Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite Boasts Information Pairing
September 13, 2012
Web site search can be a struggle from the user’s viewpoint. Navigating a Web site, particularly a commercial one, can be arduous at best. And yet organizations have had a hard time better designing a site to users’ needs. However, Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite offers a solution. Fabasoft Mindbreeze offers a wide variety of smart solutions for the enterprise, but InSite is particularly geared toward smart public-facing Web site search.
Read an explanation of the information pairing technology behind the product’s success, written by Daniel Fallmann, in the entry, “Information Pairing Makes Websites More Intelligent!”
Fallmann describes the InSite product’s success:
Behind this ‘magic,’ however is a great deal of digital know-how. The key term here is information pairing, under the motto ‘bringing together what belongs together.’ To put it in concrete terms, the current Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite release enables a maintenance-free, always up-to-date conflation of information from different areas. Always relevant. Always interesting. Always to the point. For both you and your website’s users.
Information pairing technology is secure and award winning. Best of all, it improves your company’s Web presence without a huge investment in time or development hours. For organizations that know the importance of grooming their online appearance, Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite is an easy investment.
Emily Rae Aldridge, September 13, 2012
Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.
Improving the Search Experience in SharePoint
September 12, 2012
Connecting employees to the right information improves workflow. J. Peter Bruzzese discusses the importance of search in his post, “Bring Better Search to SharePoint.” Search challenges are explained:
If only SharePoint’s search capabilities were better. If only users weren’t spending so much time searching for relevant data or the appropriate personnel in the company. If only users weren’t re-creating data they already have ‘somewhere.’ The problems with search have been an absolute failure point for many users of SharePoint 2007. The more they pushed data into SharePoint and grew their farm environment, the more they ran into the wall of search results being less relevant.
In response, Microsoft brought in Fast in hopes to add better results relevance and previews. The author points out that despite Fast, many companies looked to other tools to improve search including BA Insight‘s Longitude Search which attempts to rank content based on user behavior.
Another search solution that may be worth considering is is Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise. Mindbreeze Enterprise Search lets you “be well informed – quickly and accurately. The data often lies distributed across numerous sources. Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise gains each employee two weeks per through focused finding of data (IDC Studies). An invaluable competitive advantage in business as well as providing employee satisfaction.” Boundless data search and clearly structured search results as just two of the solution’s benefits worth taking a second look at.
Philip West, September 12, 2012
Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.
More on Marketing Confusion in Big Data Analytics
September 11, 2012
Search vendors are like a squirrel dodging traffic. Some make it across the road safely. Others? Well, there is a squirrel heaven I assume. Which search vendors will survive the speeding tractor trailers carrying big data, analytics, and visualization to customers who are famished for systems which make sense of information? I don’t know. No one really knows.
Do squirrels understand high speed, high volume traffic? A happy quack to http://surykatki.blox.pl/html/1310721,262146,14,15.html?7,2007 for a fierce squirrel image.
What is fascinating is to watch the Darwinian process at work among vendors of search and content processing. TextRadar’s “Content Intelligence: An Unexpected Collision Is Coming” makes clear that there are quite a few companies not widely known in the financial and health care markets. Some of these companies have opportunities to make the leap from government contract work to commercial work for Fortune 1000 companies.
But what about more traditional search vendors?
I received in the snail mail a copy of Oracle Magazine. September October 2012. The article which caught my attention was “New Questions, Fast Answers.” The information was in the form of an interview between Rich Schwerin, an Oracle magazine writer, and Paul Sonderegger, senior director of analytics at Oracle. Mr. Sonderegger was the chief strategist at Endeca, which is now part of the Oracle family of companies.
I have followed Endeca since I first learned about the company in 1999, 22 years ago. Like many traditional search vendors, the underlying technical concepts of Endeca date from the salad days of key word search. Endeca’s innovation was to identify concepts either human-assigned or generated by software to group related information. The idea was that a user could run a query and then click on concepts to “discover” information not in the explicit key word match. Endeca dubbed the function “guided navigation” and applied the approach to eCommerce as well as search across the type of information found in a company. The core of the technology was the “Endeca MDEX” engine. At the time of Endeca’s market entrance, there were only a handful of companies competing for enterprise search and eCommerce. In the last two decades the field has narrowed in one sense with the big name companies acquired by larger firms and broadened in another. There are hundreds of vendors offering search, but the majority of these companies use different words to describe indexing and search.
One Endeca executive (Peter Bell) told me in 2005 that the company had been growing at 100 percent each year since 2002.” At the time of the Oracle buy out, I estimated that Endeca had hit about $150 million in revenues. Oracle paid about $1.1 billion for the company or what, if I am accurate, amounts to about 10 times annual revenues. Endeca was a relative bargain compared to Hewlett Packard’s purchase of Autonomy for $10 billion. Autonomy, founded a few years before Endeca, had reached about $850 million in annual revenues, so the multiple on revenues was greater than the Endeca deal. The point is that both of these search giants ranked one and two in enterprise search revenues. Both companies emphasized their technologies’ ability to handle structured and unstructured information. Both Autonomy and Endeca offered business intelligence solutions. In short, both companies had capabilities which some of the newcomers mentioned in the Text Radar article are now touting as fresh and innovative. One key point: It took 22 years for Endeca to hit $150 million and now Oracle has to generate more revenue from the aging Endeca technology. HP has the same challenge with Autonomy, of course. Revenue generation, in my opinion, has been time consuming and difficult. Of the hundreds of vendors past and present, only two have broken the $150 million in revenue barrier. Google and Microsoft would be quick to point out that their search systems are far larger, but these are special cases because it is difficult to unwrap search revenues from other revenue streams.
What does Mr. Sonderegger say in this Oracle Magazine interview. Let me highlight three points and urge you to read the full text of his remarks.
Easy Access
First, business users do not know how to write queries, so “guided navigation” services are needed. Mr. Sonderegger noted:
There has to be some easy way to explore, some way to search and navigate as easily as you do on an e-commerce site.
Most of the current vendors of analytics and findability systems seem to have made the leap from point-and-click to snazzy visualizations. The Endeca angle is that users want to discover and navigate. The companies referenced in the Text Radar story want to make the experience visual, almost video-game like.
Enhance a Public Facing Site with Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite
September 11, 2012
A public facing Web site is a digital business card and often the first way potential customers meet your company or organization. Messe München International (MMI) realized the opportunity in powerful site search and so employed the Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite solution. Patrick Kapfer discusses the MMI decision in the post, “Global Trade Show Organizer Opts for Mindbreeze InSite.”
Kapfer explains,
The product stands out with its intuitive, user friendly search. As a Cloud service it’s ready to use straight away! Further advantages lie in the fact that it’s more than just a search. Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite recognizes connections using semantic and dynamic search procedures. In this way it delivers a pinpoint accurate ‘finding experience.’ No installation, no configuration, no maintenance. What more could a company wish for?
Consider taking advantage of the no obligation 14 day free trial InSite demo and test the enhanced finding experience for your Web site. As the Messe München International (MMI) attests the fast search and clear results make Insite a viable search option for customers seeking functionality and ease of use. Other customer comments can be found online if you are seeking additional testimonials about the capabilities of Mindbreeze. The search service “runs on high performance servers in the Cloud and can be up and running in a few days. There’s nothing to install – Mindbreeze InSite is available straight away via our self-service.”
Philip West, September 11, 2012
Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.
SharePoint 2013 Looks to Improve the Web Content Management Experience
September 10, 2012
Niraj Tenany discusses Microsoft’s evolution in Web Content Management environments in the Netwovenblogs.com article, “Is SharePoint 2013 Ready for Prime Time Web Content Management (WCM)? You be the Judge!”
Tenany explains the development:
Microsoft acquired a company called nCompass back in 2002. nCompass’s Content Management System (CMS) become the foundation of the WCM capabilities in SharePoint. Since then, Microsoft has been adding features to support WCM in SharePoint.
The launch of SharePoint 2013 preview presents an interesting opportunity for companies to consolidate all of their web infrastructure to SharePoint 2013…this can provide a great of value to companies by reducing the overall management costs as well as having a focused team.
Tenany also provides a summary of SharePoint 2013 improvements to support WCM, including the ability to work easily with video content, multi-lingual site support, and analytics and recommendations.
When it comes to creating Web site content and managing a Web presence, organizations may also want to look closer at their site search. With no installation, configuration or maintenance required, Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite is designed to intuitively find information on your site with a user friendly interface. Here you can read how InSite “recognizes correlations and links through semantic and dynamic search processes. This delivers pinpoint accurate and precise finding experiences.”
Philip West, September 10, 2012
Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.
IntelTrax Top Stories: August 31 to September 6
September 10, 2012
The IntelTrax advanced intelligence system blog provides summaries of articles pertinent to the world of data analytics and security. This week, we learned how the analytics market is continuing to grow, as well as some companies that offer excellent tools to help your company grow along with it.
“Cristobal Addition Strengthens Digital Reasoning” spotlights an important new addition to the board of the Tennessee based text analytics powerhouse, Digital Reasoning. Cristobal Conde has a rich history of working in the information technology field.
He states:
“I’ve been in information technology since the late ’70s when you had to build your own database manager. When companies like Sybase and Oracle developed commercial database managers – they made sense of structured data and allowed thousands of applications to be built on top…There is a pressing need to do something similar in unstructured data, and I believe Digital Reasoning is the company best positioned to do this.”
While the United States has a wealth of data analytics solutions to choose from, the Asian analytic market continues to gain in power and importance. According to “Asian Analytics Changing Fast” the big data analytics market in India is expected to double to $680 million by 2015.
Patrick Roland writes:
“This piggybacks on lots of other Aisa-centric analytic news. While many nations are flexing their muscles in big data, some American companies are catering to the industry, too. One prime example is the Chinese language support of Synthesys recently announced to aid the burgeoning data market in China. We expect more and more as places like the Philippines and Hong Kong begin making strides just behind power players like India and China.”
According to “Business Intelligence on the Rise” BI is one of the fastest growing industries and therefore smart businesses are utilizing this technology as a tool for growth.
The article explains:
“The big data opportunity is one of the biggest growth propellants for analytics. The vast amount of data that is available for analysis is exploding, however, it is housed in multiple silos of information with little or no cross-channel analysis of how the data correlates. For forward-thinking enterprises, big data can create value. Whereas BI traditionally performs structured analysis and provides a rear-view mirror into business performance, big data analytics provides a forward-looking view, enabling organizations to anticipate and execute on the opportunities of the future.”
We obviously are living in a world where BI and data analytics solutions are becoming an necessary part of business. Digital Reasoning offers a smart BI solution called Synthesis that delivers automated understanding for big data. The results are saved time and money.
Jasmine Ashton, September 10, 2012
Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.
What Designers Should Expect with the SharePoint 2013 Release
September 7, 2012
Brian Alderman discusses expected changes for designers in the upcoming SharePoint 2013 release in the third installment, “35,000-Foot View of SharePoint 2013 for Designers,” of his four part series.
Alderman explains the major change to expect:
One of the biggest changes in SharePoint 2013 is that SharePoint Designer is no longer necessary for branding a SharePoint site. Now there’s a new utility called Design Manager that designers can use for branding SharePoint websites…it is part of the publishing portal site collection template…and introduces a brand new interface that serves as the central hub for branding. With Design Manager, designers can use HTML, CSS and Jscript in any of their favorite HTML editors.
Workflow changes are also discussed, including the new platform called SharePoint 2013 Workflow which allows SharePoint Designer created workflows to include functionality for Windows Azure Workflows. If you are a designer, the brief read may be worth it to stay in the loop on what’s coming.
To maximize your SharePoint investments beyond implementation, consider Fabasoft Mindbreeze. Part of the full suite of solutions is the Fabasoft Folio Connector, which provides uniform, reliable management of your digital content. Here is a highlight:
Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise is able to search all data sources connected to the platform simultaneously. In addition to data from, for example, Microsoft Exchange or the file system, the Fabasoft Folio Connector allows to query information objects and documents from Fabasoft Folio, too.
With on-premise and Cloud information pairing capabilities, Mindbreeze provides a comprehensive and enterprise-grade solution that adds rich value to your business knowledge. Read more at Mindbreeze, where they seem to have the benefits of a proper installation down pat.
Philip West, September 7, 2012
Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.
Search Analysis Reaches the Literary Canon
September 7, 2012
Search and data analytics have led to an interesting breakthrough in the classic literary cannon. Science Daily reports the findings of Matthew Jockers, an assistant professor of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, in his use of text-mining to compare 18th and 19th century authors’ works with one another. The resulting article, “By Text-Mining the Classics, Professor Unearths New Literary Insights,” shares his findings. Jockers refers to the process as macroanalysis, which searches large amounts of text to systematically determine how books are connected to one another.
We learn:
“Jockers said the process of macroanalysis isn’t intended to be a computerized replacement for literary theory — rather, it’s a complementary method that, in the hands of theorists, can help them read and study classic authors’ works in new ways.
And he’s careful in his use of the word ‘influence,’ as well: While measuring and tracking true influence, either conscious or unconscious, isn’t really possible, Jockers said macroanalysis enables theorists to use measures of stylistic and thematic affinity as a clear indicator of an author’s influence.”
The findings open a whole new arena for literary theorists to explore classic literature. We find it exciting to see how the reaches of Big Data are affecting particular fields of thought and study. Digital methods and technology are advancing and this type of analyzing of large amounts of text is not as difficult as it may have once been.
Andrea Hayden, September 07, 2012
Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.
Using Fabasoft Mindbreeze as a Customer Service Solution
September 6, 2012
Daniel Fallmann of Fabasoft Mindbreeze explains the beneficial customer service applications of the Mindbreeze suite of solutions in the post, “Call Center: Mindbreeze Leads to Success!” With the ability to bring on-premise and cloud information together, Mindbreeze’s powerful search can be applied to call centers for quick and efficient access to information and an improved user experience.
Fallmann explains:
Via information pairing all related information, whether structured or unstructured, from internal or external applications (e.g. client portals), new or old, is linked together. A company’s entire knowledge becomes instantly accessible. Instead of combing through 20 different applications, you need just one tool. Mindbreeze makes customer service quicker, easier and more efficient, whilst simultaneously increasing quality and customer satisfaction. As a bonus, costs are reduced and your call center employees are happier!
Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise turns business data into relevant knowledge with efficient and scalable processing capabilities. When many organizations mismanage call centers and customer service, use Mindbreeze to give your employees streamlined and relevant access to information without the redundancy of multiple applications.
Philip West, September 6, 2012
Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.
For SharePoint 2013 Less Might be More
September 5, 2012
As the discussion continues surrounding the new features rolled out in SharePoint 2013, an interesting conversation is taking place. Many experts believe that SharePoint is drowning its users in too many options. Chris Wright at CMS Wire continues this conversation in his article, “SharePoint 2013 Needs Less Features, Not More.”
Wright begins:
SharePoint 2013 is packed with lots of new and exciting features.
Users can experience the revamped MySites, with FaceBook style activity feeds and the ability to ‘follow’ pretty much anything. Developers have ‘apps’ to get their teeth into, allowing them to create SharePoint components in pretty much any language they wish . . . The list of new features goes on and on . . . All of these new features are very exciting, but what do end users make of it all? Will they actually notice? Will they get a better experience? I’m not so sure.
Wright states that there are lots of things that SharePoint 2013 does well, yet wading through all the unnecessary options is daunting. For small to medium size organizations, it might be worthwhile to invest in a smart third party solution. Investing in something like Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise can intuitively customize your existing enterprise infrastructure in one swift motion, avoiding costly detailed customization.
Emily Rae Aldridge, September 5, 2012
Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.