Quote to Note: Magical Blekko Search

November 7, 2010

Here’s a quote that caught my attention. No, it is not the “magical” reference. I found the passage in “How to Use Blekko to Rock at Your Job”L

As a regular and heavy user of Custom Search Engines, I’ve got some ideas about why most people are unlikely to appreciate the beauty and power of Blekko.

I don’t have a strong opinion about any search system today. What I find interesting is that search and retrieval that requires “work” or “effort” on the part of the user, appeals to a segment of the great searching unwashed. The big revenue seems to be flowing to “we think for you” systems. With Google grappling with hundreds of Angry Bird legal eagles, maybe there is a chance for an alternative Web search system. To achieve that financial pay dirt, I hope that users “appreciate the beauty and power of Blekko.”

Great quote.

Stephen E Arnold, November 8, 2010


Yahoo Is Tired, Miserable

October 19, 2010

That’s one way to characterize the outfit that blew off Microsoft and $45 billion. I was thinking of a different word, but I am not a professional newspaper info thing. Point your browser at “Yahoo Used to Be a Giant. Now It’s Down to Its Last Hurrah”, please. Note this passage:

Will somebody please put Yahoo, the fading internet star, out of its misery?

They shoot horses, don’t they? I quite like the reference to “fruity” as well. Sweet. Tangy. Not salty.

Stephen E Arnold, October 19, 2010


Quote to Note: Google and Humans

October 14, 2010

Quote to note. There are lots of references to the Google statement “get up to the creepy line.” A contender but not a keeper in my opinion. Point your browser thing to “Eric Schmidt: Google’s Policy Is To “Get Right Up To The Creepy Line And Not Cross It“. Here’s the quote that I wanted to capture.

Just yesterday, we [Business Insider] were speaking to a Googler about the limits of machine translation. “Humans understand things that we don’t,” he explained.

Yep, Google and then humans.

Stephen E Arnold, October 14, 2010

Freebie from a goose, neither Google nor human

Quote to Note: Free Stuff like Search

September 16, 2010

Here’s a quote to note from Metafilter:

If you are not paying for it, you’re not the customer; you’re the product being sold.
posted by blue_beetle at 1:41 PM on August 26 [115 favorites]

Nice, Blue Beetle.

Stephen E Arnold, September 16, 2010


Quote to Note: Google, Android, iPhone, and Time

July 16, 2010

Quote to note: Today’s quote to note appeared in “Google: ‘We Did Not Follow Apple into Phone Market.’” The addled goose has no position on this issue. The reason has to do with the meaning of “market”. Google’s patent applications prior to 2008 include what the Colbert Report might call “phone-iness.” However, “market” can mean available to anyone able to reach the counter in an ATT or Apple store and push a pile of money toward the ever efficient clerks. Anyway here’s the quote to note:

“We had been working on Android a very long time, with the notion of producing phones that are Internet enabled and have good browsers and all that because that did not exist in the marketplace. I think that [Steve Jobs’] characterization of us entering after is not really reasonable.”

Now what’s reasonable mean? Telling a country what to do? Rewriting history the way a certain famous Georgian did? Interpreting research as being in a market? See why the goose was such a lousy student. Maybe Apple’s Board of Directors learned about phones from a certain Board member? I just thought it was a “me too” play.

Stephen E Arnold, July 16, 2010


Quote to Note: Google on Telco Push

February 21, 2010

PC World snagged an alleged quote from top Googler, Eric Schmidt. This struck me as a keeper. You can find the source of the alleged quote in the story “Google CEO Has No Plans to Compete With Mobile Operators”. Here’s the statement:

“We are not going to be investing in broad-scale infrastructure,” Schmidt said. “It’s a very tough business and it’s not one for which we are very well optimized…. “We don’t want people to discriminate between different providers of the same kind of media,”

Good stuff!

Stephen E Arnold, February 18, 2010

No one paid me to highlight this alleged quote. The word “alleged” means that I should report this lack of compensation to the Department of Justice, masters of the use of the world “alleged” I have heard.

Quote to Note: The Future of Google Revealed

February 19, 2010

I find it interesting to learn how others interpret Googlespeak. In “CEO Eric Schmidt at World Mobile Congress: Google’s Future is in the Enterprise”, I spotted this alleged quote as a potential quote to note:

Schmidt’s reference to the enterprise is not ground shaking news. But it is noteworthy in its mention at an event as significant as the World Mobile Congress. Google may have offered an olive branch to the mobile operators but in the background are a number of issues that could have ramifications for Google’s strategy to be the king of the enterprise.

I want to hang on to this statement.

Stephen E Arnold, February 19, 2010

No one paid me to create a note card as a blog post. I suppose I report this type of research-like action to the National Science Foundation, where the cutting edge is in the future.

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