SharePoint Yearns for Some of SQL Server 2008

September 27, 2009

I am interested in how the Microsoft teams create interesting puzzles for me to solve. Example: Install SharePoint and then figure out which pieces of SQL Server are really needed. If you are interested in this type of problem and its answer, then you will want to read “How SQL Server 2008 Components Impact SharePoint Implementation”. The title promises more than the article delivers, but what it does provide was useful to me. Ross Mistry lists the four components of SharePoint that SharePoint absolutely, positively needs tonight. The list triggered a question in my addled goose brain, “Why not deliver SharePoint to a client with the requisite components in one package?” Nah, that would be too complicated. Now about that search system without the 50 million document ceiling? Free extra or for fee standalone component? I don’t know the answer.

Stephen Arnold, September 27, 2009


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