Nuked with Extreme Prejudice
July 29, 2009 posted this inflammatory list at back in June: “Why Bing Sucks. Top 5 Reasons.” Pretty harsh words. The post runs through the normal gamut of complaints: speed (“The Bing stuff feels sluggish to me.”), relevancy (“I did a search on Bing for “Bing Blog” Microsoft. What comes up? Lots of less than relevant stuff.”), layout and design (“Bing buries news search off the main page”), and content (“technical search results like “binomial theorem” will never end up in what you were actually looking for.”).
Some of those comments (the news search) have already been resolved through Microsoft updates, and just like anything else online, Bing is a work in progress. As Microsoft’s new search engine, we think Bing is relatively good and actually much better than its forerunners.
Jessica Bratcher, July 29, 2009