Marketing Google Translate

August 29, 2010

The goslings at Beyond Search love Google Translate.

Google Translate is a free tool that enables you to translate sentences, documents, and even websites instantly. So, how does it work? An short item titled “How Google Translate Works” provides us with an explanatory video. Below the video is the full text of the video, which seems to have some Google DNA. It’s an interesting presentation of how the translator product works. It’s called ‘statistical machine translation.’ The article says that SMT “is just a fancy way to say that our computers generate translations based on patters found in large amounts of text. Google lets their computers learn the translation rules themselves. They do this by analyzing millions of documents. The computers then look for patterns between the translation and the original text that are unlikely to occur by chance. The computer can then use that pattern to translate similar texts on the future. What seems like a home run product, Google Translate appears to require some marketing boost. Interesting.

Bret Quinn, August 29, 2010


One Response to “Marketing Google Translate”

  1. Translate Unik « Rakyat Jelata on August 30th, 2010 2:03 pm

    […] Marketing Google Translate ( […]

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