Endeca and a New Marketing Angle
April 25, 2010
I was reading “SAP Spend Performance Management: A New Supply Risk and Spend Analysis Option”. SAP is a company whose actions I watch. The story in Search SAP confused me but it included a reference to the search vendor Endeca that surprised me. Here’s the passage that caught my attention. I have added the bold face for the part that I noted:
Stand-out analytics providers in the spend visibility arena with unique capabilities and/or analytics experience include BIQ, Endeca, Rosslyn Analytics and SAP. At the time of publication, SAP appears furthest along (among these) from an analytics-driven supply risk management solution perspective, while Endeca offers the most flexible capability for examining and integrating disparate data sources in a new type of spend visibility/supply risk mashup approach.
I found the notion of Endeca’s embracing “spend visibility/supply risk mashup approach” fascinating. I am not sure what it means, however. The confusion may be a result of the SAP angle, but it suggests that Endeca is moving in a direction of which I was unaware.
Stephen E Arnold, April 25, 2010