Spotlight: Mindbreeze Receives Positive Rating

December 8, 2011

Business Wire brings news of the latest Enterprise Search MarketScope Report in, “Fabasoft/Mindbreeze Receives “Positive” Rating in Leading Analyst’s Enterprise Search MarketScope Report.” Gartner, who conducted the report, provides a neutral analysis of products on the enterprise search market.

“Mindbreeze, a subsidiary of Fabasoft and leading provider of software for enterprise search and digital cognition, today announced that Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise received a ‘positive’ rating in Gartner’s report entitled MarketScope for Enterprise Search1. The MarketScope for Enterprise Search mainly serves as a source of information and basis for decision making for IT directors . . . The analysis covers, among other aspects, product strategy, innovation, customer experience, market understanding, overall viability of the company and business model . . . Potential customers should consider this vendor a viable choice for strategic or tactical investments, while planning for known limitations.”

Fabasoft Mindbreeze and its solution of enterprise search offerings has been on our radar for awhile now. The Gartner report solidifies what we have found, which is that Fabasoft is a solid company and Mindbreeze a smart solution. Combining the latest in technology, from mobile to cloud to enterprise storage and search, Fabasoft Mindbreeze has a solution.

According to their site:

“Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise understands you, or to be more precise, understands what the most important information is for you at any precise moment in time. It is the center of excellence for your knowledge and simultaneously your personal assistant for all questions. The information pairing technology brings enterprise and Cloud data together.”

It seems like the industry is beginning to take notice of the Austrian company. Keep your eye on Fabasoft Mindbreeze, and what it may be able to do for your company. We will keep you posted.

Emily Rae Aldridge, December 8, 2011

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Protected: CRM Idol Offers ISV Insights

December 8, 2011

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Spotlight: Better Connections in SharePoint

December 7, 2011

With an enterprise solution as vast as SharePoint, updates are necessary and can be multi-faceted. The Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog gives us the rundown on the latest update in, “What’s New in SharePoint Online: November 2011 Update.”

Among smaller things like the addition of a recycle bin, fixes, and external sharing, a great deal of attention was paid to connectivity in the latest update.

“In addition to earlier versions of Internet Explorer and Firefox, SharePoint Online now officially supports Internet Explorer 9 and Chrome. No matter which browser you prefer, you’ll get a better experience. Just launch your favorite browser. Then, hit your favorite SharePoint Online team site or intranet company site, work with Office Web Apps, and more. Connections to other services are also better. For instance, Microsoft Dynamics CRM customers can now take advantage of the rich SharePoint Online document management functionality directly within the Microsoft Dynamics CRM application.”

We understand that SharePoint is a popular enterprise solution, but it seems at times that they are playing catch up to common sense features that other solutions already offer. We like Fabasoft Mindbreeze and its anticipation of users needs. Their broad range of Connectors offerings has bridged all the gaps that SharePoint users have been left wanting.

“As the optimum search and information access solution, Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise facilitates the comprehensive incorporation of all electronic data repositories. Data sources and storage systems are connected to Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise via Fabasoft Mindbreeze Connectors. The standard product scope includes Connectors for the most common data sources.”

Fabasoft Mindbreeze is smart, lean, and intuitive. SharePoint will continue to be a common and popular enterprise solution, but for organizations that desire a better user experience and less time spent running updates, an alternative like Mindbreeze might make sense. We think it is worth a second look.

Emily Rae Aldridge, December 7, 2011

Protected: SharePoint Provides the Product, but ISVs Make the Money

December 7, 2011

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Spotlight: Streamlining Enterprise 2.0

December 6, 2011

As enterprise runs rampant and adoption continues at break-neck speed, the risk is that solutions are becoming more complicated without becoming more functional. In other words, do we need to return to simplicity in order to regain a positive user experience? Molly Bernhart Walker tackles that question in, “The case for stripped-down Enterprise 2.0 tools.”

“Content management systems live and die by requirements, but sometimes even the longest checklist in an RFP won’t deliver tools that yield real results. There’s a lot to be said for simple Enterprise 2.0 tools, said Tim Young, founder of Socialcast and vice president for social software at VMware. ‘Simple tools are incredibly powerful,’ said Young Nov. 15, during a keynote at the Enterprise 2.0 Conference in Santa Clara, Calif. It’s very difficult to solve a complex problem with a complex tool, he added.”

SharePoint 2010 is notably the most widely adopted enterprise solution, but its many quirks require complimentary solutions to increase functionality. Fabasoft Mindbreeze offers an alternative to SharePoint, but also through its Connectors, offers a companion to SharePoint. We like Mindbreeze because of its commitment to simplicity and gracefulness.

“The Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise user interface is based on Web 2.0 technology and combines simplicity with elegance. The operation is self-explanatory. Work just as you are used to. Access your data from anywhere. Also on smartphones and tablets. Elegant design, easy operation. With you wherever you are. Find and access your enterprise and cloud information straight away.”

Choosing an appropriate enterprise solution is not an easy decision. Remember to keep user experience in mind. Locating a solution like Fabasoft Mindbreeze, that maintains a dedication to simplicity and usability, will pay off long-term dividends in terms of saved time and frustration. The most complicated solutions are often the most convoluted as well.

Emily Rae Aldridge, December 6, 2011

Protected: Pick Your Programmer People to be the Perfect SharePoint Piece

December 6, 2011

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Search Technology Evolves to Encompass Sound

December 6, 2011

Lockergnome reported on the evolution of search technology this week in the article “In Search Of Sound With MediaMined.”

As a way to continue to evolve search technology beyond searching for text and images, audio engineers at Imagine Research in San Francisco have been working on what they call “the world’s first sound object recognition Web service.”

The service is called MediaMined, and is driven by artificial intelligence that is able to “listen” to sound files — whether they’re properly labeled, mislabeled, or not labeled at all — and analyze what they actually are.

Writer Robert Glen Fogarty states:

“Musicians, podcasters, radio broadcasters, and audio engineers would obviously benefit from this kind of technology, but some other unexpected applications could make use of it, as well. Mobile devices could use a MediaMined type of system to detect their surroundings and present new ways to interact with their users based on this incoming data (think augmented reality cranked up to 11). Medical professionals might be able to use this technology in order to gather data based on sounds made by patients — such as sneezing, snoring, coughing, and wheezing — to help with more keenly diagnosing their condition.”

Here at beyond search we believe that this new search technology is definitely a step in the right direction. The experts at Search Technologies  can provide organizations with search
solutions–text or talk.

Iain Fletcher, December 6, 2011

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Protected: Is SharePoint the End All Content Management Solution?

December 5, 2011

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Protected: Are Enterprise CMS Suites Going Extinct?

December 2, 2011

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Customer Experience to Take Center Stage in 2012

December 2, 2011

We are post-Thanksgiving—that time of year when the “year in review” articles start emerging and predictions are made for coming trends to meet us in the new year.  The world of content management systems is no exception.  Marisa Peacock gives us some of her predictions in, “If 2012 Is the Year of Customer Experience, What Will it Bring?”

According to Peacock, customer experience will take center stage in areas such as mobile, social, personalization, and localization to name a few.  What does all this mean to us?  A need for better content management.

Peacock’s advice:

“Of course, we must wait for 2012 to really understand how and if brands will leverage the customer experience. With only a month left before the new year, companies of all sizes are strongly encouraged to revisit their mobile strategies, customer relationship management tools and social media policies.”

How do you prepare in a smart way, despite what changes the new year may bring?  Invest in a smart content management solution, one that can handle information needs on multiple levels.  We like Fabasoft Mindbreeze and its suite of offerings.

“Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise understands you, or to be more precise, understands what the most important information is for you at any precise moment in time. It is the center of excellence for your knowledge and simultaneously your personal assistant for all questions. The information pairing technology brings enterprise and Cloud data together.”

Mindbreeze can handle mobile, email, enterprise, website search, etc.  Their Connectors feature works with SharePoint 2010, if that system is already in place at your organization.  Regardless of the size or scope of your organization, information needs continue to grow exponentially.  Heed the warnings and manage your information in a way that improves the customer experience.  Find a smart solution like Fabasoft Mindbreeze and you will be able to adapt to changing needs.

Emily Rae Aldridge, December 02, 2011

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