
March 12, 2009

Visualization was a topic at a client meeting yesterday. I find that visualization is essential when trying to close a deal with senior executive types. Rows of numbers are the steak; a nifty visual presentation of the key points is the sizzle. Dotmatics, founded in 2005, as a spin-out from a multinational pharmaceutical company. The company was established to address the information needs of scientists in the biotech/pharma space.


This is a Dotmatics composite display showing data, structure, and scatter diagram plotting.

I learned today that the company has opened a US office in San Diego, California. The company’s products include browser based system, security provisions, cartridge to query chemical database content, and a tool to make it easy to suck in bio data to an Oracle system. The hot feature of the Dotmatics’ system is its scientific visualization. MBAs need not trouble themselves with this type of tool. MBAs do Excel charts. Scientists need tools to manipulate large datasets and use display tools that have more horsepower than a couple of pie slices and a bar of baloney. You can take a look at the Vortex chart basics here. A feature list for the basic visualization options is here. Worth a look unless you are an MBA. MBAs know everything already in my opinion, especially risk analysis and NINJA borrowers.

Stephen Arnold, March 12, 2009


2 Responses to “Dotmatics”

  1. Steve G on March 31st, 2009 1:29 pm

    Hi Arnold,

    can we point you at a newer screenshot of vortex? e.g. which shows the newer interface (in this case running on a mac)…email me if you want to discuss vortex further.


  2. Stephen E. Arnold on March 31st, 2009 6:20 pm

    Steve G,

    How about a Search Wizards Speak session? I am at seaky2000 at yahoo dot com.

    Stephen Arnold, March 31, 2009

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