Sinequa Cozies Up to Actuaries
February 10, 2010
Short honk: A happy quack to the team at Sinequa. The company landed a deal with the US benefits consulting outfit, Mercer. Chock full of actuaries, Mercer provides benefits-related services, an arcane area that baffles the addled goose. According to the information provided to Beyond Search,
Sinequa Enterprise Search will boost Mercer’s productivity, making employees more efficient by enabling them to quickly find relevant information and leverage intellectual capital across the organization. The initial phase of the project has been deployed in the UK, where Mercer has 3,000 employees and an intellectual capital alone consisting of more than 30 million documents. Mercer had previously implemented both desktop and intranet search solutions. However, these disparate search solutions fueled the need for a single unified enterprise search solution.
You can get more information about Sinequa at An interview with the managing director of Sinequa is available in the Search Wizards Speak series.