More HP Search Related Information
September 14, 2008
One of my two or three readers sent along some kind words about Hewlett Packard. According to this professional, HP has been writing interesting white papers about search for a number of years. I dipped into the company’s Web site, and it seemed to me that HP was turning up the heat on search and content processing. I wanted to pass along one white paper recommended by your fellow reader that I found quite interesting. The subject is Lucene, the open source search engine which lurks at the heart of the IBM Yahoo “free” search system. The paper is by Mark Butler and James Rutherford. “Distributed Lucene: A Distributed Free Text Index for Hadoop.” Free is good. Hadoop is better. Distributed is the best. The paper became available in June 2008, and you can download it by navigating to I have had quite a bit of trouble locating information on the HP Web sites. I can’t guarantee that this link will be valid for months. I verified it on September 9, 2008. The paper is useful, but I liked Section 1.2.6 “Current Limitations”. Enjoy and a happy quack to the canny Beyond Search reader who submitted this link. The goose loves you. Your auto’s paint job is safe–for now.
Stephen Arnold, September 14, 2008