A Secret Revealed: Mobiles Can Double Surveillance Devices

October 7, 2018

The real journalists have revealed a secret known to hundreds of thousands of people, maybe more. Navigate to “Are the Presidential Alerts Capable of Accessing Your Phone’s Mic and Camera.” The answer comes from a true wizard, a model entrepreneur. The expert is John McAfee, an interesting person with a remarkable biography.

He revealed:

“The ‘Presidential alerts,’” McAfee tweeted Wednesday, “they are capable of accessing the E911 chip in your phones – giving them full access to your location, microphone, camera and every function of your phone. This not a rant, this is from me, still one of the leading cybersecurity experts. Wake up people!”

Here in Harrod’s Creek, no information about the impact of this super big secret has reached us.

We assume the reporter to whom Mr. McAfee revealed this cogent, lucid statement did not die of heart failure.

That good. We think.

Stephen E Arnold, October 7, 2018

Surf with Freedom: China, Iran, Russia, and Other Countries May Not Notice

October 5, 2018

How does this sound to you?

Intra included the following feature list:

• Free access to websites and apps blocked by DNS manipulation
• No limits on data usage and it won’t slow down your internet connection
• Open source
• Keep your information private – Intra doesn’t track the apps you use or websites you visit
• Customize your DNS server provider — use your own or pick from popular providers

You can get the scoop by reading “On Protected: Your Connection Is Protected from DNS Attacks.”

The service is provided by Jigsaw, an outfit under the wing of Google.

The article explains:

With Intra, they’ve created an app that protects against DNS manipulation. This is an app for the world to access the entire internet without, for example, government censorship.

For now this is an Android app, which may be a mobile phone operating system less of a hurdle for some surveillance activities. Of course, authorities in China, Iran, and Russia will remain unaware of this Google-centric app. I wonder if anyone in the US will notice?

Nah, probably not. I like the warnings issued to me by my browsers about unsafe sites, and I think the outcomes of DNS manipulations are interesting.

Stephen E Arnold, October 5, 2018

Google: A Small Fine, Fuschia, and Maybe Some KaiOS

July 23, 2018

A modest fine from the EU and the buzz about a replacement for Android have not slowed Google’s innovative pace. With Android on most mobile phones, Google is seeking a way to refuel its mobile ad goals. The future may be Fuschia, but Google seems to want a Plan B.

The need to ensure internet access in emerging markets is one key factor in a recent financial decision by Google, we learn from the International Business Times’ article, “Why Is Google Funding Feature Phone Operating System KaiOS?” Writer Mike Luces reports that Google has made a Series A investment of $22 million in Kai Technologies, maker of an operating system that already powers some 40 million feature phones around the world. The article observes:

“,,, KaiOS stated that Google made the investment to ensure that new feature phones will have access to the internet, especially those sold in emerging markets. ‘This funding will help us fast-track development and global deployment of KaiOS-enabled smart feature phones, allowing us to connect the vast population that still cannot access the internet, especially in emerging markets,’ KaIOS CEO Sebastian Codeville said. KaiOS is currently powering the feature phones manufactured by TCL, HMD Global and Micromax. Google has already developed apps for KaiOS, so this new investment is seen as the tech giant’s way of ensuring its presence in the feature phone market without really developing and releasing hardware. Google is instead bringing its famous Android apps to KaiOS, including Google Maps, YouTube, Google Search and even its smart assistant, Google Assistant.”

Luces also observes that the moves takes place as the smartphone market in general appears to be slowing down. Another important item of information—KaiOS phones already outnumber iPhones in India, a huge market. We are interested to see what affects this investment will have. Founded in 2016, Kai Technologies is based in San Diego and maintains facilities in several cities. They are also hiring right now, in case anyone is interested.

The Beyond Search team assumes that Margrethe Vestager may be interested in KaiOS.

Cynthia Murrell, July 23, 2018

WhatsApp: Electronic Messages Exert Force

July 11, 2018

WhatsApp, the social messaging wunderkind app, has been making major headway in the market, nearing usage rates of early Facebook and Twitter. Nowhere is WhatsApp making a greater impact than in Brazil, where the political landscape itself is being transformed via the app, as we discovered in a recent Washington Post story, “WhatsApp is Upending the of Unions in Brazil, Next it May Transform Politics.”

According to the story:

“Nearly two-thirds of Brazil’s 200 million people use WhatsApp to share memes, set up meetings and, increasingly, vent about politics. Now, the messaging app is helping Brazilians undermine established power structures, injecting a level of unpredictability and radicalization into a country beset by economic and political crises.”

It’s not just Brazil that is being impacted by WhatsApp and its ability to connect people. The South American nation is only one of a handfuls of examples, many of the life-and-death variety. For example, The Guardian claims that several political activists embedded in repressive regimes have been using WhatsApp to skirt punishment and organize groups aimed at upending the government. This is promising news and a great example of the disruption that many Silicon Valley startups envisioned when they created their social media platforms. Three cheers for more of this.

Patrick Roland, July 11, 2018

Dark Purpose Apps: Are These a Big New Thing?

June 23, 2018

Very few apps are made with the intent to cause harm to others, but that doesn’t stop criminals from using good apps for bad purposes. What seemed to have started with stories of people having their homes robbed after posting vacation photos on Facebook has taken a darker turn, as we discovered in a recent New York Times piece, “Hundreds of Apps Can Empower Stalkers to Track Their Victims.”

According to the story:

“More than 200 apps and services offer would-be stalkers a variety of capabilities, from basic location tracking to harvesting texts and even secretly recording video, according to a new academic study. More than two dozen services were promoted as surveillance tools for spying on romantic partners, according to the researchers and reporting by The New York Times.”

Oddly, these apps are also being used by many dark web deviants who are suffering under increased government and law enforcement crackdowns of their domains. Several dark web criminals have switched to very public apps to evade police, much like a bank robber escaping into a crowd to lose the cops. Look for more stories like this in the future as criminals find more ways to exploit the tools and apps we all use everyday.

Patrick Roland, June 23, 2018

Talking to Software: Policeware Vendors Ignored This Next Big Thing

June 9, 2018

On the flight from somewhere in Europe to Kentucky, I reflected on the demonstrations, presentations, and sales pitches to which I was exposed at a large international law enforcement and intelligence conference.

I realized that none of the presenters or enthusiastic marketers tried to tell me about chatbots. The term refers to a basket of technologies that allow a user to ignore tapping or keyboarding to get actionable information.

When the flight landed, I noted a link in my feed stream to “Chatbots Were the Next Big Thing: What Happened?” My personal experience from four days of talking to humans and listening to explainers was that chatbots were marginalized, maybe left in the office file cabinet.

The write up states:

…Who would monopolize the field, not whether chatbots would take off in the first place:

“Will a single platform emerge to dominate the chatbot and personal assistant ecosystem?”

One year on, we have an answer to that question.


Because there isn’t even an ecosystem for a platform to dominate.

That seems clear.

The write up points out that chatbots were supposed to marginalize applications. One of the more interesting items of information in the article is a collection of chatbots stuck for an answer.

Net net: Like quantum computing, smart software has potential. But technologies with potential have been just around the corner for many years.

Marketing, confident assertions, and bold predictions are one thing. Delivering high value results remains a different task.

Stephen E Arnold, June 9, 2018

Want Mobile Traffic? New Tactics May Be Needed

May 30, 2018

I read “Mobile Direct Traffic Eclipses Facebook.” Like any research, I like to know the size of the sample, the methodology, and the “shaping” which the researchers bring to the project. To answer these questions, one must see other sources cited in the write up, including Nieman Lab, which appears to be recycling Chartbeat data. In short, I don’t know much about the research design or other aspects of the research.

Nevertheless, I noted a handful of statements or “facts” which on the surface struck me as interesting. The study data appear to support the assertion that “mobile does not equal social”.

First, the study reports that “mobile direct to traffic has surpassed Facebook.” I think this means that if those in the sample use a mobile device, some of those users use an app or a browser to go directly to a site. At first glance, Facebook seems to be a major player but it is, according to the survey, trending down from being the gateway to information for some mobile device users.

Second, the write up points out sites offering “content” are not losing visitors. On one hand, the finding suggests that Facebook is not a gateway trending upwards. I have seen reports suggesting that Facebook has been negatively affected by the Cambridge Analytica matter, but I have also seen reports which assert that Facebook is adding users. Which is it? That’s the question, isn’t it?

Third, the Chartbeat data put Google as the leading source of traffic to sites. What this means is that the “gap” between Facebook and Google as referrers seems to be getting bigger. Bad news for Facebook and good news for Google if the data are accurate.

Several observations:

  • The data, if accurate, make it clear that Google and its Android operating system have a clear path to the barn
  • Facebook may have to begin the process of adapting to mobile users who do not use Facebook as the gateway to the Internet (whatever that ends up being)
  • Governments interested in censoring certain content streams have a crude road map for determine what online destinations should be cut off from the information superhighway. (The law enforcement addiction to Facebook and Twitter may require some special treatment at clinics run by Google and high traffic destinations accessed via an app.)

To sum up, if the data in the Chartbeat report are accurate, changes are underway. Some positive, some negative. There is, however, that “if.”

Stephen E Arnold, May 30, 2018

Mobile Search: The Google Focus

May 28, 2018

SEO is the ultimate moving target. Just as you get a hunch about what algorithms are looking for in order to boost rankings, the algorithms and parameters change and you practically have to start from scratch. It’s a convoluted world to navigate fresh and we were pleased to find a really competent explanation of the latest landscape change, the Mobile First Index, in a recent Search Engine Watch story, “Google’s Mobile First Index: Six Actions to Minimize Risk and Maximize Ranking Opportunities.”

According to the story:

“In any period of uncertainty there are opportunities to take advantage of and risks to manage – and in competitive SEO niches, taking every chance to get ahead is important… “Whatever your starting point – the mobile-first index is the new normal in SEO, and now is the time to get to grips with the challenge – and potential.”

Your starting point, it seems, should involve voice search. Another compelling article makes the point that the ideal pairing of Mobile First Indexing is voice search. Watch for this massive shift to happen rapidly. Critics have been eyeing the future of voice search for a while and now the pieces are finally in place.

Old fashioned keyword search seems to be less and less relevant.

Patrick Roland, May 28, 2018

Mobile Phone Usage Insights?

May 20, 2018

I read “Students Spend Four to Seven Hours on Phones, Check Them 150 Times a Day, Study Finds.” These types of reports interest me. “Students” refers to a sample drawn from 20 “central universities” (whatever that means) and 200 students. How were these “students” lured into interviews? Self selection, money, or the joy of having a chance to share their behaviors. These are behaviors, I wish to point out, already known to certain organizations monitoring mobile phone usage.

I highlighted several pieces of “real” data which I found interesting:

  • The sample comes from India. How closely to these behavior patterns match the actions of a similar sample in Italy or the United States?
  • The study included the word “hedonism.” That’s a great word and strikes me as one design
  • 26 percent of those in the sample “use smartphones to make calls”
  • 63 percent use a smartphone for four to seven hours each day

The point I found interesting, assuming that it is statistically valid, is that almost one fourth of those in the sample use a smartphone more than eight hours per day.

Perhaps a career as an eye doctor is one to consider?

Stephen E Arnold, May 20, 2018

DarkCyber Profiles the Grayshift iPhone Unlocking Appliance

April 5, 2018

DarkCyber has released a special video report about Grayshift’s iPhone unlocking device for law enforcement forensics professionals. The GrayKey device unlocks most iPhones quickly and without the need to ship the suspect’s mobile phone off site.

The video is available on Vimeo at https://vimeo.com/262858305.

The video covers the pricing for the iPhone unlocker and its key features. Plus, the video product overview identifies the challenges that Grayshift will have to overcome if it wants to become the preferred provider of plug-and-unlock iPhone devices.

Stephen E Arnold said, “Grayshift’s GrayKey is important because it offers an easy-to-use iPhone unlocking system. Four digit passcode protected devices can be unlocked in two to three hours. Apple mobiles with six digit passcodes can be unlocked in two to three days. The device can be used in a mobile forensics lab and costs a fraction of some competitive solutions. GrayKey looks like the right product at the right time and at the right price.”

DarkCyber is a weekly video new program for law enforcement, intelligence, and security professionals. The special report series will focus on a single product, service, or technical innovation.

This is a special report in his CyberOSINT Tools series. These special reports will be issued when notable products, services, or technologies become available to law enforcement and intelligence professionals.

Stephen E Arnold is the author of “Dark Web Notebook” and “CyberOSINT: Next Generation Information Access.” He has been named as a technology adviser to the UK based Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse.” Mr. Arnold also lectures to law enforcement and intelligence professionals attending the Telestrategies ISS conferences in Prague, Washington, DC, and Panama City, Panama. In recent months, he has shared his research with law enforcement and intelligence professionals in the US and Europe. His most recent lectures focus on deanonymizing chat and digital currency transactions. One hour and full day programs are available via webinars and on-site presentations.

Kenny Toth, April 5, 2018

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