End to End Move from Knowledge Tree and Capsys

January 14, 2010

I continue to think about the information retrieval food chain. I read in CBR Online’s “Knowledge Tree Integrates Document Management Software with Capsys Capture” that two companies have hooked their systems together. The story references a module,which I interpreted as a connector or code shim that permits the handshaking of the systems. In addition, the module:

provides users access to Capture, a browser-based, thin client application that requires no workstation software to be installed or maintained. The software also includes a workflow and design component that allows users to manage their capture processes, without requiring programming or scripting, based on the document requirements specific to their business…

The documents from Capsys, after “characterizing and indexing” are moved to Knowledge Tree’s repository.

My thought is that customers do not want to buy a document scanning and an optical character recognition product and then hook those components into an existing system. The move makes sense, but notice that the search and retrieval function are essentially subsystem or utility services, not the center stage performer.

As end to end solutions find their way into organizations, several questions came to mind:

  1. How will organizations search their various content objects? In effect, with search working within an application, will an organization end up with even more Balkanization of information?
  2. What are the cost implications of the licensing organization having multiple search “stubs” or search systems? Won’t inclusion of search in different vendors’ systems create more search systems for employees to learn and more duplication of content, more systems management work, and more costs?
  3. If search is embedded and a commodity, won’t the logical endpoint be more pressure placed upon organizations to license one super system in order to make the hassles, time, and costs manageable?

I will keep thinking about the food chain and its integration in terms of search and content processing. In the meantime, this tie up looks like a solid tactical move to me.

Stephen E Arnold, January 14, 2010

A freebie. I will report this to the Bureau of Prisons which is in charge of capturing my disclosures about compensation.


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