Linguamatics Coming to Newton Mass?
February 15, 2010
Short honk: A happy quack to the reader who alerted me to a real estate hunt by Linguamatics, the specialized content processing firm in the UK. If the reader is on the money, Linguamatics (catchphrsase “Intelligent answers from text”) will be opening an office in lovely Newton, Massachusetts. By the time you read this, the office may be open. Word is that Pfizer is a good Linguamatics customer, so it makes sense for the UK-based firm to increase its presence in the US. We will keep pecking around this rumor. Updates when we get some more information.
Stephen E Arnold, February 15, 2010
No one paid me to write this rumor in the short honk form. Since “honk” may be construed as a function of a vehicle equipped with an alerting device, I will report no fee work to the Department of Transportation. An outfit that sounds its horn – sooner or later — when a safety issue becomes known.