Explain Cloud Analytics Like I Am Five

October 10, 2016

One of Reddit’s popular subreddits is “explain to me like I’m five,” where redditors post questions they have about science, math, computing, engineering, politics, and other topics.  Outside of reading textbooks or questioning experts in person, this subreddit allows intellectual discussion on a global basis…as long as the comments remain mature.  “Explain to me like I’m five” is like the favorite For Dummies book series.

While Internet forums and Reddit itself have made the series semi-obsolete, For Dummies books are still a reliable reference tool when you don’t want to search and scroll on the Internet.  As companies move towards cloud-based systems, you can be sure there will be a slew of cloud computing For Dummies books.

Open Source Magazine shares that “Analytics For Dummies” is available for a free download!

Cloud analytics is dramatically altering business intelligence. Some businesses will capitalize on these promising new technologies and gain key insights that’ll help them gain competitive advantage. And others won’t.  Whether you’re a business leader, an IT manager, or an analyst, we want to help you and the people you need to influence with a free copy of “Cloud Analytics for Dummies,” the essential guide to this explosive new space for business intelligence.

For Dummies books usually retail around twenty dollars, so this offers the chance for a free, updated manual on the growing cloud analytics field and you can save a few dollars.

Whitney Grace, October 10, 2016
Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph

Image-Based Search Technology Gains Steam

October 10, 2016

If you need to do a bit of smartphone photos clean-up, now is a good time. More websites are integrating photo-based search technologies according to Pinterest Will Let You Snap Photos To Find Real-Life Products Online. This piece from Forbes explains camera search will be available in the coming months and will allow users to snap a photo of, for example, a purse they see someone else carrying down the street, and find similar products on Pinterest. They’re calling these products “buyable pins”. According to the article,

Users make 130 million visual searches on Pinterest per month and about 2 billion total searches. Now, more than 10 million products can be purchased without leaving Pinterest from more than 20,000 retailers, up from 2 million products when “buyable pins” launched about a year ago. When a user sees a product on Pinterest, they are two times more likely to buy it in-store. And if a merchant promotes the pin, users are five times more likely to buy the item in person, the company said.  In testing “buyable pins,” Pinterest said a third of purchases made on the web were first discovered on mobile. More than 80% of users access Pinterest on mobile devices.

Some applications for this search technology, may not be well-poised to monetize this, but according to a survey cited in the article 55 percent of respondents already consider Pinterest as e-commerce. Currently, the platform sees itself as a “bridge between inspiration and making it part of your real life.” This is essentially the role of any brick-and-mortar shop amenable to window-shopping. So, while it may work, we certainly can’t say the strategy is new.

Megan Feil, October 10, 2016
Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph

Business Intelligence Take on the Direction of Media

October 7, 2016

The article on Business Insider titled The Top 7 Predictions For the Future of Media offers a long gaze into the crystal ball. With significant research over the past six years including interviews with key industry players, the article posits that the future is clear for those willing to sit through the IGNITION Conference presentation put together by BI’s co-founder and CEO Henry Blodget. The article sums up the current state of uncertainty in media,

Users are moving away from desktop and toward mobile. Social media referrals are overtaking search. Consumers are cutting their cords and saying goodbye to traditional pay-TV. Messaging apps are threatening email. And smart devices are starting to connect everything around us. These changes in trends can disrupt our businesses, our portfolios, and even our lives. But they don’t have to…Those who are well informed and well prepared don’t see innovation as a threat; they see it as an opportunity.

The article overviews some of the major takeaways from the presentation such as: Newspapers will soon be joined by TV networks in their frustrating battle for relevance. The article also mentions that the much-discussed ad blocking crisis will “resolve itself,” with the caustic note that we should all be “careful what [we] wish for.” Not much interest in finding information however. The full report is available through BI for free after signing up.

Chelsea Kerwin, October 7, 2016
Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph

Search: The Dead Cat Bounces

October 6, 2016

I read two articles about the future of search. The first was a series of remarks in a podcast by Christopher Issac Stone, aka Biz. In a nutshell, one finds information by asking people.

The other write up was “If I Ran Google (Why the Future of Search Will Diverge from Its Present and Past.” The author of this article is a “multi time bestselling author.” The “A” was capitalized.

The two views of the future of search underscores the perception that keyword search is dead. Text is uninteresting. Search systems are bouncing like a dead cat; that is, typing words in a search box and looking for germane information is not where the world of users wants to go. Hence, search is going to change.

image Image result for pottery tablets with inspirational messages

Left clay tablet from the 4th millennium BCE. Right. clay tablets from 2016. Not much change it seems.

Here’s a statement which hits at the future of search. The quote comes from the multi time bestselling “Author”:

A lot of younger people don’t use Google as much as we might expect. They find things on YouTube (an Alphabet company), Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram or the like.

I agree. Pizza, cat videos, and even information about the future of search by many people will be sought and found using something other than the digital equivalent of a library card catalog. Thump. That’s the sound of the dead cat bouncing or hitting the pavement.

The thump means Google, the game changer, is going to have the game changed for itself.

The future is actionable intelligence. Ask a question and get an answer. Then order a pizza or watch a living cat video. Dead cats are not interesting.

Several thoughts:

First, there are numerous ways to look for information needed to answer a question. There are search boxes when one presumably is working on a research paper or maybe an article destined for publication. That is the old fashioned work which requires attention, note taking, and thinking about a topic and how to answer questions for which there is no single journal article or reliable data set. This type of research will not appeal to some people.

Second, there is the convenience of asking others for information. This is a useful type of information collection. Sometimes it works, and other times it forces the questioner to drag himself or herself back to the old fashioned method described in item one above.

Third, there is smart software which looks at behaviors and makes a best guess about what the person needs to know. When I drive to the airport, I want my GPS to show me which parking garage has an open space. No typing and no talking, please. Just the map with the answer.

In each of these broad categories of access — typing keywords, asking via text or voice, or smart software making best guesses — useful information can be located.

Most of the folks with whom I interact are not happy with search, a broad term used to describe a remarkable range of information access systems.

The problem with the future is that it is not going to bounce like the dead cat of the present.

If I have learned one thing in my years in the information access sector it is:

Information access methods do not die. Options become available.

Regardless of the future, some reading is necessary. Some talking to humans is necessary. Some smart software inputs are necessary.

Heck, here in Harrod’s Creek, people still use clay tablets to communicate. The message about the future is that “good enough” information access is more important than old fashioned checkpoints like precision, recall, provenance, and understanding.

Stephen E Arnold, October 6, 2016

MIT Embraces Google DeepMinds Intuitive Technology Focus

October 6, 2016

The article on MIT Technology Review titled How Google Plans to Solve Artificial Intelligence conveys the exciting world of Google DeepMind’s Labyrinth. Labyrinth is a 3D environment forged on an open-source platform where DeepMind is challeneged by tasks such as, say, finishing a maze. As DeepMind progresses, the challenges become increasingly complicated. The article says,

What passes for smart software today is specialized to a particular task—say, recognizing faces. Hassabis wants to create what he calls general artificial intelligence—something that, like a human, can learn to take on just about any task. He envisions it doing things as diverse as advancing medicine by formulating and testing scientific theories, and bounding around in agile robot bodies…The success of DeepMind’s reinforcement learning has surprised many machine-learning researchers.

Of the endless applications possible for intuitive technology, the article focuses on the medical, understanding text, and robotics. When questioned about the ethical implications of the latter, Demis Hassabis, the head of Google’s DeepMind team, gave the equivalent of a shrug, and said that those sorts of questions were premature. In spite of this, MIT’s Technology Review seems pretty pumped about Google, which makes us wonder whether IBM Watson has been abandoned. Our question for Watson is, what is the deal with MIT?

Chelsea Kerwin, October 6, 2016
Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph

Is the Cloud Really Raining Dollar Signs?

October 5, 2016

Cloud computing offers people the ability to access their files from any place in the world as long as they have a good Internet connection and a cloud account.  Many companies are transferring their mainframes to the cloud, so their employees can work remotely.  Individuals love having their files, especially photos and music, on the cloud for instantaneous access.  It is a fast growing IT business and Forbes reports that “Gartner Predicts $111B In IT Spend Will Shift To Cloud This Year Growing To Be $216B By 2020.”

Within the next five years it is predicted more companies will shift their inner workings to the cloud, which will indirectly and directly affect more than one trillion projected to be spent in IT.  Application software spending is expected to shift 37% towards more cloud usage and business process outsourcing is expected to grow 43%, all by 2020.

Why wait for 2020 to see the final results, however?  2016 already has seen a lot of cloud growth and even more is expected before the year ends:

$42B in Business Process Outsourcing IT spend, or 35% of the total market, is forecast to shift to the cloud this year. 25% of the application software spending is predicted to shift to the cloud this year, or $36B.

Gartner is a respected research firm and these numbers are predicting hefty growth (here is the source).  The cloud shift will surely affect more than one trillion.  The bigger question is will cloud security improve enough by 2020 that more companies will shift in that direction?

Whitney Grace, October 5, 2016
Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph


Busted Black Marketplace Pops Back Up

October 5, 2016

In June, a vendor of access to hacked servers, xDedic, was taken down. Now, reports intelligence firm Digital Shadows, it has resurrected itself as a Tor domain. Why am I suddenly reminded of the mythical hydra? We learn of the resurgence from SecurityWeek’s article, “Hacked Server Marketplace Returns as a Tor Domain.” The article tells us:

After Kaspersky Lab researchers revealed in mid-June that they counted over 70,000 hacked servers made available for purchase on xDedic, some for as low as just $6, the marketplace operators closed the virtual shop on June 16. However, with roughly 30,000 users a month, the storefront was too popular to disappear for good, and intelligence firm Digital Shadows saw it re-emerge only a week later, but as a Tor domain now.

In an incident report shared with SecurityWeek, Digital Shadows reveals that a user named xDedic posted on 24 Jun 2016 a link to the new site on the criminal forum exploit[.]in. The user, who ‘had an established reputation on the forum and has been previously identified as associated with the site,’ posted the link on a Russian language forum thread titled ‘xDedic ???????’ (xDedic burned).

We’re told that, though the new site looks just like the old site, the user accounts did not tag along. The now-shuttered site was attracting about 30,000 users monthly, so it should not take long to re-build their client list. Researchers are not able to assess the sites traffic, since it is now a Tor domain, but both Digital Shadows and Kaspersky Lab, another security firm, are “monitoring the situation.” We can rest assured they will inform law enforcement when they have more information.

Cynthia Murrell, October 5, 2016
Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph

World-Check Database Leaked by Third Party

October 4, 2016

This is the problem with sensitive data—it likes to wander from its confines. Motherboard reports, “Terrorism Database Used by Governments and Banks Leaked Online.” Security researcher Chris Vickery reported stumbling upon a copy of the World-Check intelligence database from mid-2014 that was made available by a third party. The database maintained by Thomson Reuters for use by governments, intelligence agencies, banks, and law firms to guard against risks. Reporter Joseph Cox specifies:

Described by Thomson Reuters as a ‘global screening solution,’ the World-Check service, which relies on information from all over the world, is designed to give deep insight into financial crime and the people potentially behind it.

We monitor over 530 sanctions, including watch and regulatory law and enforcement lists, and hundreds of thousands of information sources, often identifying heightened-risk entities months or years before they are listed. In fact, in 2012 alone we identified more than 180 entities before they appeared on the US Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) list based on reputable sources identifying relevant risks,’ the Thomson Reuters website reads.

A compilation of sensitive data like the World-Check database, though built on publicly available info, is subject to strict European privacy laws. As a result, it is (normally) only used by carefully vetted organizations. The article notes that much the U.S.’s No Fly List, World-Check has been known to flag the innocent on occasion.

Though Vickery remained mum on just how and where he found the data, he did characterize it as a third-party leak, not a hack. Thomson Reuters reports that the leak is now plugged, and they have secured a promise from that party to never leak the database again.

Cynthia Murrell, October 4, 2016
Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph

Pharmaceutical Research Made Simple

October 3, 2016

Pharmaceutical companies are a major power in the United States.  Their power comes from the medicine they produce and the wealth they generate.  In order to maintain both wealth and power, pharmaceutical companies conduct a lot of market research.  Market research is a field based on people’s opinions and their reactions, in other words, it contains information that is hard to process into black and white data.  Lexalytics is a big data platform built with a sentiment analysis to turn market research into useable data.

Inside Big Data explains how “Lexalytics Radically Simplifies Market Research And Voice Of Customer Programs For The Pharmaceutical Industry” with a new package called the Pharmaceutical Industry Pack.  Lexalytics uses a combination of machine learning and natural language processing to understand the meaning and sentiment in text documents.  The new pack can help pharmaceutical companies interpret how their customers react medications, what their symptoms are, and possible side effects of medication.

Our customers in the pharmaceutical industry have told us that they’re inundated with unstructured data from social conversations, news media, surveys and other text, and are looking for a way to make sense of it all and act on it,’ said Jeff Catlin, CEO of Lexalytics. ‘With the Pharmaceutical Industry Pack — the latest in our series of industry-specific text analytics packages — we’re excited to dramatically simplify the jobs of CEM and VOC pros, market researchers and social marketers in this field.

Along with basic natural language processing features, the Lexalytics Pharmaceutical Industry Pack contains 7000 sentiment terms from healthcare content as well as other medical references to understand market research data.  Lexalytics makes market research easy and offers invaluable insights that would otherwise go unnoticed.

Whitney Grace, October 3, 2016
Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph

Europol Internet Referral Unit Criticized for Methods

October 3, 2016

In July of 2015 Europol launched their Internet Referral Unit (IRU), tasked with identifying extremist propaganda online and asking ISPs to take it down. Now that the group has been operating for a year, it is facing criticism about its methods, we learn from “Europol’s Online Censorship Unit is Haphazard and Unaccountable Says NGO” at ArsTechnica. The NGO referred to in the headline is the international digital rights organization AccessNow.

As of the IRU’s July birthday, the European Commission reports the IRU has examined about 8,000 posts over some 45 platforms and has made about 7,000 removal requests. As of May 2016, the group also has the power to hunt down terrorists; it has begun working with the UK National Counter Terrorism Internet Referral Unit to swiftly pursue those behind dangerous posts.

Not everyone is happy with IRU’s methods. Writer Jennifer Baker reports:

However AccessNow, a global digital rights organization, said Europe’s approach to dealing with online extremism is ‘haphazard, alarming, tone-deaf, and entirely counter-productive.

According to AccessNow, ‘the IRU is outside the rule of law on several grounds. First, illegal content is just that—illegal. If law enforcement encounters illegal activity, be it online or off, it is expected to proceed in dealing with that in a legal, rights-respecting manner.

Second, relegating dealing with this illegal content to a third private party, and leaving analysis and prosecution to their discretion, is both not just lazy—but extremely dangerous. Third, illegal content, if truly illegal, needs to be dealt with that way: with a court order and subsequent removal. The IRU’s blatant circumvention of the rule of law is in direct violation of international human rights standards.

For its part, Europol points to the IRU’s success at removing propaganda, including such worrisome content as bomb-making instructions and inflammatory speeches designed to spur specific acts of violence. Does this mean Europol believes the urgency of the situation calls for discarding the rule of law? Caution is warranted; we’ve been down this road before.

Cynthia Murrell, October 3, 2016
Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph

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