Google Aims for Average
April 14, 2010
“Google CEO Eric Schmidt Talks Up Web-Based Enterprise Apps” in Datamation includes a comment that I found startling. According to the article,
“Our applications aren’t full replacements to the incumbents,” he said. “Our goal is 80 percent because then we provide value and the features most users want.” The “value” Google offers over traditional PC-bound apps includes a fast iteration of new features, an emphasis on collaboration, low cost and Web-based access.
My interpretation of this comment, if it is accurate, is that Google is implementing a “good enough” strategy. The company sees its sweet spot as a C average vendor. Perhaps I am off base? Google has made much of its hiring the best people. Now Google is using its talent pool to deliver 80 percent. That may be the way to generate revenue which is the name of the game in the US. Will the C average approach apply outside of Google´s enterprise initiative?
Stephen E Arnold, April 14, 2010
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