Google Chrome OS Means Bad News for Microsoft

November 20, 2009

Yesterday one of the goslings used a Windows computer to hook into one of my Macs. The reason was that the Mac’s Unix operating system ran certain tools needed for some mobile software development. I would have skinned the cat a different way, but he is younger than I, much younger. I thought of this exiting from Windows to use Unix tools when I read “The Future of Linux is Google.” If the write up is accurate, this means more than a Google news conference to talk about Chrome as an operating system. The implications are that Windows in all of its multifaceted glory will have an even more annoying issue to address. Google needs to bleed some revenue from the Microsoft franchise. That weakening may be what is needed to make this digital Hertz Avis situation more interesting. The just might be some legs under that open source horse.

Stephen Arnold, November 19, 2009

I need to disclose to the Third Army stable detail that this post with its horse reference was not funded by an equine or human source. Nay or neigh?


One Response to “Google Chrome OS Means Bad News for Microsoft”

  1. junihor on November 20th, 2009 5:01 pm

    Check out M$ SilverLight’s latest demo. It simply draws circles around Google’s emperor’s new cloth aka Chrome OS.

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