Newspaper Woes in Harrods Creek
July 30, 2009
I subscribe to four hard copy newspapers. I don’t think too much about the delivery of the newspaper because I am not too far from a large, confused supermarket. This outfit gets four or five copies of the newspapers so my copies turn up. Yesterday, I did not receive a USA Today. This is a Gannett publication known in Harrods Creek as McPaper. Today I got the USA Today but it was soaked. That’s better than the New York Times’s dead tree offering. The New York Times paper did not arrive. A tip of the hat to the floundering Courier Journal (where I used to work) and the zippy new Wall Street Journal. Both arrived. I resubscribed once the WSJ stopped sending me spam to become a subscriber. Net net of this is that when you have an old geezer who pays for hard copies, maybe the newspaper folks should deliver the paper and get it there in a readable form. Must be really tough in today’s financial climate. No wonder there is some reluctance on the part of busy people to go with old news that arrives wet or not at all.
Stephen Arnold, July 29, 2009