming integral to the success of companies in nearly every field and industry. For those looking for an affordable solution that promotes automated understanding of big data analytics, consider Digital Reasoning’s flagship solution Synthesys.

Jasmine Ashton, September 24, 2012

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext


Salesforce Incorporates Coveo Enterprise Search

September 22, 2012

ITWorldCanada announces, “Coveo Brings Enterprise Search to Salesforce.com.” The Canadian company will contribute its indexing engine and business intelligence tools to the Salesforce.com cloud. Coveo for Salesforce, which can pull together, index, and analyze unstructured data from multiple sources, will be fully integrated into the popular online customer relationship management (CRM) platform.

The write up tells us:

“Louis Tetu, CEO of Coveo, said the product  is the first tool of its kind that is integrated directly into Salesforce. ‘We are enabling an entirely new paradigm to federate information on demand,’ he said. ‘And that paradigm means that we don’t have to move data, we’re just pointing…secure indexes to that information.’

“Users of the technology that need information delivered in real-time, such as customer-facing companies, will be able to get it rapidly — within 100 milliseconds —  he added. This will help solve the common problem of consumers dealing with contact centres that cannot pull up their information in a reasonable period of time.”

Yes, that is a real plus. Tetu went on to emphasize that this is no small development– his company has conquered the considerable challenges of operating securely in the cloud. He mentions they also make a special effort to ensure new users can dive in as easily as possible.

Coveo was founded in 2005 by some members of the team which developed Copernic Desktop Search. Coveo takes pride in solutions that are agile and easy to use yet scalable, fast, and efficient.

Cynthia Murrell, September 22, 2012

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext

Social Media Adoption Facts for 2012

September 20, 2012

I read “Enterprise Social Media Adoption in 2012.” The information is presented in “infographic” form, and there were two interesting items which caught my attention. The first is the level of understanding of social media. What’s striking is that the “knowledge” seems to be low except among Gen X/Y employees and senior management. I understand the the Gen X/Y understanding at 28 percent of the sample. But the 27 percent understanding among senior management strikes me as high. The question I had, “How was the sample developed?” The second surprise was that fear of negative impacts and a lack of understanding of the benefits of social media were more important than other factors such as cost. In my experience, cost is one of the major concerns. It takes humans to “do” social media. Humans are expensive. You will want to check out the full infographic to ferret out nuggets of interest to you. I did not find any reference to searching for social media content. Despite the talk, finding specific items from social media content streams remains a difficult task.

Stephen E Arnold, September 20, 2012

Sponsored by Augmentext

IntelTrax Top Stories: September 7 to September 13

September 17, 2012

This week the IntelTrax advanced intelligence blog published articles on current trends related to big data, fraud detection, and analytics solutions that will help both of the previously stated problems.

Real Time Analytics Makes an Impact” discusses how companies have spent the last couple of years making it so that their analytics solutions have zero lag time.

The article states:

“Operational Intelligence, basically, is real-time analytics over operational and social data. Operational intelligence, or OI as we like to call it, provides three important capabilities. First is real-time visibility over a wide variety of data. Second is real-time insight using real-time continuous analytics, and third is what we call right-time action, which means being able to take action in time to make a measurable difference in the business. We decided to focus on Operational Intelligence because it addresses some very important business problems that we felt were not well served by traditional software products today. These problems include service assurance in telco, social analytics for dynamic selling and brand management, real-time supply chain management, smart grid management in electrical utilities, and dynamic pricing in retail. These are just some of the examples.”

One way that analytics solutions have positively impacted a variety of industries is through the detection of fraud. “Fraud Analytics Deliver on Fine Art Forgeries” explains a new niche in fraud analytics that helps prevent substantial losses from individuals and museums.

The article informs:

“Just as with credit card fraud detection, the data sets created by digital authentication are quite large. Similarly, the modeling tools are extremely sophisticated, looking for patterns that would be unlikely from the painter just as a given purchase would be unlikely for a credit card holder. Zeroing in on the fraud can save an enterprise millions of dollars. Digital authentication is not real-time — it took two days to identify the fake Van Gogh. But in the world of art, that’s more than fast enough.”

When discussing advancements made in the industry, the information is often more well received when it comes from experts in the field. “Analytic News is Best From the Experts” showcases on experts opinion on the topic:

“Werner Vogels, a data guru as chief technology officer for Amazon Web Services, has been touting his interpretation of big data for almost two years. For him, managing a behemoth like Amazon, it’s not exactly what big data is, but what can be done with it.

“Big data is the collection and analysis of large amounts of data to create a competitive advantage,” he told a conference earlier this year.

“I am an infrastructure guy and for me big data is when your data sets become so large that you have to start innovating how to collect, store, organise, analyse and share it.”

Since technology is continuing to progress at rapid rates it is important the companies seek out a data analytics provider that evolves with the times. Digital Reasoning’s solutions, not only will protect your business from fraud, but its automated understanding for Big Data allows companies to find the necessary information they need to stay ahead of the competition.

Jasmine Ashton, September 17, 2012

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.


Building a Better Dashboard

September 13, 2012

How do you fix a the problem of poorly designed dashboards? Why, start a contest urging folks to come up with a better one, of course. Stephen Few has issued that challenge, the 2012 Perceptual Edge Dashboard Design Competition, from his Visual Business Intelligence blog under the post titled “Defeating Bad Dashboards by Example.” One contender, Michael Schiff, has written about his solution at The Mashup, also titled “Defeating Bad Dashboards by Example.” Though Few specified contestants may use a program like Photoshop to create a mock up, Schiff chose to make his interactive. Kudos to him.

Few’s challenge is based in the teaching field, but we should be able to apply the principles explored by contestants to business intelligence and other fields. He writes:

“This will be the most challenging event of this type to date resulting in the most esteemed award for dashboard design (in my not-so-humble opinion) since I judged a similar competition for the B-Eye-Network back in 2006. . . .

“The winning dashboard will be featured in ‘Information Dashboard Design, Second Edition’, due out during the first half of 2013, and in an article in the ‘Visual Business Intelligence Newsletter”. No, you won’t win $10,000 or an all-expenses-paid vacation to the Bahamas. Instead, you will have an opportunity to advance the information age by showing a better way to display data for performance monitoring. In other words, you will have a chance to do something useful for the world.”

Ah, virtue as its own reward and all that. Bragging rights will just be the icing, right? The submission deadline is September 21, so hit up Few’s post for details if you would like to take part. Otherwise, check his blog sometime around October 10 for the winning design. I know I’m curious about the results.

Cynthia Murrell, September 13, 2012

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext

IntelTrax Top Stories: August 31 to September 6

September 10, 2012

The IntelTrax advanced intelligence system blog provides summaries of articles pertinent to the world of data analytics and security. This week, we learned how the analytics market is continuing to grow, as well as some companies that offer excellent tools to help your company grow along with it.

Cristobal Addition Strengthens Digital Reasoning” spotlights an important new addition to the board of the Tennessee based text analytics powerhouse, Digital Reasoning. Cristobal Conde has a rich history of working in the information technology field.

He states:

“I’ve been in information technology since the late ’70s when you had to build your own database manager. When companies like Sybase and Oracle developed commercial database managers – they made sense of structured data and allowed thousands of applications to be built on top…There is a pressing need to do something similar in unstructured data, and I believe Digital Reasoning is the company best positioned to do this.”

While the United States has a wealth of data analytics solutions to choose from, the Asian analytic market continues to gain in power and importance. According to “Asian Analytics Changing Fast” the big data analytics market in India is expected to double to $680 million by 2015.

Patrick Roland writes:

“This piggybacks on lots of other Aisa-centric analytic news. While many nations are flexing their muscles in big data, some American companies are catering to the industry, too. One prime example is the Chinese language support of Synthesys recently announced to aid the burgeoning data market in China. We expect more and more as places like the Philippines and Hong Kong begin making strides just behind power players like India and China.”

According to “Business Intelligence on the Rise” BI is one of the fastest growing industries and therefore smart businesses are utilizing this technology as a tool for growth.

The article explains:

“The big data opportunity is one of the biggest growth propellants for analytics. The vast amount of data that is available for analysis is exploding, however, it is housed in multiple silos of information with little or no cross-channel analysis of how the data correlates. For forward-thinking enterprises, big data can create value. Whereas BI traditionally performs structured analysis and provides a rear-view mirror into business performance, big data analytics provides a forward-looking view, enabling organizations to anticipate and execute on the opportunities of the future.”

We obviously are living in a world where BI and data analytics solutions are becoming an necessary part of business. Digital Reasoning offers a smart BI solution called Synthesis that delivers automated understanding for big data. The results are saved time and money.

Jasmine Ashton, September 10, 2012

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.


IntelTrax Top Stories August 24 to August 30

September 3, 2012

This week the IntelTrax advanced intelligence blog provided readers with some interesting stories regarding the state of technology and the big data trends.

Automation Hot Trend in Business Intelligence” discusses the growing industry of business intelligence to help organizations manage their data. Automation has been an important part of many BI solutions that are currently on the market:

“One company that’s scouring the social web specifically for business-specific data is FirstRain, a startup with Penny Herscher at the helm. Her company extracts the hard-to-find nuggets of relevant Twitter data for sales and marketing professionals. The big perk with FirstRain is the automation–the heavy lifting. It adds context to the data it’s found and packages it up for business use so a sales professional can immediately understand their customers. Working with the broad range of companies seeking big data and analytics solutions, FirstRain has clients in the pharmaceutical industry, finance, insurance and beyond.”

Another post, “VMware Acquires New Data Solutions Technology” highlights the recent acquisition of a small tech start-up as a way to continue innovating and growing.

The CEO of Pattern Insight wrote in a recent blog post:

“Ever since we started Pattern Insight, our vision has been to change how people search, mine and analyze their vast amounts of IT and Engineering data. Log Insight, a log analytics product, is the culmination of our efforts aiming at management and real time operational analytics for IT data regardless of scale. Today, I am very pleased to announce that Log Insight, together with its technology and team, have been acquired by VMware. We are very excited for the opportunity to accelerate our vision and maximize the impact of our technology.”

Data Analytics Is the New Tech Bubble” discusses some potential issues with those involved with big data analytics. The writer fears, that like the bursting of the tech bubble, Big Data can expect a similar reaction.

According to the article:

“We’re in the middle of a Big Data and Hadoop hype cycle, and it’s time for the Big Data bubble to burst….Yes, moving through a hype cycle enables a technology to cross the chasm from the early adopters to a broader audience. And, at the very least, it indicates a technology’s advancement beyond academic conversations and pilot projects. But the broader audience adopting the technology may just be following the herd, and missing some important cautionary points along the way.”

Sometimes it is important to cut out the middleman and invest in small companies that have more flexibility for innovation. Digital Reasoning understand the importance of automation and innovation and their flagship product Synthesys reflects that.

Jasmine Ashton, September 3, 2012

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.


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