Community Discussion on Microsoft Suite of 2013 Preview Releases

August 9, 2012

Kurt Mackie comments on the new SharePoint 2013 in his recent Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine post, “Microsoft Releases Previews of Office 2013, SharePoint 2013, and Exchange 2013.”

Mackie explains the recent preview releases from Microsoft:

Those previews include 2013 versions of SharePoint, Exchange, Lync, Office Web Apps Server, Project, Visio and Office Professional Plus. Microsoft has a single portal for downloading those trial applications, which can be found at its new Office site page here. Those releases come a day after Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Kirk Koenigsbauer, corporate vice president of the Microsoft Office Division, officiated over the launch of the next Office 365, which includes an actual service-enabled version of the full Microsoft Office productivity suite.

The author also discusses possible points of confusion among Office 365 as a service and as a premises-installed Office version. Only recently has Office 365 become cloud enabled. Mackie finishes up his article with a few comments on SharePoint 2013 and Exchange 2013 improvements, with enhanced social networking capabilities in SharePoint being a highlight. With the community buzzing about the new releases, the read may be worth it for you to stay in the loop.

But while you consider migrating options to new versions and new features, look to enrich your system now with a comprehensive and lean solution. Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise provides consistent and comprehensive information access to both corporate and Cloud sources. The seamless Cloud solution makes sure you find the right information you need at any time. Check out the full suite of solutions at Fabasoft Mindbreeze.

Philip West, August 9, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

Maximizing Web Site Search with Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite

August 8, 2012

Fabasoft Mindbreeze is now offering an intuitive Web site search to compliment their industry leading enterprise search technology, Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite.  Now meaningful search can extend outside of your organizational walls and benefit those who you are most eager to impress, your customers.

Read the sound advice of Michael Biebl, Fabasoft Mindbreeze developer, in, “Secure Website Search in the Cloud.”

Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite is our product to empower websites with professional high-end search cababilities. We offer InSite as a Cloud service and for on premise installation. Today, I would like to show how you can adapt the search-experience by defining views.  Views allow you to group search results by search queries. It’s a really great and simple concept and you can adapt your search results without any need for server configuration. The following 5 scenarios should get you started on the topic, but we are open for your views as well.

Whether you are eager to use the benefits of a cloud installation, or you prefer the stability of an on-site installation, Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite is a hassle-free way to increase the efficiency of your Web presence without increasing your workload.  A commitment-free 28 day trial is currently available.  In a world of bad public-facing Web site search, pleasantly surprise your customers with a helpful and intuitive search function.

Emily Rae Aldridge, August 8, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

Track the Output of SharePoint Fast Search Crawl Logs

August 7, 2012

Do you need to pull SharePoint Fast Search crawl logs? We do. We read with interest an item on Microsoft’s TechNet Web site. “Get SharePoint Search Crawl Logs” provides an almost ready-to-run script which will accept a search service name and display the associated crawl logs. If there is a crawl log with an error, the script flags that instance. To script can be edited so that it returns different information from the crawly logs. In order to make this tweak, the $crawlLogFilters can be edited.

SharePoint Fast usually does an excellent job of processing content. However, some documents can be malformed or an unexpected network issue can arise. As a result, certain content can be skipped or ignored. A visual inspection of crawl logs is not practical when SharePoint is processing large volumes of content.

If you want to view the crawl logs, TechNet provides a wealth of information. A good place to begin your investigation is in the TechNet Library. If you want to expOrt the SharePoint 2010 search crawl logs, you will find a useful Powershell script in Dave Mc’s Blog in the article “Export the SharePoint 2010 Search Crawl Log.” MSDN also provides information about exporting SharePoint 2010 search crawl logs. To access this information, navigate to the SharePoint Escalation Team’s blog.

Search Technologies’ team of experienced engineers can provide automation tools which eliminate the need to search for solutions to common problems. To learn more about our SharePoint and FFast Search implementation services, navigate to or contact us at

Iain Fletcher, August 7, 2012

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Discussion on Plans for SharePoint 2013 Migrations

August 7, 2012

In “Migrating to SharePoint 2013,” Chris Wright speculates on the new SharePoint release, potential adoption rates, Cloud versus on-premises deployments, and third party options. The author points out that those users of SharePoint Online have a relatively clear upgrade path without much to worry about. However, he adds this about on-premises users:

On-premises users of SharePoint have a much bigger decision to make, and more traditional upgrade options. Early commentators suggest that the full locally installed version of SharePoint has seen slightly less focus than the cloud version. The biggest areas of improvement are web content management, enterprise content management and search.

Wright also suggests that if all else fails, look into a third party migration tool for an easier solution. Third party tools should not be overlooked when adding value to your SharePoint system. We like the feedback we’ve seen about Fabasoft Mindbreeze. Here you can read about the mobility solutions from Mindbreeze:

Fabasoft Mindbreeze Mobile makes company knowledge available on all mobile devices. You can act freely, independently and yet always securely. Irrespective of what format the data is in. Full functionality: Search results are displayed homogenously to the web client with regards to clear design and intuitive navigation.

And with information pairing of your cloud and on-premise data, users can easily access important business information on the go from their smartphones and tablets. The well-established and cost-effective solution is worth a second look at

Philip West, August 7, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

Perfecting Web Site Semantics

August 6, 2012

Web site search is most often frustrating, and at its worst, a detriment to customers and commerce.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze, a company heralded for its advances in enterprise search, is bringing its semantic specialization to the world of Web site search with Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite.  Daniel Fallmann, Fabasoft Mindbreeze CEO, highlights the features of the new product in his blog entry, “4 Points for Perfect Website Semantics.”

Fallmann lays out the problem:

The problem: Standard search machines, in particular the one provided by CMS, are unproductive and don’t consider the website’s sophisticated structure. The best example: enter the search term ‘product’ and the search delivers no results, even though product is its own category on the site. Even if the search produces a result for another term, there’s nothing more than a ‘relatively un-motivating list of links,’ not really much help to a website visitor.

Using semantics in the search means that the Web site is being understood, not just keyword searched.  Automatic indexing preserves the existing site structure, while providing hassle-free search for the customer.  In addition, InSite benefits the Web site developer, in that he/she can see how users are navigating the site and which elements are most often searched.

The attractive “behind-the-scenes” functioning of Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite means that customers benefit from the intuitive, semantic search without the distraction of a clunky search layer.  Satisfy your customers and your developers by exploring InSite today.

Emily Rae Aldridge, August 6, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

Brief Recap of Office 2013 Preview Features

August 3, 2012

In “Capturing the Highlights of Office 2013,” some of the main features from the recently released Office 2013 preview are discussed. The author has this to share on new social capabilities:

Microsoft has enhanced the social networking capabilities in SharePoint 2013 and plans to integrate Yammer’s enterprise social networking capabilities when that acquisition closes. Microsoft announced a $US1.2 billion purchase of Yammer in June. There are new social networking features in SharePoint 2013 that provide Facebook-like ways to follow, “like”, and reply to the status of files, sites, tags, and users. The software will suggest items to follow and can aggregate outside feeds from Facebook and LinkedIn.

SkyDrive Pro, team folders, and Case Management site features set for SharePoint 2013 are also discussed. The brief read may be worth a glance to keep up with the new features coming in Office 2013 suite.

SharePoint is a powerful and complex system, and new features are exciting. But an out-of-the-box system is rarely comprehensive. For a lean and complete solution in your SharePoint environment, check out Fabasoft Mindbreeze. Here you can read about the power of information pairing.

Fabasoft Mindbreeze:

 . . . smoothly integrates itself into your website so that the user doesn’t even realize that Cloud services are working in the background. Furthermore, InSite always knows what a user is interested in. Navigation behavior on the website serves as the basis for recognizing their interests. If the user finds themselves on one of your sub-pages on the topic mobility for example, even at this level Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite still displays further information such as blogs, news, Wikipedia etc. on the relevant topic.

Check out the full suite of solutions at Mindbreeze to see what works for you.

Philip West, August 3, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

Customers Value Effective Web Site Search

August 2, 2012

A successful Web site search is essential in today’s market.  Customers expect a pleasant appearance, intuitive interface, and effective search in public facing Web sites.  Those features can all be added with the least amount of effort by choosing Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSiteFabasoft Mindbreeze has long been a leader in enterprise search, but the newer InSite product enables customers to access effective search, outside your organization’s enterprise.

Registration is easy and includes a free 28 day trial.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite will crawl your site and complete an index of your content.

Read what one customer, Dr. Manfred Weiss of Computerwelt, is saying:

We want to stand out from the crowd with a top internet presence. Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite is part of this strategy. Our readers value the service of a perfect search. Regardless of which of our portals the information is on, Mindbreeze finds it. Since the search function is operated as a Cloud service, we save time and money.

Do not worry about installation or configuration.  Complete your registration now and let Fabasoft Mindbreeze do the work for you.  Organizing your enterprise is no longer enough, set yourself apart from the pack by presenting an efficient search on your public facing Web site with Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite.

Emily Rae Aldridge, August 2, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

SharePoint 2013 System Requirements

August 1, 2012

Bjorn Furuknap is again hot on the trail of recent SharePoint activity.  With the release of SharePoint 2013, much discussion has taken place surrounding system requirements.  While Microsoft initially made a report that requirements would not change from 2010, it seems that is not entirely truthful when referring to SharePoint Server 2013.

Furuknap gives the rundown:

Short story: If you plan on doing development work on SharePoint Server 2013, you need a minimum of 24 GB of RAM. That’s assuming you are NOT going to need Visual Studio, which will only add to that number.

Wow, we were overwhelmed by this number.  Most small organizations are not going to want to invest in a separate and beefed-up machine just for SharePoint Server work.  In addition, customization is discouraged with SharePoint 2013, so developer work will come at more of a premium as well.

For organizations that need to overcome these challenges, we recommend a smart third party solution like Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise.  Serving as a compliment to an existing infrastructure, or as a standalone solution, Mindbreeze can run on the Cloud, is highly scalable, and receives an efficiency update every quarter.  See what users are saying about Fabasoft Mindbreeze, and why they were not willing to settle for SharePoint.

Emily Rae Aldridge, August 1, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

Microsoft and Yammer: Extending SharePoint Functionality

July 31, 2012

Yammer is what an enterprise social network tool; organizations implement it to spur collaboration between users. On the Yammer homepage we found a new application which permits Microsoft SharePoint Integration. After reading the specs, we found on the Microsoft blog about “Yammer-The Next Step for Social Networking In Schools?”

According to the post, Microsoft recently purchased Yammer. The post explains Yammer’s basic functions, the dashboard mirrors Facebook’s design with hints of Twitter. The post digs into how Yammer would be used in schools, basically the same way it would for any company: staff would use to communicate between departments, share content, etc. It can also be a boon for students too:

“We know that group work is a great way to encourage students to engage with their peers, but this isn’t easy when they all use different social networks, clouds and systems. By joining Yammer, students can create secure groups via which they can communicate their ideas, ask questions and share files, as well as allowing for their competitive side to come out through ‘Leaderboards’, which show data about who has received the most likes, replies and much.”

Students can perform group work, receive studying help, share content, and even praise each other within Yammer. While it can be a tool of food for students, it can also make cheating and plagiarism easier if not monitored. Yammer should install an app that will be able to detect plagiarism.

The surge of interest in social content is growing in government agencies, commercial organizations, and educational institutions. However, indexing and making this content
findable can be a challenging task. The tools an organization uses require tight integration with
a search system. Mindbreeze provides capabilities to make social content easily findable within a SharePoint environment. A Yammer style can enhance productivity. Mindbreeze offers a range of social and collaborative features and has the engineering expertise to resolve almost any search and retrieval issue. Check out the Mindbreeze social collaboration Web page for more information.

Whitney Grace, July 31, 2012

Sponsored by Mindbreeze

A View from Mindbreeze Management

July 30, 2012

KM World highlights the leadership of Daniel Fallman as managing director of Austrian based Fabasoft Mindbreeze in, “Mindbreeze, Daniel Fallmann Managing Director: View From the Top.”  KM World is a respected authority in content, document, and knowledge management as well as all things enterprise.

Fabasoft Mindbreeze has been making headway in the American enterprise market, having already made a name for itself in European sectors.

Fallman highlights some of his company’s latest news in the above KM World piece:

The aim of Mindbreeze is to ensure the maximum possible reduction of manual effort in delivering pinpoint accurate information to the user-eliminating the search process to be replaced with an instant finding experience. Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite is a Cloud service that delegates the searching to an invisible dynamic background process-via semantics and information pairing.  The user is simply presented with relevant knowledge.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise consolidates data from enterprise and Cloud sources. The aim of providing an unprecedented level of information is fulfilled by hybrid scenarios that combine enterprise and Cloud information stores.

For SharePoint users who are hesitate about the upcoming 2013 migration, consider a smart third party solution like Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise.  Instead of spending time on advanced customization, and money on developers to do just that, invest in an efficient and intuitive enterprise option.

Emily Rae Aldridge, July 30, 2012

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