Quote to Note: Google on Buzz and People
April 11, 2010
I was sifting through the flotsam and jetsam that accumulates in the Overflight system this morning (April 8, 2010) and read the GigaOM “free” write up “Google’s Horowitz on What Buzz Ultimately Aims To Do.” In my experience, Googlers know their core competence, math, and their projects quite well. Shift them to other topics like Google’s patent filings or the behind the scenes activities regarding acquisitions in Google’s urgent rich media initiative, and the Googlers are pretty much like the lady across the aisle from me—struggling to open her tinfoil pack of dry roasted peanuts.
The GigaOM write up presents information gleaned in one of those exclusive Silicon Valley dinners. You must read the original article for the flavor of the information.
Here’s the quote to note in my opinion from Bradley Horowitz, Google’s VP of product management for Apps:
We build apps for people, not markets… We can’t care about Google’s goal of organizing the world’s information without talking about people.
Two “peoples” mean that people are important to Google, right? What happens if a Google action puts one or more people at risk in another country? I don’t have a quantifiable answer to that question, but I have been in one country where that sort of collateral impact is quite real on people who have worked or do work for certain entities. I will stick to analyzing Google patent documents and published technical papers and leave the Googlers’ public statements to other types of researchers.
Stephen E Arnold, April 11, 2010
A freebie.