Yahoo Acting Fast. Another
May 11, 2011
Yahoo is at it again. Reminiscent of its 1999 $5-billion purchase of, the Web site is acquiring IntoNow for reportedly $13 million. This deal is different. Yahoo is spending less. On the other hand, IntoNow is a newly hatched operation.
According to Forbes’ “Yahoo Acquires IntoNow For TV Check-ins,” IntoNow’s mobile software “makes it easier for people to let their friends know what TV shows they’re watching.” BusinessWeek’s “Yahoo acquisition adds way to share TV show info,” points out that the IntoNow technology also “lets viewers identify their favorite TV commercials, a feature that might open up ways for Yahoo to sell more ads in its online videos.”
While Yahoo is looking to combine rich media with the power of social media, the company doesn’t have a great track record with video acquisitions. Financial analyst Michael Onghai warns that while “Yahoo had a great instinct for the value of video, the problem was timing in 1999 and the problem in 2011 may be timing. Yahoo has to demonstrate that it can buy a property and generate significant revenue.” Mr. Onghai is active in a promising operation,
Yahoo seems to be moving in interesting ways. Search does not seem to be a priority. Hopefully these will pay off for Yahoo’s stakeholders.
Rita Safranek, May 11, 2011