Inmagic Presto

July 10, 2009

A happy quack to the reader who told me about Inmagic’s upgrade to its social knowledge management platform. I read a story in, a developer oriented publication. Years ago I was on the Board of Directors of Inmagic, and I thought highly of their product. The company has evolved over the years, and now offers an interesting range of products. You can get the full scoop from the company’s Web site.

The Presto product connects content management, knowledge management, and social technologies. Inmagic has a search service that operates within a Presto environment too. Support for Microsoft SharePoint is quite good. With more than 100 million SharePoint licenses “in the wild”, Inmagic’s Presto adds useful functions to SharePoint installations.

Presto 3.1 uses Web Parts technology that allows the search parts on the Presto homepage to be embedded and used in a SharePoint deployment. A new Web Services API lets SharePoint communicate with Presto to create, replace, update, and delete records seamlessly.

Phil Green, CTO of Inmagic said:

With Inmagic Presto 3.1, companies can enhance their SharePoint environment with a cost-effective, off-the-shelf solution suited to their needs. They can create internal, secure knowledge communities around enterprise content, with sophisticated social, search, security, and library workflow capabilities not found in SharePoint. The use of Web Parts, Presto, and SharePoint together can deliver tremendous value to an organization’s bottom line.

Based on the research I have been doing for a major SharePoint installation, a software such as Presto can save many hours of fiddling. Recommended by the Beyond Search goslings.

Stephen Arnold, July 10, 2009


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