Arnold / Oldham Podcast on Process Monitoring
August 2, 2010
Dr. Tyra Oldham, president of LAND CC, an engineering services firm, spoke with Stephen E Arnold in an podcast about process monitoring. The topics covered included manufacturing, business, and software processes. The need for monitoring in real time is going up because the cost of a failure can be catastrophic.
Dr. Tyra Oldham, founder and president of LAND Construct. Dr. Oldham holds an MBA with a focus on information technology management.
Dr. Oldham and Stephen Arnold discuss these ideas and touch upon the innovative software available from IGear, a company that is redefining monitoring for production and manufacturing operations. You can listen to the podcast via the Podcast page at The program runs 15 minutes. Information about Dr. Oldham is here.
Ken Toth, August 2, 2010
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