Kreeo: A New Search System

January 20, 2010

A happy quack to the reader who sent me a link to the new India-based search system Kreeo. I have modest information about the new Web and enterprise product. Based on the story at New Kerala, Kreeo combines a number of technologies to perform:

  • Collective intelligence operations
  • An alternative to the “traditional model of Web search and indexing”
  • Social computing.

According to the news story,

Kreeo’s enterprise offering is an enterprise 2.0 product with a bundle of related services. It’s a new age technology platform that combines best of Web 2.0 and social computing features to bring a new paradigm to managing knowledge and harnessing collective intelligence across people, organizations, customers and other stakeholders with minimal cost and resources. With custom Kreeo solutions, customers can apply the Kreeo framework and technology to solve complex learning and knowledge related challenges and create competitive advantage.

The company says that “The name “Kreeo” is a combination of Latin “Creo” and Sanskrit “Kriya”, meaning “to create” and “activity” respectively. Kreeo, thus, stands for creating knowledge through the activity of networking and collaboration.”

You can get more information at We will update you about this new entrant in search as we learn more.

Stephen E Arnold, January 20, 2010

Nope. No one paid me to write this short item. Not one papadum. I will report this unfortunate situation to the Department of Agriculture who tracks lentils and the flour milled from them.


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