MetaVis Rolls Out Another Organizational Tool for SharePoint

December 7, 2012

SharePoint’s stronghold shows through in recent news about MetaVis. MetaVis Technologies offers organizational tools for SharePoint and they are rolling out a new governance solution for an upcoming conference. The press release, “MetaVis to Preview New SharePoint Governance Tool at SharePoint Conference 2012” discusses the latest and greatest from this company.

The release discusses the boom in information and data we are experiencing. However, the statement that content growth is happening at an exponential rate is no surprise to anyone. Two words: big data.

In response, MetaVis serves up Informant for SharePoint, software designed to analyze content, identify sensitive information and enforce compliance standards or governance policies in the file system, SharePoint or Office 365.

Market Watch also discusses the accumulation of more file sharing and storing options:

“As a result, more and more content is uncontrolled and unmanaged by a company’s IT department which can lead to information leaks, security breaches and compliance risks. MetaVis Informant for SharePoint helps mitigate these risks by providing a convenient and familiar way of crawling, analyzing, reporting, and taking action across enterprise data.”

Is there a need for an entire company to tackle add-ons for an existing software solution? With the multiple tools for organizing SharePoint that MetaVis offers, it sounds like SharePoint can be a challenging system to manage.

Megan Feil, December 07, 2012

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Possible SharePoint and Lync Server Price Increases

November 30, 2012

It is rumored that SharePoint and Lync Server prices will increase, but Caroline Donnelly says enterprise users may end up better off. She discusses the claim in the ITPro article, “Microsoft Users Warned of Upcoming SharePoint and Lync Server Price Hikes.” Richard Gibbons, software manager at Microsoft reseller Bechtle Direct says that SharePoint prices may go from £4,000 at the moment, so an extra £1,500 for 2013. This is added:

Gibbons was quick to point out that end users who stump up for the 2013 versions of Sharepoint and Lync from 1 December will be rewarded with extra functionality, which might make the price hikes a little easier for some end users to swallow.

For instance, Microsoft has introduced changes that mean end users will no longer need to purchase additional SharePoint for Internet licenses, which allow external users to access the software.

And while the added functionality comes at a cost for Standard users, enterprise users already having the features could end up paying less. The price hike doesn’t necessarily come as a surprise, but the amount may be hard for many to justify. To save resources, consider evaluating your third party tools and streamlining your systems. Fabasoft Mindbreeze offers Enterprise Search with SharePoint Connectors so to easily snap into your existing farm. In addition to all-inclusive search, Mindbreeze creates relevant knowledge by storing data according to type and relevance while processing data in a comprehensible form at a fair price.

Philip West, November 30, 2012

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Top 25 Most Influential People in the Microsoft SharePoint Community

November 28, 2012

In “These are the Top 25 Microsoft SharePoint Influencers for 2012,” Mark Fidelman discusses the community around SharePoint and those influencers leading the way. The top 25 were chosen based on the social scoring system outlined in the book, Socialized!. Numbers one and two on the list are discussed:

Joel Oleson (number one on the list this year) created a public facing micro-community on Yammer called SPYam to discuss and support SharePoint and Yammer. The community rallied around the Microsoft acquisition and in an attempt to learn about it – then quickly started using it in a highly visible way. You can’t buy community members like him.

Mark Miller number #2 on the list, helped organize a world SharePoint promotional tour which helped to expand the community base.

The SharePoint community is a major benefit of the software platform. The article points out that the community has grown stronger and more influential given increase in numbers and strength from year to year. Along with using the SharePoint community, you may also want to use a third party tool to fill in any gaps in the software. Fabasoft Mindbreeze offers a proven enterprise search solution with the benefit of a SharePoint Connector. The Connector links systems for enterprise-wide information access with faceted search, a familiar user interface, search results that can easily be processed into actionable information, and more.

Philip West, November 28, 2012

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Synata Unveils SAAS for the Enterprise

November 22, 2012

Synata is a San Francisco start-up that is soon to unveil as disruptive search platform for the enterprise cloud.  As part of their efforts, they are seeking the opinions of major users of the following services: LinkedIn, Google Apps, and Zendesk.  The San Francisco Chronicle gives the full perspective in, “San Francisco Startup Bringing Enterprise Search to the Cloud, Looking to Talk to Salesforce, LinkedIn, Zendesk, and Google Apps Users.”

Patrick White, the founder of Synata, gives his overview of the product:

‘Call it decision-point data, or real-time insight, or anything you want, but we’re going to make it insanely simple to search across your cloud data sources easily and get answers quickly.’ said Patrick White, Co-founder and CEO . . . But, the vision for Synata isn’t just about search – it’s also about giving users a really elegant way view data about a single topic or person, even when that data comes from a lot of different places. Eventually the platform will allow users to answer hard questions and find connections in their data they never knew were there.

It looks like Synata is doing two things: enterprise search and Web site search.  We have not had much experience with this new product, but it seems like Fabasoft Mindbreeze might already be tackling both of these tasks.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze Insite offers Cloud based maintenance-free Web site search for your public facing sites.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise offers an enterprise search solutions that works as a standalone piece or serves as a compliment to an existing Sharepoint infrastructure.  Either way, service is quick, customer-oriented, and cost-efficient.  New and exciting names and ideas will continue to pop up in the enterprise world, but sometimes its good to stick to the ones that you know, like Fabasoft Mindbreeze.

Emily Rae Aldridge, November 22, 2012

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Metalogix Announces Migration Tool for SharePoint 2013 Upgrade

November 20, 2012

Metalogix recently launched Content Matrix 6.0, a new take on the former Migration Manager product. Details of the tool can be read in, “Speeding, Easing SharePoint Migration.” Content Matrix aims to provide power, speed, and flexibility to upgrade to SharePoint 2013 from any previous version. The product is explained:

Content Matrix 6.0 is designed to simplify an organization’s content experience, including moving to the cloud. In addition to SharePoint migration, architects and administrators can migrate file shares and documents from legacy enterprise content management (ECM) systems and keep SharePoint content organized in a high fidelity and ongoing basis. Further, content owners have more control over content directly from the SharePoint user interface.

The company is also introducing SharePoint 4.0, which offers the ability to automatic and continuously back up unstructured SharePoint content. The tool may be worth looking into for a migration option. You may also want to consider a more comprehensive solution, especially for reducing content storage sprawl and adding structure to your vast unstructured data. Fabasoft Mindbreeze integrates knowledge from all sections of a company into a uniform, linked whole hub of business information. With the added benefit of a SharePoint connector, Mindbreeze snaps seamlessly into existing systems to extend capabilities and efficiently create relevant business knowledge.

Philip West, November 20, 2012

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SharePoint 2013 Walk Through from Search Technologies

November 16, 2012

With the recent release of SharePoint 2013 to manufacturing clients as well as volume licensing customers, people are struggling to find information about the product to prepare for the transition.

New information is available about SharePoint 2013’s search capabilities in a recent blog post from Search Technologies. The post, “Search for SharePoint 2013,” provides a high-level summary and a functional walk-through of the capabilities, including crawling, content and analytics processing, and query processing.

The article also breaks down the main headlines about the release:

“The FAST search technology, acquired by Microsoft in 2008, is at the heart of SharePoint 2013

Technologies and ideas from Bing and elsewhere have been added to the mix to provide a comprehensive set of enterprise search capabilities, with plenty of room for customization

It includes a rules-based query parsing framework

Pricing has not yet been formally announced, but it is generally assumed that this search functionality will be a standard part of SharePoint 2013.”

We found the information on SharePoint which is available at this site to be informative and easy to digest. Browsing the blog brought up numerous other points of specialties in the IT services and search engine field of expertise. Other articles can be found at We recommend adding this blog to your must-read list.

Andrea Hayden, November 16, 2012

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Azaleos Survey Reveals Increased SharePoint Adoption but also Challenges

November 16, 2012

SharePoint adoption continues to grow and remain high according to an Azaleos Corporation and Osterman Research survey. The survey also revealed some inhibitors to greater SharePoint growth, including lack of administrative skills, training, and knowledge for current staff members. HeraldOnline weighs in on the findings in the article, “SharePoint Cost of Ownership Jumped 16 Percent in 2012 Finds Osterman Research.” This is added about possible challenges:

’According to Osterman Research, SharePoint is still an extremely high growth platform, but soaring management costs, coupled with insufficient staffing levels and training are leading to performance and satisfaction issues. This is threatening its momentum,’ said Scott Gode, vice president of product management and marketing for Azaleos. ‘To derive maximum business value from SharePoint enterprises need to reevaluate current approaches to systems administration and storage management in order to reduce costs. In addition, SharePoint governance should be given a much higher level of priority by both IT and business leadership.’

The author adds that staffing cut backs and poor governance are also challenges for organizations. The article highlights some important SharePoint issues you may want to consider when evaluating your approach to the ubiquitous platform. One approach worth looking at is a cost-effective third party solution to extend SharePoint capabilities, like Mindbreeze. Mindbreeze facilitates the comprehensive incorporation of all electronic data repositories and connects seamlessly with SharePoint. And with an intuitive user interface, users will find can easily adapt.

Philip West, November 16, 2012

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New KnowledgeLake Capture Features Announced

November 14, 2012

KnowledgeLake, Inc., headquartered in St. Louis, develops document imaging related products and solutions for Microsoft SharePoint. In the press release, “KnowledgeLake Continues to Advance the Capabilities of Capture Solution for Microsoft SharePoint,” some new KnowledgeLake capabilities are announced. The author states:

Tightly integrated with Microsoft SharePoint, KnowledgeLake Capture enables end users to easily scan and index documents and store them in the appropriate SharePoint repository. A few of the new developments added to the robust solution include the ability to scan and index documents faster, scan multiple batches at a time, added language support and advances to prioritization functionality.

This is also added about Capture capabilities:

Capture’s sophisticated Batch Processing and Monitoring, allow for multiple documents of many different types to be scanned, viewed and indexed efficiently.

It seems like KnowledgeLake is making a few strides in SharePoint solution development. But when it comes to extending SharePoint capabilities, you may want to consider industry leaders, like Mindbreeze, that provide more than just SharePoint tailored services and have already been offering robust document indexing capabilities. Fabasoft Mindbreeze provides comprehensive access to business knowledge for everyone on the team and is backed by a customer focused support team that shares your purpose. The Microsoft SharePoint and Exchange Connectors facilitate comprehensive incorporation of all your electronic data repositories.

Philip West, November 14, 2012

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Concept Searching Announces Product Compliance with Office 365

November 12, 2012

Concept Searching was founded in 2002 and provides conceptual metadata generation, auto-classification, and powerful taxonomy management from the desktop to the enterprise software. The company recently announced their conceptClassifier product is now available for all Office 365 products. Details of the announcement can be read in, “conceptClassifier for SharePoint Available for Microsoft Office 365.” The announcement is explained:

Prior to this announcement, Office 365 clients have only ever had the ability to tag and classify content to the term store manually, which is at best inconsistent and rarely occurs at all. This has been the biggest barrier to enterprise account adoption. This has in part been due to a number of inherent technical issues that had to be overcome to deploy the solution, including real time synchronization with the term store, a key feature Concept Searching was first to market with for SharePoint 2010.

Martin Garland, President of Concept Searching, adds that this makes Microsoft Office 365 truly enterprise ready. If you are looking for an enterprise search platform with SharePoint connectors, you may want to consider a company that has already been offering and improving on Microsoft and SharePoint capabilities. Fabasoft Mindbreeze offers optimum search and information access capabilities with a full suite of connectors, including SharePoint and Exchange as well as IBM Lotus, RSS/Atom, and more.

Philip West, November 12, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

The Cloud is the Focus of Microsoft Office and Server Products

November 8, 2012

Cloud service capabilities are a major emphasis in the suite of coming Microsoft products, including Office 2013, Exchange, Lync server products, and SharePoint. In “Microsoft’s Wave of Office, Server Product Releases Brings Flood of Questions,” Jonathan Hassell discusses the newest Microsoft release of products and poses some questions about what to expect.

Hassell has this to say on Cloud incorporation:

Dependency on the cloud should not shock you: Hopefully you have been paying attention to Microsoft’s conversations with you about being “all in” with the cloud. Just look at Office for a prime example: For the first time, Office licenses will be sold by subscription directly to consumers; they will download, install and manage it all from

He adds this about SharePoint changes:

By default, SharePoint 2013 runs newly created workflow services on Windows Azure, and you have to install the old Windows Workflow engine on SharePoint 2013 instances in order to run previously used workflows.

The author also warns that if your company has not embraced the cloud yet, you may want to get in the game because it is no doubt the dominating feature in the next wave. Hassell’s article is worth a look for some valid questions to pose your IT team as you ready for the changes.

If you’re weighing enterprise search applications for your existing SharePoint investments, you may also want to look up Mindbreeze. Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise gains each employee two weeks per year through focused finding of data, a competitive business advantage and added bonus to employee satisfaction. With SharePoint connectors, the Mindbreeze solution seamlessly integrates into your system and gives users the ability to be well informed, quickly and efficiently.

Philip West, November 8, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

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