DarkCyber for July 13, 2021, Now Available
July 13, 2021
DarkCyber is a twice-a-month video news program about the Dark Web, lesser known Internet services, and cyber crime. You can view the program at this link or use the viewer on the Beyond Search splash page. The DarkCyber for July 13, 2021, discusses the new US GAO report on facial recognition. Plus a 2019 report, with numerous FR vendors and accuracy tests, provides data not in the 2021 report. Also, in this program are stories about: [a] what cohort (age group) is most susceptible to online scams, [b] Amazon eCommerce vulnerabilities, and [c] a report about the US Navy’s autonomous mid-air refueling drone. DarkCyber is produced by Stephen E Arnold.
Kenny Toth, July 13, 2021
Tor Compromised?
July 9, 2021
I read “Tor Encryption Can Allegedly Be Accessed by the NSA, Says Security Expert.” I was stunned. I thought that the layers of encryption, the triple hop through relays, and the hope that everything worked as planned was bulletproof. And who funded Tor in the first place? What’s the status of the not-for-profit foundation today? Why were some European entities excited about cross correlating date and time stamps, IP addresses, and other bits of metadata? I don’t have answers to these questions, nor does the write up.
The article presents this information:
A security expert by the name of Robert Graham, however, has outlined his reasons for actually believing that the NSA might not even need tricks and paltry exploits in order for them to gain access to Tor, according to a blog post on Erratasec. Why? The security expert notes that this is because they might already have the keys to the kingdom. If they don’t, then they might be able to, according to arsTechnica.
Let me see if I can follow the source of this interesting assertion. TechTimes (the outfit publishing the “Tor Encryption Can” story cited above) quotes a security expert. There was a source called Erratasec. Then there was a story on ars Technica.
Now I think that Tor software and the onion method have security upsides and downsides. I also know that what humans create, other humans can figure out. I think the point of the write up is that anyone who uses Tor should embrace the current version.
Can NSA or any other intelligence entity figure out who is doing what, when, and why? My view is that deobfuscation methods are advancing. The fact that bad actors are shifting from old-school Dark Web sites to other channels speaks volumes. Bad actors have been shifting to messaging services which feature end-to-end encryption (E2EE) and do not require a particularly hard-to-complete registration process. But this shift from the “old” Dark Web to the “new” Dark Web began several years ago. Bad actors have been aware that other secure communications options were Job One for years. My thought is that this story in interesting, just not focused on what is actually further consumerizing criminal behavior. The action has shifted, and the US may not be the leader in making sense of the new types of communications traffic.
Stephen E Arnold, July 9, 2021
DarkCyber for June 29, 2021, Now Available: Operation Trojan Shield Provides an Important Lesson
June 29, 2021
DarkCyber 13 discusses the Operation Trojan Shield sting. You can view the video at this link. The focus is on three facets of the interesting international takedowns not receiving much attention. The wrap up of the program is a lesson which should be applied to other interesting mobile device applications. If you are wondering how useful access to app data and its metadata are, you may find this 11 minute video thought provoking. DarkCyber is a production of Stephen E Arnold, a semi-retired consultant who dodges thumbtypers, marketers, and jargon lovers. Remember: No ads and no sponsors. (No, we don’t understand either but he pays our modest team like clockwork.)
Kenny Toth, June 29, 2021
Another Friday, More Microsoft Security Misstep Disclosures
June 28, 2021
I think Microsoft believes no one works on Friday. I learned in “Microsoft Warns of Continued Attacks by the Nobelium Hacking Group” that SolarWinds is the gift that keeps on giving. Microsoft appears to have mentioned that another group allegedly working for Mr. Putin has been exploiting Microsoft software and systems. Will a “new” Windows 11 and registering via a Microsoft email cure this slight issue? Sure it will, but I am anticipating Microsoft marketing jabber.
The write up states:
The Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center said it’s been tracking recent activity from Nobelium, a Russia-based hacking group best known for the SolarWinds cyber attack of December 2020, and that the group managed to use information gleaned from a Microsoft worker’s device in attacks. Microsoft said it “detected information-stealing malware on a machine belonging to one of our customer support agents with access to basic account information for a small number of our customers” and that “the actor used this information in some cases to launch highly targeted attacks as part of their broader campaign.” The affected customers were notified of the breach.
The applause sign is illuminated.
I spotted this remarkable statement in the write up as well:
It’s possible that successful attacks went unnoticed, but for now it seems Nobelium’s efforts have been ineffective.
Wait, please. There is more. Navigate to “Microsoft Admits to Signing Rootkit Malware in Supply-Chain Fiasco.” This smoothly executed maneuver from the Windows 11 crowd prompted the write up to state:
Microsoft has now confirmed signing a malicious driver being distributed within gaming environments.
This driver, called “Netfilter,” is in fact a rootkit that was observed communicating with Chinese command-and-control (C2) IPs.
The write up concludes:
This particular incident, however, has exposed weaknesses in a legitimate code-signing process, exploited by threat actors to acquire Microsoft-signed code without compromising any certificates.
Amazing. The reason cyber crime is in gold rush mode is due to Microsoft in my opinion. The high tech wizards in Redmond can do rounded corners. Security? Good question.
Stephen E Arnold, June 28, 2021
Google: So Darned Useful to Good and Bad Actors
June 25, 2021
Never underestimate hackers’ adaptability and opportunism. E Hacking News reports, “Threat Actors Use Google Drives and Docs to Host Novel Phishing Attacks.” For the first time, security firm Avanan has found, attackers are able to bypass link scanners and other security protections and use Google’s standard document tools to deliver malicious, credential-stealing links. Previously, bad actors have had to lure their victims to a legitimate website in order to exploit its security flaws. Now they can do so right from users’ inboxes. The article cites a recent report from Trend Micro as well as the research from Avanan:
“According to researchers, once the hacker publishes the lure, ‘Google provides a link with embed tags that are meant to be used on forums to render custom content. The attacker does not need the iframe tags and only needs to copy the part with the Google Docs link. This link will now render the full HTML file as intended by the attacker and it will also contain the redirect hyperlink to the actual malicious website.’ The hackers then use the phishing lure to get the victim to ‘Click here to download the document.’ Once the victim clicks, the page redirects to the actual malicious phishing website through a web page designed to mimic the Google Login portal. Friedrich said Avanan researchers also spotted this same attack method used to spoof a DocuSign phishing email. In this case, the ‘View Document’ button was a published Google Docs link that actually was a fake DocuSign login page that would transmit the entered password to an attacker-controlled server via a ‘Log in’ button.”
Stolen login credentials are the most effective way to infiltrate any organization, and with a little social engineering hackers can attract many of them with this approach. It is a good reminder that educated users who do not fall for phishing schemes provide the best protection against such attackers. Alternatively, just download some interesting apps from the Google Play Store.
Cynthia Murrell, June 25, 2021
DarkCyber for June 15, 2021, Now Available
June 15, 2021
DarkCyber is a video news program issued every two weeks. The June 15, 2021, show includes five stories:
- Pentest tools you can download and use today for free
- A free report that explains Britain’s cyber weaknesses
- Additional information about the E2EE revolution
- Another tip for finding flexible developers and programmers who will do exactly what you want done
- The FireScout, a drone with a 100 mile range and the ability to drop sonobuoys and other devices, perform surveillance, and remain aloft for up to 10 hours.
The DarkCyber video news program contains information presented in Stephen E Arnold’s lectures to law enforcement and intelligence professionals. His most recent lecture was the New Dark Web. He presented his most recent research findings to a group of more than 100 cyber fraud investigators working in Connecticut for a variety of LE and related organizations. The
The June 15, 2021, DarkCyber video program is available from Mr. Arnold’s blog splash page and can be viewed on YouTube. One important note: The video program does not contain advertisements or sponsored content. We know that’s unusual today, but the DarkCyber team prefers to operate without an invisible hand on the controls or an invisible foot on the team’s neck.
Kenny Toth, June 15, 2021
Chronic Cyber Insecurity
June 11, 2021
NPR has shared the transcript of an All Things Considered interview with former NSA general counsel Glenn Gerstell in, “USAID Hack: Former NSA Official Calls U.S. Cyber Insecurity a ‘Chronic Disease.’” The exchange is not reassuring. Host Michel Martin begins with the recent news of another breach, announced by Microsoft late last month. Once again the perpetrators appear to be Russian operatives, probably the same ones that were behind the SolarWinds attack. Not that Putin will admit as much when he is confronted, as he will likely be, by President Biden at their upcoming meeting in Geneva. We note this exchange:
“MARTIN: Why do you think these attacks keep happening despite the sanctions that the Biden administration has already imposed, you know, on Russia? And do you think the government’s doing enough to protect itself against these threats and also us, the public?
“GERSTELL: Well, your question is really the key one. And I think the lesson we learn from this is that this in some ways, our cyber insecurity in this regard, is a chronic disease for which we don’t have a single cure. It’s not an illness for which there’s a particular drug that we could take to get rid of it. So unfortunately, however, we’re at the beginning end of this chronic condition. This is going to get worse before it gets better. It will ultimately get better. But in the meantime, we have sophisticated attackers, nation states and criminals who can co-opt legitimate servers and companies and computers and softwares. And this proves, unfortunately, that our current scheme of deterrents simply isn’t working.”
What will work is the multi-billion dollar question. Martin wonders whether there are any plans to regulate crypto currency. Gerstell allows that is a step that might be taken, but it would do little to disrupt either spying or the sowing of chaos generated by these types of attacks. It could, however, curtail the sort of ransomware attack that recently shut down a pipeline on the East Coast and had some fools pumping gasoline into plastic bags and other unwise receptacles. That would be something, we suppose.
Cynthia Murrell, June 11, 2021
SolarWinds: In the News
June 2, 2021
Here’s the good news in “SolarWinds Hackers Are Back with a New Mass Campaign, Microsoft Says.” Microsoft and other firms are taking actions to cope with the SolarWinds’ misstep. That’s the gaffe which compromised who knows how many servers, caught the news cycle, and left the real time cyber security threat detection systems enjoying a McDo burger with crow.
I circled this positive statement:
Microsoft security researchers assess that the Nobelium’s spear-phishing operations are recurring and have increased in frequency and scope,” the MSTC post concluded. “It is anticipated that additional activity may be carried out by the group using an evolving set of tactics.
The good news is the word “evolving.” That means that whatever the cyber security wizards are doing is having some impact.
However, the bulk of the write up makes clear that the bad actors (Russian again) are recycling known methods and exploiting certain “characteristics” of what sure seem to be Microsoft-related engineering.
There are some clues about who at Microsoft are tracking this stubbed toe; for example, a vice president of cust0omer security and trust. (I like that word “trust.”)
Several observations:
- Phishing
- Surfing on Microsoft-like methods; for example, hidden DLLs, which are usually really fun
- A reactive approach.
What’s my take away from the explanation of the security stubbed toe: No solution. Bad actors are on the offensive and vendors and users have to sit back and wait for the next really-no-big-deal breach. Minimization of an “issue” and explaining how someone else spilled the milk will be news again. I think the perpetual motion machine has been discovered in terms of security.
Stephen E Arnold, June 2, 2021
DarkCyber for June 1, 2021, Now Available
June 1, 2021
DarkCyber is a video news program about the Dark Web, cyber crime, and lesser known Internet services. This edition’s story line up includes a bad actor promoting on the regular Internet, a look at Europol’s business process analysis for industrialized cyber crime, a University of Washington research project for a do-it-yourself IMSI sniffer, two free reports about phishing, the go-to method for compromising users’ computer security, and a look at the Gaza, a new drone designed to strike at those who would wrongfully act toward certain groups. DarkCyber is produced by Stephen E Arnold with assistance from the DarkCyber research team. The programs appear twice each month. The videos are available on YouTube. You can view the video via the player on the Beyond Search blog or at https://youtu.be/f1ym19l2Y0I. No ads, no vendor supported posts, nothing but Mr. Arnold commenting on important news stories. How is this possible? No one who thumb typers knows.
Kenny Toth, June 1, 2021
Surveillance: Looking Forward
May 28, 2021
I read “The Future of Communication Surveillance: Moving Beyond Lexicons.” The article explains that word lists and indexing are not enough. (There’s no mention of non text objects and icons with specific meanings upon which bad actors agree before including them in a text message.)
I noted this passage:
Advanced technology such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and pre-trained models can better detect misconduct and pinpoint the types of risk that a business cares about. AI and ML should work alongside metadata filtering and lexicon alerting to remove irrelevant data and classify communications.
This sounds like cheerleading. The Snowden dump of classified material makes clear that smart software was on the radar of the individuals creating the information released to journalists. Subsequent announcements from policeware and intelware vendors have included references to artificial intelligence and its progeny as a routine component. It’s been years since the assertions in the Snowden documents became known and yet shipping cyber security solutions are not delivering.
The article includes this statement about AI:
Automatically learn over time by taking input from the team’s review of prior alerts
And what about this one? AI can
Adapt quickly to changing language to identify phrases you didn’t know you needed to look for
What the SolarWinds’ misstep revealed was:
- None of the smart cyber security systems noticed the incursion
- None of the smart real time monitoring systems detected repeated code changes and downstream malware within the compromised system
- None of the threat alert services sent a warning to users of compromised systems.
Yet we get this write up about the future of surveillance?
Incredible and disconnected from the real life performance of cyber security vendors’ systems.
Stephen E Arnold, May 28, 2021