Google: We’re Reliable, No, Really Reliable
November 14, 2008
InfoWorld ran a remarkable story by Juan Carlos Perez called “Google Cries Foul over Coverage of Google Apps.” You must read the full text here. This is a three part story, and I have to admit I found it surprising. To sum up the long write up, I would say, “We’re Google. We’re reliable. Really reliable.” There were a number of interesting comments in the well written story. For me, the most memorable is this passage:
We’re definitely hearing what people are saying and responding to feedback in that very transparent way and also looking at whether we need a centralized place like Amazon and Salesforce do.
My take is that after 10 years in business, Google might want to have a way to allow customers to allow customers to talk to a human Googler or get a pleasant email response to a problem. I find the word “transparency” amusing. In fact, I wrote a column for KMWorld about Google’s summer of transparency. Well, fall is here and the transparency like the clear summer sky of Kentucky seems to have become opaque. Just the opinion of an addled goose who heard today that a customer with some serious money invested in Google Search Appliances couldn’t reach a Googler with a question. Probably a fluke, not a transparency issue at all.
Stephen Arnold, November 14, 2008