Big Data Analytics Boosted by IBM PureSystems
November 8, 2012
Big Data analytics is receiving a much-needed overhaul with a series of platforms from IBM. IBM released a new expert integrated system last month, called PureSystems, which allows users to connect to the system and receive specific pieces of computing power to monitor business operations. The article “IBM Launches New PureSystems for Transactions and Big Data Analytics” on Forbes shares the details of the new platform.
We learn:
“PureData System for Analytics builds on the Netezza acquisition to deliver results in seconds or minutes rather than hours. Francisco said it has the largest library of database analytical functions in the data warehouse market, said Francisco, and can scale across the terabyte or petabytes running on the system. It can support extremely high volume high speed analytics for clients like mobile phone carriers who want to identify potential churn and provide offers to retain customers.”
The article also states that one client has reported the ability to build and deliver more applications in the last three months than in the last three years using the targeted, high-volume, high-speed analytics.
However, we believe that attacking analytics in Big Data is only one piece of the enterprise data management solution. Using integrators such as Intrafind adds another layer of robust and reliable solutions so that enterprises find the data they need to analyze.
Andrea Hayden, November 08, 2012
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IBM PureData Systems Provide Powerful Big Data Solution
November 1, 2012
Big Data woes are being addressed in a big way by IBM, with the introduction of three new systems for information management and analysis. We learn about IBM Pure Systems in the CloudTimes article “IBM Introduces PureData to Address Big Data Challenges.” The article tells us about the category of systems which focuses on simple cloud functionality and easy-to-use features, helping companies tackle the increasing global data volume.
The article informs:
“Pure Systems helps companies reduce the time and money to spend on IT maintenance and focus more on business innovation. The new PureData helps companies meet the challenge of managing these large volumes of information as it is able to perform complex data analysis in minutes rather than hours.
[…] The IBM PureData Systems allows working in a cloud model and is able to consolidate more than 100 databases into a single system. Like other members of the initial PureSystems offering, PureData is capable of implementing web applications in less than 10 days.”
The IBM Pure initiative is supported by enterprise search leader Intrafind, which is one of the first certified application providers of this new family of expert integrated systems. Intrafind’s cloud solutions and their partnership with IBM Pure make for a powerful option in cloud enterprise search applications.
Andrea Hayden, November 1, 2012
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IBM and Other IT Vendors Enter Enterprise Social Software Arena
October 26, 2012
When deciding on enterprise social software, companies have the option between pure-play products from specialists or social software capabilities integrated into existing products from traditional vendors.The article “Enterprise Social Software Magic Quadrant: Pure Play Vs. IT Vendors” on Search Unified Communications reports on the enterprise social software Magic Quadrant report, which tells us that traditional IT vendors are bundling their own enterprise social technologies with existing products and services to compete in “their own markets.”
The article informs us of the big competitors and plans for the future of social software:
“Vendors like IBM and Microsoft will better integrate social applications for specific end-user activities, including content creation, task management and data collection and reporting, said lead author of the social software Magic Quadrant Nikos Drakos, Ph.D., research director of collaboration and social software for Gartner.”
IBM’s PureData System is designed to analyze big data in the cloud and deliver “actionable insights” to the enterprise. The result is a cost-efficient and speedy option in enterprise social software. Intrafind is among the first certified application providers to be certified on this new family of expert integrated systems. We think the IBM Pure and Intrafind partnership is a veritable enterprise search option.
Andrea Hayden, October 26, 2012
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Delivering Information Must Precede Presenting it in a Pretty Way
October 24, 2012
We have heard it before and CITE World will tell us again: mobile is the platform of the future. Mobile business intelligence vendor Roambi directed the conversation towards the new platform everyone wants a piece of in the article, “Roambi Lets You Visualize Enterprise Data On Your iPhone or iPad.”
The Roambi app is integrated with Roambi Analytics back-end. This allows for data to be drawn from existing sources and turns it into engaging and very useful visualizations on mobile devices. There are even ten different views possible to see enterprise data appear in.
We learned more about the app:
The functionality here is impressive: Roambi doesn’t just put a new coat of paint on your enterprise data—it fully commits to the mobile experience, with each visualization easily controlled by screen gestures like double-taps and swipes. Part of that laudable functionality comes from listening to customers: company reps say that enterprise buyers wanted access to their data anywhere. That’s why Roambi downloads data directly to your device. Even without an internet connection, you still have access to your latest reports.
If there is a gem of mobile business intelligence out there, it may be Roambi. However, in order to deal with the cross usage of mobile with traditional devices so that no data is left behind, another solution must be in place. We are talking about something in the vein of PolySpot solutions, they deliver information across multiple devices in a secure manner.
Megan Feil, October 24, 2012
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Insights Roll in for Enterprises Using PolySpot Technologies that Deliver Information
October 23, 2012
Despite Big Data currently holding a secure place as a necessity for ROI in the enterprise world, there will always be skeptics about whether or not the workforce and technology are up to the challenge of extracting insights from such a mammoth. The latest soundbite of apprehension comes from ZDNet‘s recent article “Big Data’s Enterprise-readiness.”
The article stresses that software developers in the Big Data realm offer user interfaces designed for non-developers. These repositories show off the high level of investment that has gone into these solutions.
The article tells us:
One thing Big Data has on its side is a more flexible and agile approach to schema, allowing it to be defined at query/analysis time, thus removing some of the complexity and bureaucracy in curating the data. But the tooling for managing unstructured data is relatively immature, and data specialists in the enterprise are not conceptually accustomed to it. The long term potential for Big Data here is good, as it should shorten innovation cycles. But in the near term things just aren’t that actionable yet.
It is clear that we were reading a perspective that associates an intuitive user experience with a lack of enterprise-readiness. This way of thinking has no place in the current market where an efficient and easy to use interface equates to increased productivity. Let the insights roll in with big data solutions from companies such as PolySpot that deliver information to employees across the enterprise in this manner.
Megan Feil, October 23, 2012
Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext
Let the Information Analysis Begin With Information Delivery from PolySpot Technologies
October 22, 2012
Another solution presents itself as the answer for enterprise productivity. This time a holistic and all-encompassing approach is taken by data management technology vendor Kapow. The CMS Wire article, “Kapow Katalyst v9.1: Big Data, Social Information Integration” discusses the upgrades that Kapow has made to their Kapow Katalyst platform.
According to the article, the fundamental goal of this technology is to integrate data and applications containing data – including both social and legacy applications – for the use of employees.
We learned:
It is entirely scalable, connecting legacy, cloud and social data to the organization, and in particular to the departments that need that data, such as sales and marketing. We have said in the past that your enterprise data is what gives your enterprise value. Here, it would probably be good to qualify that by saying your managed data is your enterprise value, and with so much Big Data floating around the social and cloud applications that your enterprise is using, anything that can help turn that data into a useable advantage is worth looking at.
Who can deny that a company needs ROI from data and supporting software solutions? Kapow technology is on par with others of its class, but there is no unique offerings that set it apart from the rest. On the other hand, PolySpot does more than manage data, they deliver information to employees that require access. It is with this innovative technology that companies can let the information analysis begin.
Megan Feil, October 22, 2012
Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext
IBM Reveals PureData System for Big Data Management
October 19, 2012
The article tells us more about the capabilities of the new system:
“The PureData System is designed to manage petabyes of data. According to IBM, it can manage up to 100 databases and can perform analytics in a matter of minutes versus hours to understand consumer purchases and other data-intensive tasks, such as detecting credit card fraud. It focuses on transactional applications such as e-commerce, customer analysis and analyzing operations.”
The benefits of this product could be monumental for enterprises attempting to manage the Big Data chaos. Intrafind a first integrator for IBM PureSystems, offering feature-rich solutions that make the best of an IBM Pure installation. Intrafind’s product, Semantic Metadata Generator 1.0, is used for “free tagging, controlled tagging, entity recognition and topic recognition of an unstructured text.” For more details on Intrafind, direct your browser here.
Andrea Hayden, October 19, 2012
Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext
Big Data Creates Jobs and PolySpot Delivers Information
October 19, 2012
Big Data has been helping to increase efficiency and generate ROI for businesses, and now it might just help in lowering unemployment. Read Write Web’s article “Big Data Is Creating Big Job Demand” tells us that Big Data is opening the door to some computer savvy positions now and in the future.
Corporations are investing in employees that are proficient in software development and have a nice mix of IT related skills:
Even if you are not an engineer, many hiring managers want candidates to have a thorough understanding of the software development lifecycle. More development equals more QA or ensuring a project, product or service meets certain standards and satisfies requirements. Programming has been at the top of the career skills lists for quite a while, and there are no signs of this demand abating any time soon. Between big data and mobile-application demand alone, those who code well should have more employment opportunities for some time to come.
The innovative technologies keep developers in high demand and increase the need for skilled technical positions. Companies utilizing Big Data solutions that offer insight enabling infrastructure components such as PolySpot solutions will be set once the workforce is in place because these solutions deliver information securely to all employees.
Jennifer Shockley, October 19, 2012
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Informatica Study Reveals Attitudes on Personal Data
August 10, 2012
Informatica provides us with some interesting information on perceptions of the personal data issue in “UK Consumers Rank Top Contributors to Personal Data Deluge.” The data integration company commissioned a survey of over 2,000 consumers in the UK in May 2012 in order to discover their attitudes and behaviors when it comes to sharing personal data with businesses. Not surprisingly, young people were found to be the least reluctant to hand over personal information; they are also the group most ready to accept that supplying such data can result in better service.
Some highlights of the report include:
“*Only 35 per cent of UK adults trust businesses to use their personal data as directed by them. . . .
*59 per cent of 18 to 24 year olds and 48 per cent of 25 to 34 year olds agreed that if businesses provided clearer explanations of why they wanted their personal data, and what it will be used for, they would be more inclined to give it to them.
*Further to that, almost one in ten (9%) of the younger generation (those aged 18 to 34) felt that the more personal information they provide a business with, the better the service they receive as a result.”
Another interesting finding: sixty-one percent of respondents chose their family doctor as the least likely to share their information with a third party. Facebook’s score on that question was the lowest, at thirteen percent. That high?
See the press release for more findings from the survey. Informatica’s take-away is that companies must communicate better with users about the ways in which they will use their data. I wonder, though; if the issue is a matter of trust, how much help will clearer language really be?
Informatica boasts that it is the world’s foremost independent provider of data integration software, with nearly 5,000 organizations using their products. Though the company has offices around the world, its headquarters can be found in Redwood City, California.
Cynthia Murrell, August 10, 2012
Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext
Oracle Chases Customer Support
June 6, 2012
Computer Business Review recently reported on Oracle integrating RightNow with Fusion in the article “Oracle Integrates RightNow CX Cloud Service With Fusion Sales.”
According to the article, Oracle has now integrated its RightNow CX Cloud customer experience suite with Fusion Sales in order to help organizations facilitate relevant cross channel customer interactions by improving revenue and making processes more efficient.
RightNow, a U.S. company that incorporates search technology, acquired Q-Go, a European natural language search system, in 2011. Since this acquisition the firm has been able to extend and improve its services. The additional $8 million in revenue helped make the CX Cloud experience suite possible.
The article states:
“The integrated applications also provides a cross-channel view of the customer to sales, marketing and service, allows sales to review service history in preparation for sales calls and empowers sales and service departments to collaborate to solve customer issues, using opportunities to provide purchase advice at the right time and with the right applications.”
This new suite of products will be able to allow organizations to deliver a more targeted approach to customer needs.
Jasmine Ashton, June 6, 2012
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