Facebook Scores Another Gain

February 9, 2010

This Facebook site continues to surprise me. Addled geese do not have too many friends. Our SSN Blog has a Facebook presence, but the addled goose leaves that to a couple of talented goslings; namely, Lauren and Sam. When I read “Facebook Overtakes Google News as Media Site Traffic Driver”, I made a note to myself to ask Lauren and Sam, “What’s with this Facebook craziness?” Publishers have been chasing Google, and now it seems that the Web ecosystem has spawned a more problematic recycling of “real journalism”. Humans. The Google is anchored in numerical recipes. Facebook is anchored in humans. Big difference. In my view, it might prove more challenging to corral people than humans, but I could be wrong.

The most interesting comment in the article in my opinion was:

Facebook was the #4 source of visits to News and Media sites last week, after Google, Yahoo! and msn, according to Hitwise. Google News accounted for 1.39% of visits to News and Media websites, and Facebook accounted for 3.52%. That’s a big shift since last April, when they were about equal.

The article includes a nifty chart and it embeds in its white space this question, “How will publishers deal with a threat from people?” Some of these folks may be the progeny of publishers and real journalists. An issue of interest is this.

Stephen E Arnold, February 9, 2010

No one paid me to write this article. Sigh. I will report non payment to the Department of Commerce which is eager to jump start struggling businesses. Maybe there will be a government subsidy for addled geese.


3 Responses to “Facebook Scores Another Gain”

  1. The Facebook Juggernaut: Exponential Growth + World’s Leading News Reader? | pamorama on February 10th, 2010 4:36 pm

    […] Facebook Scores Another Gain (arnoldit.com) […]

  2. Jim Peake on February 10th, 2010 6:33 pm

    Bob: the government is closed because of global snowing. So reporting non payment to non open government is not prudent. 😉

  3. Stephen E. Arnold on February 10th, 2010 9:20 pm

    Jim Peake,

    The US government not open for business! Really?

    Stephen E Arnold, February 10, 2010

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