Software as a Service: More Complexity
August 26, 2009
Short honk: A happy quack to the reader who sent me a link to “Software as a Service Not Yet Ready”. We goslings like SaaS. Sure, there some Amazon type bugs in the woodwork, but that’s to be expected. A much stronger anti SaaS stance is expressed by Haseet Sanghrajka, a senior manager at ST Consulting. He asserted:
There are moves to develop standards in data hosting, which is good, but until the SaaS model has gone through a few iterations the market will not clearly understand the pitfalls, or work out just how to address them. From bandwidth redundancy to the strengths of service providers, organisations cannot afford to underestimate the complexity of this model.
I am popping this into the Beyond Search quotation file drawer.
Stephen Arnold, August 26, 2009