Protected: SharePoint Search Content

March 17, 2011

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Protected: OpenText Buys Metastorm

March 16, 2011

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Microsoft SharePoint Suggestions

March 16, 2011

Here’s a useful item for you SharePoint fans and consultants. The write up “Tools and Web Parts for SharePoint 2007 and 2010” explains Web parts. This is Microsoft speak for code gadgets. What makes the article useful is that it provides a succinct summary of how a programmer can set up SharePoint to make available more suggestions to a user for his/her query. The key point is:

The only way to add more words to the suggestion feature is using a PowerShell script to add them and run the job manually or with the script. This tool was created to handle all words of suggestions in each Search Services Applications created in SharePoint 2010.

The article has a link to download the tool, as well as an explanation and ten images to explain how to use it.  Web parts or web widgets can add needed functionality. Our question, “Why isn’t a more robust suggestion tool included with SharePoint?” We think the answer is that Microsoft likes to leave third parties with opportunities to earn money from the millions of SharePoint licensees. The tactic, in my opinion, is intentional incompleteness.

Stephen E Arnold, March 15, 2011


SharePoint for Business Intelligence?

March 15, 2011

Revamped Business Intelligence Scenario Hub on TechNet” announces six end-to-end BI scenarios from Microsoft as part of their new content hub.  For example, one is “Analyze Sales Performance by Using a Dashboard Built on SharePoint Server, SQL Server, and Office.”

Scenarios can be helpful for working out solutions, but wouldn’t it be nice if solutions were already available?  SurfRay provides tools that function as business intelligence systems based on the knowledge creation and retrieval process.
For more information about how SurfRay’s business intelligence solutions leverage search, visit

Torben Ellert, March 15, 2011


Protected: SharePoint Scalability Articles

March 14, 2011

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Protected: SharePoint: Related Searches at Last

March 10, 2011

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Protected: Microsoft Fast Context Properties

March 9, 2011

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Protected: How to Add Keywords to Microsoft Fast Search

March 8, 2011

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Protected: Some Delicious SharePoint Links

March 7, 2011

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Another Explanation of Microsoft Fast

March 4, 2011

IceCream has posted “Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010 for Sharepointx64.” This write-up summarizes the product and its capabilities; for example:

“Customers have historically been forced to choose between powerful, high-end search platforms or more mainstream, out-of the-box infrastructure solutions. FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint Beta provides a new choice: powerful high-end search delivered through SharePoint.”

If you’re still in the dark about Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010, give this page a whirl. With so many explanations of Microsoft Fast available, there is an appetite for information. The duplication of the information, however, suggests that the basics are not getting through. More substantive information, in our opinion, remains difficult to locate.

Stephen E Arnold’s new book about flagship vendors for enterprise search includes an insightful discussion of Microsoft Fast Search Server. The new study will be available in mid 2011 from, publisher of the analysis of enterprise search vendors.

Cynthia Murrell, March 4, 2011


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