Facebook May Be the Next Google

April 22, 2010

Short honk: I read a number of posts about Facebook’s new services. Impressive. The key item for me was the tie up between Facebook and Microsoft’s cloud services. The Facebooker can use Microsoft Docs for social networking. You can find lots of write ups. I liked “Microsoft Beats Google at Social Networking with Docs for Facebook.” Lots of gems in the article but I noted this passage:

Talk about turnaround: Google Docs is aimed at business users; Docs for Facebook at consumers. This isn’t the first time that Microsoft has beat Google at social networking. The Outlook Social Connector does a very solid job of integrating Outlook with social networks, as I detail in my review for Computerworld. And it is far superior to Google Buzz, Google’s attempt to integrate social networking with Gmail. As I write in a blog post, Microsoft Outlook Social Connector beats Google Buzz, hands down.

Will Google get its act together and deal with Facebook? Will Facebook keep on charging forward? Fascinating shift may be taking place.

Stephen E Arnold, April 22, 2010

No one paid me to write this.


3 Responses to “Facebook May Be the Next Google”

  1. Tech Companies Hitting the Digital Politics and Advocacy Market Hard « Cassidy Digital Strategies on April 22nd, 2010 8:48 am

    […] Facebook May Be the Next Google (arnoldit.com) Share: […]

  2. A mad, mad, tech world on April 22nd, 2010 3:24 pm

    […] Facebook May Be the Next Google […]

  3. Facebook Google square off « People like to share on April 22nd, 2010 3:38 pm

    […] Facebook May Be the Next Google (arnoldit.com) […]

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