Zoom Master Node

November 26, 2009

A happy quack to the reader who took me to task for not writing about Wrensoft’s Zoom MasterNode. Wrensoft offers a low cost search system. I must admit I have been remiss in keeping pace with the firm’s enterprise system. You can download the system for free. If you want support, the charge is $250. You can get additional information from Wrensoft. We have not tested the system. According to the company’s Web site: The system

as a distributed search application with parallel searching and caching capabilities. It takes search request and divides the work amongst its slave node machines (where the index files of your web content are located). Dividing the work results in better search performance and greater search capacity. These slave machines can be local machines on the same LAN or remote machines on the internet. The slaves can be running Zoom Search or any other 3rd party search solutions, which support OpenSearch. MasterNode consolidates and ranks the returned search results from these nodes and present them on your web browser.

A table comparing the different editions of the firm’s products is here. A default results list looks like this:


I will try to get a test scheduled. The current version is 6.x. The firm’s Web site has a 2008 copyright date.

Stephen Arnold, November 26, 2009

Oyez, oyez, NASA! No one paid me to admit that we have an empty nest when it comes to Wrensoft. A freebie, I fear.


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