Inteltrax: Top Stories, November 14 to November 18
November 21, 2011
Inteltrax, the data fusion and business intelligence information service, captured three key stories germane to search this week, specifically, Some exciting nes among our favorite providers.
The most interesting tale came from, “Tibco and Digital Reasoning Give A Glimpse at Operational Thinking,” which looked at the minds of the CEOs of these exciting organizations.
In “IBM Ready to Take Analytics Seriously” we discovered some interesting news that shows the computing giant is pushing all its chips into the analytic pile.
However, our story “Qlik Tech’s Collaborative BI is Too Much of a Good Thing” shows that too many cooks can spoil one’s analytic soup.
Here’s just another quick sampling of the many ways big data analytics is changing. And we’re following the biggest names in big data everyday, noting the moves and blunders therein.
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Patrick Roland, Editor, Inteltrax.
Protected: The Best SharePoint Denali-SQL 2012 Enhancements for Disaster Recovery
November 18, 2011
Adobe Back Out of the Enterprise
November 16, 2011
We came across another interesting write up from Megan Feil on the shifting business approach at Adobe. Here’s what we found:
When the markets invariably change, does a company follow suit and 180 with the changing times? Well, we know how Adobe responds after reading Mac World’s report on Adobe’s restructuring in their article, “Adobe to Reduce Enterprise Software Investment.” Adobe sees digital media and digital marketing products as the areas with the potential for astronomical growth and they want to cash in.
Adobe is changing things up for their company, but predictably choosing the safe route. It will continue to invest in its Creative Suite products and place more emphasis on HTML 5. As far as marketing goes, they plan on investing in analytics and reporting, especially on mobile devices and social networks.
Mac World quotes their CFO’s statement:
“We believe that by focusing resources on two large initiatives and shifting our business model, we can drive faster and more predictable growth in [fiscal year 2013] and beyond,” CFO Mark Garrett said in a statement.
Their enterprise software brought in less than 10 percent of their overall revenue last quarter, so it seems like they might be making a good move for their business. In regards to enterprise software in general, Adobe seems to be snubbing the possibilities this market has for expansion. With the consumerization of information technology, there are wide open spaces of room for companies to innovate software and applications for the enterprise. It’s all about tapping into what users want: business intelligence with intuitive ease.
We think that this shift is illustrative of how a company’s direction can shift. It is interesting to note that they are concentrating on HTML5 instead of Flash for the mobile world. We did find that Polyspot’s business intelligence approach was already poised to handle the mobile economy. Our colleague Constance Ard over at Answer Maven is pretty adamant about mobile: “If companies do not account for personal and business mobile devices in their enterprise information management they will suffer the consequences.” Guess it’s good that there are software companies that can help.
Andrea Hayden, November 16, 2011
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Selventa and Linguamatics Team Up to Mine Scientific Research Details
November 14, 2011
At the end of last month, Cambridge MA based Selventa, a personalized healthcare company, announced that they were teaming up with text mining UK based software firm Linguamatics to extract complex life science knowledge in a computable, structured, biological expression language (BEL) format that can be used to interpret large-scale experimental data in the context of published literature.
In a November 7, Fierce Biotech post “Selventa and Linguamatics Team on Mining Details in Journals” David de Graaf, president and CEO of Selventa, was quoted saying:
“Collaborating with Linguamatics will enable rapid yet comprehensive investigation of new areas of biology by extracting computable knowledge from unstructured text. This will lead to innovation on many fronts, such as next generation sequencing, where well-structured information for reasoning has been limited.”
The technology created from this unique partnership could save Scientists countless hours that they previously spent poring over scientific texts or doing manual database searches to get to the findings they need for studies. You’ve gotta love technological innovation.
Jasmine Ashton, November 14, 2011
Protected: Top SharePoint Tweeters
November 9, 2011
Inteltrax: Top Stories, October 31 to November 4
November 7, 2011
Inteltrax, the data fusion and business intelligence information service, captured three key stories germane to search this week, specifically, its impact on businesses and nations around the globe.
A good overview of this topic was our article, “Businesses Prepare for Analytic Bandwagon” which showed proof that businesses across all industries and sizes are latching onto the power of big data analytics to improve their bottom lines.
More specifically, we saw its impact on a tiny nation in the story, “New Zealand Stepping onto World BI Stage,” which showed how that country’s passion for big data with companies like Right Hemisphere and ComOps.
We issued a firm warning to any business trying to get something for nothing in “Freemium BI Software Not the Total Answer to Analytic Woes,” which warned that free BI tools are no match for the investment of proven analytic tools.
This is a wide swath of analytic focus, but each well worth the attention. Whether it puts a small country on the tech map, offers companies chances to get more competitive or also tempts budgets with worthless freebees, IntelTrax is watching the pulse of the industry to keep readers informed.
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Patrick Roland, Editor, Inteltrax
Inteltrax: Top Stories, October 24 to October 28
October 31, 2011
Inteltrax, the data fusion and business intelligence information service, captured three key stories germane to search this week, specifically, the economic challenges that are realized and overcome thanks to the use of big data and analytics.
The best example of this situation that we found came from our story, “BI’s a Part of Germany’s Strong Economy,” showcased the fascinating trend of how one of the few thriving European economies is directly tied to business intelligence and data analytics.
The story, “Analytic Jobs a Possible Economic Solution,” discussed how analytic work has been steady while other industries dry up. Could data analysis be the fix to sluggish economies?
Another economic staple, FICO credit scores, were magnified in the story, “Pushing 60, FICO Adjusts to Analytics.” Here, we discovered how the credit giant takes the massive amounts of personal data to streamline its analytic system.”
No matter how you slice it, economics is a hot topic these days. We were pleased to discover a positive side to this talk when paired with analytics. We are optimistic about this union in the future and will continue giving it our attention at IntelTrax.
Follow the Inteltrax news stream by visiting
Patrick Roland, Editor, Inteltrax.
October 31, 2011
The Appification of Finding Info
October 29, 2011
It looks like another intelligence company is moving analytics access to the iPad. According to the October 4 news release “FirstRain’s New iPad App Delivers Visual Business Monitoring,” analytics software company FirstRain recently launched an iPad app that allows customers to quickly scan and understand critical market developments impacting their businesses with the convenience of a tablet device.
The app has several exciting new features including: Seamless integration with your Web-based and iPhone or Android environment, prioritized views of the highest-value, real-time content, and an easy, intuitive look-and-feel which quickly shows you relevant real-time updates on topics, companies and industries.FirstRain CEO Penny Herscher said:
Knowing and understanding critical developments that impact your revenue, your customers and your market has never been this quick or easy. We work closely with our customers, and it’s clear they want to consume FirstRain’s unique Business Web intelligence wherever they are or on whatever device they’re using. FirstRain for iPad offers an elegant way for users to quickly absorb the high-value intelligence uncovered, delivered and prioritized by our patented Business Monitoring Engine.
While this product seems like a great new addition to the analytics software arsenal, I wonder if end users will simply take a quick look, make a decision, and then learn that the data was misunderstood. While speed is good, it is not the answer to every analytics challenge.
Jasmine Ashton, October 29, 2011
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Inteltrax: Top Stories, October 17 to October 21
October 24, 2011
Inteltrax, the data fusion and business intelligence information service, captured three key stories germane to search this week, specifically, the ups and downs for some of the industry’s biggest names.
Those in the know about cloud computing were surprised to see our story, “Amazon Analytics Experiences Setbacks,” since the book and cloud giant’s analytics offerings aren’t taking off like its Kindle.
On the upswing, we offered “Jaspersoft Climbing the BI Competition Ladder” detailing how one of our favorite BI vendors has made some bold moves pay off recently.
Back on the negative side of the spectrum, “Google Analytics Gets Weaker in Germany” tough data mining laws are keeping the search king from knowing too much about Germany’s users.
This is just a taste of the news we deliver. There’s never any telling from day-to-day when a major player will suffer a blow and when a little guy will climb higher. Sometimes vice versa. So we watch the big data game like a hawk, showing all sides of the story to give readers a full view of the roller coaster ride.
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Patrick Roland, Editor, Inteltrax.
October 24, 2011
Inteltrax: Top Stories, October 10 to October 14
October 17, 2011
Inteltrax, the data fusion and business intelligence information service, captured three key stories germane to search this week, specifically, how analytic technology depends so heavily on funding and what those dollars signify.
Our feature story this week, “Palantir Back From the Grave,” details how one BI company suffered some near-fatal blows, but has bounced back with new software and confidence, thanks to some new funding.
Another funding-centric tale was our story, “Opera and Xignite Make Waves by Raising Millions” that showed two smaller companies on the rise thanks to some big time investments.
We turned the tables with “Actuate Analytics Contest Gets Attention” to show how one company is supporting the next generation of analytic thinkers by offering their financial support.
Money makes the big data globe spin, it’s no secret. But funding carries a lot of meaning in this industry, usually it’s a sign of impending success. We’ll see if that theory holds true, as we follow these and other stories in the ever-expanding world of data analytics.
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Patrick Roland, Editor, Inteltrax.