Microsoft Fast’s Web Log High Fives Autonomy

November 10, 2008

I am fuzzy about the ownership and compensation for contributors to the FastForward Web log. I was not fuzzy when I read here a summary of Autonomy’s relatively new governance system for SharePoint. What was quite interesting was that in the guise of summarizing a consulting firm’s seminar about SharePoint, Autonomy got top billing in this Microsoft Fast centric Web log. The focus was not on Microsoft Fast. The spot light was aimed on Autonomy. The article “The SharePoint Sessions Revisited. Part Four. Enhancing SharePoint Information Governance” by Bill Ives.

Autonomy Information Governance Architecture integrates with SharePoint to help with this issue, see their site on Record Management, Information Governance and Disposition. This is consistent with Microsoft’s strategy of integration with best of breed players.

So, FastForward identifies Autonomy as a best of breed vendor. What’s  more interesting is that Mr. Ives devotes a full four paragraphs to the Autonomy SharePoint governance system. Does Microsoft Fast criticize Autonomy? No. Does Microsoft Fast offer an alternative to Autonomy’s system? No. Does Microsoft Fast assert that SharePoint can be tweaked to deliver Autonomy type services? No.

In short, Autonomy gets a huge marketing push. I am delighted that Microsoft Fast is showing such support for its partners. I wonder if this is a new page in the Microsoft Fast marketing play book. Quite a change in my opinion. I am certain I will be informed that this type of vendor praise is standard operating procedure. If so, that’s good news in a market sector where carping and sniping are sometimes evident.

Stephen Arnold, November 10, 2008


2 Responses to “Microsoft Fast’s Web Log High Fives Autonomy”

  1. Bill Ives on November 10th, 2008 4:37 pm


    Thanks for mentioning my post. To clarify the Fast Forward blog policy as the site states: “It is independent from FAST and is produced by Beeline Labs. The blog includes postings by independent bloggers and experts, who are paid and whose travel expenses for the event are covered, as well as by FAST employees, and may include interviews and profiles of individuals in the field who are not paid. The positions and opinions posted on this site are those of their authors and don’t necessarily represent FAST’s positions or opinions or those of other companies they work with or for. The complete policy is here:

    So we operate as paid journalist/bloggers covering relevant topics. The post I mentioned covered a session led by Autonomy at a local (for me) Sharepoint themed conference organizied by a third party organization – AIIM. So this post is not an endorsement of Autonomy by Microsoft Fast. We write without any editorial control or any pre-reading of what we post. I do think that Microsoft is adopting a general policy for Sharepoint of integration with best of breed providers, as I wrote, and they have publicly stated this on many occasions. However, i do not speak for Microsoft on this issue. I hope this clarifies things. I certainly agree with you that a market with less carping and sniping is a good thing. Bill Ives

  2. Stephen E. Arnold on November 10th, 2008 5:10 pm

    Bill Ives,

    Thank you.

    Stephen Arnold, November 10, 2008

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