SAS a Visionary in EMM. EMM?

October 21, 2010

Enterprise Marketing Management. Yep, the workhorse of statistics majors who dabble in oil field exploration, political polling, military intelligence, and cancer researchers are ready for their next job move. Enterprise marketing management. Now that’s going to be a shock to the MBAs who rely on Excel’s math functions to determine a sample size or calculate a rate of return.

Applications of heavy duty stats can wander over the entire landscape of business problems. But one of the azure chip consulting firms has killed off a dog (enterprise search) and created a Frankenstats. Navigate to “SAS Positioned in Visionaries Quadrant in Leading Industry Analyst Firm’s 2010 “Magic Quadrant…” and make up your own mind about this market positioning.

For me, this was an interesting passage:

According to Gartner enterprise marketing management “encompasses the business strategies, process automation and technologies required to effectively operate a marketing department, align resources, execute customer-centric strategies and improve marketing performance. This includes functionality for campaign management, lead management, MRM, loyalty management, event management, industry-specific functionality, marketing performance management and analytics.”


Stephen E Arnold, October 21, 2010


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