Google: Lousy Economy, Web Search Share Rises

April 16, 2009

Short honk: I should just cut and paste previous Google search share write ups into a standing article called “Google Web Search Share Rises”. You will find the MSNBC (irony, of course) write up about Google’s continued dominance of Web search bittersweet. I found it funny. The article is here. The MSNBC write up “Google Widens Its U.S. Search Lead” stated:

Microsoft Corp’s share of the U.S. search market increased by 0.1 percentage points to 8.3 percent in March. ( is a joint Microsoft – NBC Universal venture.)

Keep in mind that the Google has a share of about 64 percent, which is in Harrod’s Creek officially a country mile. More amusing to me is the recent announcement that the Google has a deal with Universal for a video site. I wonder if MSNBC might become GOONBC? Just a thought.

Stephen Arnold, April 16, 2009


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