Mindbreeze: A View from the Top

November 9, 2011

Fabasoft Mindbreeze managing director, Daniel Fallman, gives his insight to KM World in, “Mindbreeze, Managing Director, Daniel Fallmann: View from the Top.”

Using open standards, Mindbreeze offers high-performance enterprise search and digital cognition for all kinds of enterprises. We have developed context-enriching indexing services, which are available without time-consuming set up procedures. Information access without ironclad security is not a solution. Fabasoft Mindbreeze ensures that only authorized users can access the information. Our product was designed from the beginning to be installed quickly in minutes, thus obviating expensive installation processes. The Fabasoft Mindbreeze Appliance can be up and running for your users in just a matter of hours.

Fallmann, the Fabasoft Mindbreeze founder, talks about his Austrian start-up on this brief video. He is able to succinctly explain how the Mindbreeze solution assists users with internal and external search.

Saving the user from lengthy installation and clunky customization, Mindbreeze seamlessly integrates onto an existing platform. Semantic recognition enhances search results, providing not only quick but relevant search results. Third-party application data is available to mobile devices through Fabasoft Mindbreeze Mobile. Standard installations such as Microsoft SharePoint can lack versatility and customization becomes lengthy and difficult.

Evaluate your enterprise needs and see if Fabasoft Mindbreeze and its highly efficient solutions might be the right choice for your organization. In Fallmann’s words, “Make informed decisions.”

Emily Rae Aldridge, November 9, 2011

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Protected: Top SharePoint Tweeters

November 9, 2011

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MIndbreeze Mobile for SharePoint

November 8, 2011

Mobile devices are quickly gaining ground on personal computers as the primary entry point to the internet and other online resources. Any discussion of enterprise software is incomplete without devoting attention to mobile access. Waldek Mastykarz analyzes the effectiveness of SharePoint 2010’s mobile device support in, “Inconvenient SharePoint 2010 Mobile Redirect.” Mastykarz’s main complaint with SharePoint mobile access is its unsuitability for internet-facing Web sites because its lack of support for anonymous users. We learned:

Not only is the standard mobile experience useless on an Internet-facing website, but it also cannot be turned off. The mobile redirect is baked into the request processing module provided with SharePoint (the SPRequestModule HTTP module) and there is no on/off switch provided that you could flip to make it go away.

The author explains several workaround options for mobile access, but is quick to mention that no workaround is seamless and none completely fix SharePoint’s limitations. A solution like Fabasoft Mindbreeze Mobile is a better overall fit for this and other SharePoint shortcomings. We learned from Fabasoft that:

Fabasoft Mindbreeze Mobile uses a browser-based Client that is specifically adapted to the requirements of smart phones such as BlackBerry, iPhone and Android. Only three kilobytes of memory and the installation of one single certificate are required. After these steps are taken, the corporate installation of Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise – and thus all connected data sources – can be accessed through the usual Mindbreeze URL.

Additionally, Mindbreeze maintains continuous checks of existing access rights. Improving the users’ experience, every information object can be opened in Mindbreeze mobile in a preview mode that features the accompanying metadata. Enterprise solutions are useless without effective and efficient mobile solutions. Look into Mindbreeze as a good solution for increasing the usability of SharePoint’s mobile enterprise access.

Emily Rae Aldridge, November 8, 2011

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Protected: Learn about the New SharePoint 2010 Online for Office 365

November 8, 2011

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Implementing with Intent

November 7, 2011

In a blog dedicated to document management news, the haphazard implementation of SharePoint is highlighted. Read the full commentary at, “SharePoint Surge Continues but Strategies Are Lacking.”

A recent survey by AIIM (Association for Information and Image Management) has found that less than 50% of SharePoint implementations were subject to a formal business case, and only half of those required a financial justification. As a result, most did not have a management plan as to which of SharePoint’s many features were to be used, and where. Meanwhile, SharePoint deployment is proceeding rapidly, with 22% of respondents reporting it to be in use by 100% of office staff. This adoption rate is set to double by this time next year.

SharePoint is the current enterprise fad, with the adoption rate growing exponentially. However, is the effort even effective or worthwhile if the implementation is done without planning? Customized installation is costly but without customization the platform is virtually useless. Furthermore, a highly customized system can create a steep learning curve for new users.

One solution we found in our research is Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise. We learned from Mindbreeze:

A corporate-wide information platform maintaining and continuously expanding a well-funded knowledge base needs the greatest possible flexibility. Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise links the most common data sources in corporations and organizations by special connectors, establishing the basis for further links to the creative utilization of internal corporate knowledge.

With Mindbreeze, the learning curve for new users is lessened and day-to-day work is more efficient for staff. Customization is automatic and relevant. To get the most out of your SharePoint installation, implement with intent and look into Fabasoft Mindbreeze.

Emily Rae Aldridge, November 7, 2011

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Protected: Activating Keyword Search in SharePoint 2010

November 7, 2011

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Brainware Is on a Back Office Stampede

November 5, 2011

Brainware, Inc., a leading provider of enterprise search solutions and intelligent data capture, and KnowledgeLake, a SharePoint solutions provider, announced a partnership earlier this month.

The companies intend to optimize the ROI for global users for SharePoint and other Microsoft enterprise platforms. This partnership reflects Microsoft’s encouragement of its ISV partners to build on areas of diverse expertise. MarketWatch’s article, “KnowledgeLake and Brainware Join Forces to Serve Microsoft Customers,” tells us more:

‘We are very excited about pairing the KnowledgeLake Capture solution with the Brainware intelligent data capture platform,’ stated Chris Caplinger, CTO of KnowledgeLake. ‘This will provide our customers with a better solution for automatically classifying and performing data extraction on large volumes of documents. This joint effort enables KnowledgeLake and Brainware to leverage the strengths of each other’s products and provides KnowledgeLake customers with another option for intelligent document handling.’

This seemingly complementary solution of connecting companies with different expertise to benefit the Microsoft user community, just looks like another vendor wanting to cash in on SharePoint to me. The companies are pairing up for a better user experience. And for sales.

The advantage Brainware brings is somewhat of a throwback. Brainware can handle paper, which exists even in a Microsoft SharePoint environment. Should other search vendors look at adding this back office functionality?

Andrea Hayden, November 5, 2011

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Spotlight: Mindbreeze for Easy Search and Access

November 4, 2011

CMS Wire weighs in on SharePoint 2010 and its viability as an internet site CMS. In, “Is SharePoint 2010 the Right Web CMS for Your Internet Site?” Michal Pisarek makes an argument for the integration of SharePoint 2010 as a broad web content management system.

Although the author argues that SharePoint 2010 has made improvements over the 2007 version, some issues remain.

Of course the breadth of SharePoint’s capabilities can also serve as its downfall. If your organization has specific needs that need deep vertical capabilities than you should be considering the cost of implementing this custom functionality on the SharePoint platform.

If this is the case then you might be better served with a niche solution, rather than the broader set of features that SharePoint offers. A product like Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise makes it easy to really handle adaptive and personalized website content. So your site acts like an information hub that adapts to users’ behavior on your site.  Search-driven content as a building block of a next generation web content management functionality. Where SharePoint lags, Mindbreeze bridges the gap with your website, intranet, or mobile applications. Find more details at, “Search & Information Access as easy as 1-2-3.

“Showing search results in your Web site is hard? A new API to learn because your Web site uses a different programming language than available from your search engine vendor? Read on and learn how easy it can be to search-enable your content.”

An explanation of features follows, including personalized, search-driven and contextualized content.  This Mindbreeze tutorial demonstrates how easy it is to add Fabasoft Mindbreeze functionality to a site, without much more than basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript.  We agree that SharePoint 2010 improves usability, but if ultimate efficiency and precision are desired, Mindbreeze is the best solution for search and information access.

Emily Rae Aldridge, November 4, 2011

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Protected: SharePoint 2010 Assemblies

November 4, 2011

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Spotlight: Mindbreeze and the SharePoint Vision

November 3, 2011

We read CMSWire’s “What is SharePoint 2010? Vision and Reality.” Overall we think that the article hits the highlights of Microsoft’s very popular content management system.

We found the “six pillars of SharePoint” in line with our understanding of the software system. In our work, we have implemented collaborative functions, portals, content management, business forms, search, and business intelligence. We noted this passage in particular:

In the 2010 release Microsoft greatly improved the functionality for creating and managing business documents. Organizations typically have two types of content: documents and information used to complete tasks and activities, and records. Records differ from the previous category in that they are documents and information that must be frozen and stored for compliance and/or regulatory purposes.

We agree and we think that this functionality can be greatly enhanced with third party components.

Of particular importance to us at Mindbreeze is search. We agree that Microsoft has made strides in its SharePoint search. However, there are important benefits that accrues to users of the Mindbreeze system. For example, Mindbreeze search includes the InApp functionality. The idea is that Mindbreeze seamlessly handles structured and unstructured information and data. Our focus is on third parties who need tools that streamline certain customized implementations for SharePoint.

Mindbreeze told us:

The new development of a highly scalable and likewise high-performance search costs a lot of time, resources and money. With Fabasoft Mindbreeze InApp software manufacturers, providers, integrators and developers can profit from the already proven Fabasoft Mindbreeze technology with very little effort.

Fabasoft Mindbreeze provides internationally awarded search technology which has been tried and tested by many users and can be simply integrated into any application. The download package includes the proven architecture, the optimized index component, the filter as well as the Fabasoft Mindbreeze – Web Client and the Fabasoft Mindbreeze – Embedded Client along with the SDK and the associated Eclipse project.

In short, Mindbreeze extends and enhances a developer’s ability to tailor SharePoint to the specific requirements of the client. The tools can be used to build complete, snap in applications for SharePoint as well as Linux systems.

Mindbreeze, a unit of the highly regarded Fabasoft organization, delivers a platform independent development platform. It provides high scalability and includes Fabasoft’s personal support.

To extend and customize SharePoint without some of the technical implementation hurdles, take a look at the Mindbreeze InApp development solution.

Stuart Schram, November 3, 2011

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