Google Apps and the US Government
August 10, 2010
eWeek runs these odd slideshows which seem to be dot points strung out to get page views. I clicked through “Cloud Computing: Google Apps Leads Microsoft in Federal Cloud Race: 10 Reasons Why It Matters.” The hook is Google’s getting a government security certification. However, I keep hearing a great deal about Amazon, IBM, and Microsoft. Each of these companies is putting a body slam on the US government. The winner or at least the horse in the lead is Amazon. I know it sound wacky, but the AWS offerings seem to be at the right price point and have enough goodies to entice some procurement teams. Google may have to fine tune its pricing to be less Googley and more Bezosey. The eWeek slide show seems to offer information oddly disconnected from the reality I hear about. That’s why I am an addled goose, I suppose.
Stephen E Arnold, August 10, 2010