Nadella Ascends, Search Fuzzy
February 16, 2011
The Microsoft Search Head Gets a Big Promotion after 19 years of service in the Online Services Division.
“Microsoft announced today that Satya Nadella has been promoted, gaining the title ‘President of Microsoft’s Server and Tools Business.’” He is moving up to “oversee the overall strategy, engineering, marketing and product development for Microsoft’s server, tools and cloud platform efforts.”
In his previous position with Online Services, Nadella oversaw several Microsoft breakthroughs such as the release of Bing, new releases of MSN, and the assimilation of Yahoo! across Bing and adCenter.
Nadella’s seeming success with Bing has given him the opportunity to oversee Microsoft’s new venture into cloud computing, the subject of their latest major ad campaign. The “cloud” is being widely marketed to consumers, and Nadella’s promotion signals that Microsoft is looking for Bing –style success in their drive to push cloud computing software and services forward.
What’s this mean for search at Microsoft? We think the home grown search system in SharePoint is probably going to be killed. The future, bright as it will be, depends on Fast Search & Transfer’s ageing technology. How will search look from Mr. Nadella’s lofty perch? Probably not too important is our guess.
Emily Rae Aldridge, February 16, 2011