SharePoint 2015 Highly Anticipated

May 14, 2012

If you are a follower of Microsoft and its products, you are used to the inherent mystery and anticipation that accompanies its often belabored and long-suffering releases of major software.  Kurt Mackie updates on the latest information on upcoming releases in, “Office and SharePoint ’15’ Expected in Early 2013.”

Veteran Microsoft reporter Mary Jo Foley unearthed a few clues about Microsoft’s product roadmap for this year and the next.  Last week, Foley pointed to two Microsoft charts, reportedly given to partners, that show approximately when we might see certain Microsoft on-premises products and cloud-based services emerge. The documents are a bit dated, originating from Dec. 22, 2011, and lack details about the arrival of Windows 8 and Windows Server 8. However, Microsoft did confirm to Foley that charts were given to partners and show ‘forward-looking information.’

The article goes on to predict that Exchange, Microsoft Office, and SharePoint, all in their “15” versions, are expected for general availability early 2013.  We cannot help but wonder why there is so much pageantry surrounding Microsoft major releases.  For a company with so much pull in the general technology world, it seems smaller more frequent updates would keep them more relevant as the competition grows stiffer.

One third-party solution keeping the competition tight for Microsoft in enterprise search is Fabasoft Mindbreeze.  Mindbreeze is particularly efficient at updating their offerings without major releases that disrupt workflow.  Visit the Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise page to note the changes made available in the quarterly releases over the last couple of years.  Updates to the Cloud enterprise offering are even more frequent and more subtle.

It seems to us that at a certain point a ship does get too big to turn.  This may be where Microsoft is heading, with software offerings so overwhelming that implementers at the local level have to plan months in advance just for an update.  For a software solution that is current, intuitive, and less disruptive, consider a smart third-party solution like Fabasoft Mindbreeze.

Emily Rae Aldridge, May 14, 2012

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EPiServer Snaps Up Enterprise Search Solution Provider 200OK AB

May 14, 2012

EPiServer is trying to figure out how to make content findable– a long standing problem in content management systems, particularly for SharePoint centric systems. To that end, The Wall Street Journal’s Market Watch reports, “EPiServer Acquires 200OK AB, and Enterprise Search Solution Provider.”

The terms of the deal have not been disclosed. The press release explains:

“200OK AB’s ‘Truffler’ product scales to handle large amounts of information — including user data, social and mobile web content, and product and online transaction data. The solution applies next-generation data management strategies, wherein organizing content and unstructured data are key to streamlined content delivery. With this purchase, EPiServer creates the opportunity for organizations to reduce the boundaries between a website and content housed in other sources by making that data available to the business user or content owner.”

200OK AB is based in Sweden. Truffler technology supports a SaaS solution and promises to hasten time-to-market for new online initiatives. It also pledges speedy deployment and short release cycles for new business solutions.

Also headquartered in Sweden, EPiServer was formed in 1994. The Web content management company emphasizes what they call the four C’s of online engagement: content, community, commerce, and communication. They also host EPiServer World, a developer community with over 15,000 members.

Our view: Why not use the PolySpot system?

Cynthia Murrell, May 14, 2012

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Document Management, The Future and the Cloud

May 11, 2012

There is a lot of serious negotiating going on regarding the future of document management and the inevitable movement to the Cloud.  Transitioning to the Cloud eases the burden of ownership and upkeep.  Yet, there are other issues to consider such as security, compliance, and buy-in from employees.  A full discussion is provided in the story, “Does the Future of Document Management Lie in the Cloud?”

The author discusses the needs of IT managers, and even conveys that IT managers are finding their users to have increasingly higher expectations:

They also want secure remote access from anywhere, and not just via computers, either: smartphones, netbooks, and tablet computers must be full participants. Corporate management has its requirements as well: reliable backup and resilient business continuity, so that a localised outage doesn’t leave information workers idle. And both groups never want to be told that storage has filled up.

So how does an organization juggle the needs of user experience, security, compliance, and storage?  Many third-party solutions are emerging that do a good job of attending to all of these needs, while providing continuous updates as the technology progresses.  One such third-party solution that we like is Fabasoft Mindbreeze.  Their Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise solution is highly adaptable and intuitive, all while performing well against the competition in the Cloud.

In its integration with Mindbreeze Insite, Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise utilizes the power of Wikipedia and internal sources to feed public-facing websites.

Mindbreeze InSite integrates itself smoothly into Mindbreeze’s hybrid model. As before in Fabasoft Folio Cloud and Wikipedia, you can now make your own website searchable in the Cloud with InSite and make this data source instantly available to all internal users.

For users who want to move to the Cloud, but are concerned about potentially negative side effects, consider smart third-party solutions such as those offered by Fabasoft Mindbreeze.

Emily Rae Aldridge, May 11, 2012

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SharePoint Users Beware Framesniffers

May 10, 2012

Security is a topic which is getting increased attention, particularly in the SharePoint community. I want to call attention to  “Microsoft SharePoint and LinkedIn Data at Risk from Framesniffing Attacks” from The Safari, Chrome, and Internet Explorer Web browsers are inadvertently allowing hackers to steal information from private Microsoft SharePoint Web sites and mine data from public Web sites like Linked In.

A Framesniffing Attack occurs when a hidden HTML frame loads a target Web site in the hacker’s Web page to mine information about the content and structure of the framed pages. The hacker can then overcome browser securities and read the sensitive information.

As explained in the article:

“Paul Stone, senior security consultant at Context said, “Using Framesniffing, it’s possible for a malicious Web page to run search queries for potentially sensitive terms on a SharePoint server and determine how many results are found for each query. For example, with a given company name it is possible to establish who their customers or partners are; and once this information has been found, the attacker can go on to perform increasingly complex searches and uncover valuable commercial information.”

The problem deals with the X-Frame-Options header that turns off the Web browser framing feature and in SharePoint it is not turned off by default. Microsoft has stated in the next SharePoint version they will set the X-Frame options, but until then, SharePoint gurus, it is up to you to find a solution. If your organization discovers a way to keep its information from prying eyes, you will still need a way to find the data.

Search Technologies implements solutions which are secure and do not impede findability or system performance. For more information, navigate to

Iain Fletcher, May 10, 2012


Staff Sergeant Discusses Managing a SharePoint Implementation Overseas

May 10, 2012

To be able to get the right information to the right people on time and in the right format is key for a successful business, but also imperative in a military situation. We also know that the ubiquitous SharePoint platform can deliver information access in an organization.

On deployment to Afghanistan, Staff Sergeant Jamie Leishman was tasked with managing the vital information flows and data dissemination for over 2000 users across the Brigade. Leishman designed and built a SharePoint service, and the story is shared in the Bdaily Business Network post, “Army Specialist Helping Businesses to Win the Information.”

Ultimately, the deployment of the SharePoint service in Afghanistan significantly improved the ability of the Helmand HQ to process and disseminate information. Leishman said: “One of the key benefits of SharePoint is that it creates a virtual office environment for disparate groups to communicate and collaborate, which is particularly important in military theatre where activity is high tempo and in an ever changing environment. Passing information and orders to people at the right time is critical in the military just as it is in business.

Leishman also comments on the immediate benefits that led to successful user adoption after implementation. SharePoint’s powerful features prove to meet the needs of a variety of customers, including energy firms, airports, government agencies, and nonprofits. But the ubiquitous content management software also has some holes in it, namely search. It seems the search experts at Fabasoft Mindbreeze also understand the importance of meeting customer needs and expectations with clients like the Salzburg City Council and Federal Ministry of Justice in Austria. Dr. Berthold Rauchenschwandtner of the Salzburg City Council has this to say about Mindbreeze:

Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise makes our everyday work easier. Obtaining relevant information fast is something we now take for granted and it has become a key feature of our work and our approach to it. Above all our citizens benefit from it. They receive their information much faster.

Mindbreeze snaps seamlessly into the SharePoint system to give your users an enhanced search and navigation experience with secure, reliable, and efficient action. Read more about the solutions at

Philip West, May 10, 2012

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New SharePoint On-Demand Release from Ascendum Seeks to Ease SharePoint Implementation

May 9, 2012

SharePoint is becoming the industry standard for content management with over 65,000 companies using the software and more than 100 million licenses in place worldwide. In “Ascendum Unveils Latest Innovation: New SharePoint On Demand(TM) Changes the Rules by Taking Away the Hassles but Not the Power of Industry-Leading Platform,” Eric Weissmann discusses a new SharePoint On Demand ™ program that seeks to take the worry and hassle out of managing a SharePoint integration. The release aims to meet the needs for companies that have limited budget and administration resources but are still looking for the full power of the SharePoint platform.

A spokesperson from Ascendum comments on the release:

This simple yet powerful solution will unleash the true power and functionality of the SharePoint platform for our customers,” said Tim Ryan, Ascendum’s Vice President of Business Development. “This new product shows again how we at Ascendum are continuously innovating to meet the needs of the market here in Cincinnati and throughout the Midwest.

Two levels, Basic and Advanced, are available in SharePoint On Demand ™ and each comes with a set amount of administrative time from Ascendum and off-premises hosting. Ascendum is a global IT services firm headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. The firm focuses on IT consulting, application development management, infrastructure management services, talent management, and on-demand services.

The press release is a brief read that may be worth looking at to stay in the loop on the new application that may help your company implement SharePoint. To maximize your SharePoint investments beyond implementation, consider Fabasoft Mindbreeze. Part of the full suite of solutions is the Fabasoft Folio Connector, which provides uniform, reliable management of your digital content. Here is a highlight:

Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise is able to search all data sources connected to the platform simultaneously. In addition to data from, for example, Microsoft Exchange or the file system, the Fabasoft Folio Connector allows to query information objects and documents from Fabasoft Folio, too.

With on-premise and Cloud information pairing capabilities, Mindbreeze provides a comprehensive and enterprise-grade solution that adds rich value to your business knowledge. Read more at Mindbreeze, where they seem to have the benefits of a proper installation down pat.

Philip West, May 9, 2012

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Managing Change and User Adoption during a SharePoint Deployment

May 8, 2012

Symon Garfield discusses transition in the 16th installment of his Art of SharePoint Success series at the Blog. In the article, “The Art of SharePoint Success: Transition – There’s No Such Thing as a SharePoint Project,” Garfield uses Transition as an umbrella term to include change management and user adoption. He also looks at Transition as the fourth element, behind Governance, Strategy, and Architecture, in a four point framework for ensuring long term return on a SharePoint investment.

SharePoint’s potential as a catalyst for a big change in an organization means you need a plan. Garfield explains:

A structured approach means that we have a plan. Transitioning from the current state means that you understand the current situation and know where you are starting from. A desired future state means you know what you are trying to achieve and will recognize when we have done it. A controlled manner means that you have some means of measuring your progress. If you don’t have all of these elements in place then you’re not ready to start.

Because SharePoint can facilitate change in business processes, organizational structures, power shifts, individual behavior, and business relationships, Garfield stresses understanding the different types of change and how to plan for them. For example, an incremental or gradual change, versus a radical or fundamental change, is often the secret to success with SharePoint, according to Garfield. Other types of changes, including organizational versus sub-system and remedial versus developmental, are also covered. Managing change and user adoption is no doubt a challenge for organizations. Garfield brings up some valid points that may be worth the read if you’re implementing a SharePoint system.

To help manage the change, consider a quality third party solution, like Fabasoft Mindbreeze, that gets your users the right information and the right time. Mindbreeze can really get you the most out of your enterprise search investments and extend the capabilities of your SharePoint system. For a deep solution that connects your business information with the Cloud and gives your users the search and navigation experience they need, check out Mindbreeze.

Philip West, May 8, 2012

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SharePoint 2010 Server Administrator Training Opportunities Announced for Multiple Cities

May 7, 2012

Upcoming SharePoint Server Administrator continuing education opportunities are discussed in the recent post, “SharePoint 2010 Server Administrators Training Now Available in Multiple Cities.” The three-day training session titled Introduction to SharePoint 2010 for Server Administrators is scheduled for May 15 – 17 in Nashville; June 5 – 7 in Washington, DC; and June 26 – 28 in Chicago.

The course, which is intended for server administrators seeking to learn best practices for installing, implementing and managing SharePoint 2010 servers, is explained:

The course serves as an introduction to both SharePoint Foundation 2010 (the free edition of SharePoint 2010) and SharePoint Server 2010 Standard and Enterprise Editions. It uses a sample company in the lab exercises to teach IT professionals how to apply SharePoint 2010 from concept to implementation in a typical environment.

The course author and Senior Instructor for SharePoint Solutions, Ricky Spears, explains the expected student outcomes:

Students will learn how to determine which edition of SharePoint is best for their organization; the tasks end users perform most frequently with SharePoint; and how to establish site security. Then, they will set up SharePoint 2010 from scratch under the watch eye of a Microsoft-certified SharePoint 2010 administrator.

The training may be worth checking out if you need to boost your implementation and administration in SharePoint 2010. But we also know that valuable development resources are often limited. Consider a comprehensive out of the box solution, like Fabasoft Mindbreeze, to extend your SharePoint system without the need for extensive training.

Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise:

finds every scrap of information within a very short time, whether document, contract, note, e-mail or calendar entry, in intranet or internet, person- or text-related. The software solution finds all required information, regardless of source, for its users.

Further, Mindbreeze offers enterprise-grade support and training to help you along the way and maximize your enterprise search investments. The solution is worth a second look at

Philip West, May 7, 2012

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New Formotus Release Seeks to Provide Enhanced SharePoint Mobile Experience

May 4, 2012

Formotus recently announced a new version of its mobile business application platform with enhanced SharePoint integration and capabilities. The new release is discussed in the press release, “Collaborate without Complexity: SharePoint Mobile Workflow Platform for iPad and Android Released by Formotus.”

The new release is summarized:

Formotus makes it possible for organizations to create and deploy custom mobile business applications built around Microsoft® Office InfoPath™ forms. The new feature set announced today enables companies to implement flexible collaboration frameworks with robust forms that can be routed and shared among mobile users in a wide variety of ways. Formotus mobile workflow forms require no SharePoint modifications and work with any version including on-premises, hosted, and Office 365 SharePoint Online.

The new possibilities, such as mobile workflow forms and social collaboration, are discussed in the release along with example scenarios that are now supported. Formotus CEO Adriana Neagu says that the new version is “a whole new task-oriented mobile experience that is easier, smarter, more beautiful, more powerful. The fact is, a person using our platform on an iPad or Android tablet, won’t be able to tell that there is any SharePoint behind the workflow.” These are big and exciting claims for not only workflows, but the whole mobile experience.

SharePoint is no doubt the go-to content management system for all kinds of organizations and enhanced mobile capabilities will surely be an appeal for users. But for complex workflows and successful social collaboration, users also need efficient and effective access to valuable business knowledge. It seems that the experts at Fabasoft Mindbreeze understand the value of powerful search and mobile access.

Fabasoft Mindbreeze Mobile:

makes company knowledge available on all mobile devices. You can act freely, independently and yet always securely. Irrespective of what format the data is in. Full functionality: Search results are displayed homogenously to the web client with regards to clear design and intuitive navigation.

With the full functionality of Fabasoft Mindbreeze for Enterprise and united on-premise and Cloud data, users will be able to act quickly in business matters with smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices. Read more about the full suite of solutions at

More on Formotus: Founded in October 2005 by Adriana Neagu, co-inventor of Microsoft Office InfoPath, and serial entrepreneur Joe Verschueren, Formotus technology enables companies to rapidly create a business solution ? without any coding ? that works across platforms so companies can design once and deploy anywhere. Formotus looks to future-proof companies because the same forms that work on today’s devices will also work on the new devices that they will support tomorrow.

Philip West, May 4, 2012

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A Love Letter to SharePoint

May 3, 2012

SharePoint is indeed everywhere.  A reader cannot avoid the topic in the blogosphere.  And while SharePoint adoption at times seems obligatory, loving SharePoint does not have to be.  Andy Moore tackles the topic of SharePoint devotion in, “SharePoint, I Love You.”

Moore begins:

That conquering sound you hear is SharePoint, and it is nothing short of apocalyptic. You’ll see it mentioned elsewhere a couple times in this White Paper: The fastest growing business application in Microsoft history (making it pretty much everyone’s history), 20,000 SharePoint users have been added every day for the last five years. That’s kind of astonishing.

The white paper he mentions is a KMWorld offering available for download at the above link.  Among the reasons listed for SharePoint dominance are: integration between the front office solutions and back-office repository, ubiquitous nature of other Microsoft solutions, and an affordable price point.  One contributor talks of a “synergistic combination of tools that you can’t find on any other platform.”

We agree but disagree.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze, a leading third-party enterprise solution, boasts an integrated suite of solutions to meet all of your companies information storage and retrieval needs.  Products include web site search, mobile appliances, enterprise search, and connectors to address interoperability with other software.

The center of excellence for your company’s digital knowledge, information pairing brings enterprise and Cloud together.

Understanding content, semantic search

Mobility – Access on smartphones and tablets

In real-time – Search as Cloud service

Access to all data sources

Extensible with connectors

Fulfills compliance requirements

While SharePoint may hold the lion’s share of the market, we expect smart third party solutions like Fabasoft Mindbreeze to make bigger and bigger market gains.

Emily Rae Aldridge, May 3, 2012

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