Throwing Water on Real Time Search

December 2, 2009

Short honk: I read this TechCrunch article “Twitturly Sold for a Song” weeks ago. I wanted to point out a passage that I found interesting:

Joel Strellner, who started the project, finally put Twitturly up for sale on Flippa ten days ago, and the auction just ended. Only five bids came in, and the sale ultimately netted no more than $8,500.

Is real time search losing its magnetic force? Looks like it. Since I am talking about real time search, I want to include this example of water being thrown on the hot fires of big money in this corner of the search world.

Stephen Arnold, December 2, 2009

Disclosure: Yep, I am paid to talk about real time search. I am not paid to write about it. Alert to local Justice of the Peace. I am without compensation.


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