Arnold For Fee Columns for August
August 9, 2010
Here’s the run down for my for fee August 2010 columns. These will appear over the next four to 12 weeks. Each for-fee publication has a different editorial cycle.
- Information Today, “Question-Centric Queries: Can Socrates Save Search?” The focus is on and question-and-answer interfaces.
- Information World Review, “SAP Follows IBM to Open Source: A Phase Change?”. SAP seems to be playing the open source card. Will this be the magic SAP needs to grow in 2011? Read IWR to find out my take.
- KMWorld, “Google’s MapReduce, Chubby, and the Hadoop the Loop.” The topic is Hadoop and the risk Google has taken with its open source tactics.
- Smart Business Network, “Inbound Marketing: Will Bytes Adds Zest to Traditional Marketing?” The article explains the difference between traditional marketing (what I call outbound marketing) and inbound marketing (which is the use of social network methods) to generate leads. The story will appear in SBN’s dozen print publications.
The full text of these articles is available directly from the publisher. Every five or six years, I gather up out-of-date columns and put them on Best bet to get these write ups, then, is to contact the publisher who buys the copyright from me.
Stephen E Arnold, August 8, 2010
Freebie but I get paid to write these for fee thingies.