JackBe Joins the Business Intelligence Is Easy Parade

May 13, 2011

In our sister publication Inteltrax, you can read about the machinations in the data fusion sector. We wanted to highlight this news story because it sheds some light on the attempt to make really complicated enterprise solutions look like child’s play. Child’s play, in our experience, is a good description for kids like Wolfie Mozart or the 11 year old Srinivasa Ramanujan. Other times child’s play is somewhat less sophisticated. I remember my finger-painting classics my mother taped to the fridge.

According to the eWeek.com article:

“JackBe Presto Enables Information With Ease” the JackBe Presto 3.1 development platform is not just your normal real-time intelligence product. According to the article unlike other business intelligence products Presto 3.1 allows users to build on their existing data structures and transformation tools, instead of replacing them.”

The article asserted that Presto can handle both internal and external data sources and also comes equipped with a number of tools to ensure that managers can easily utilize the data for their specific needs. I noted this passage:

Developers and power users can use these tools to quickly create applications that are easily reworked as needed to react to rapidly changing business conditions and requirements.

Presto’s App Store provides users with valuable applications which can be shared in addition to being deployed and giving users even more flexibility. In addition Presto can run on the cloud. Presto 3.1 may not fit in every organization but for most it would seem that the pros far outweigh the cons.

Is this business intelligence activity child’s play? For some licensees, sure. For others, the colors of my finger-painting masterpieces was often muddy and a bit of a mess. Make sure you have a Shirley Temple on your project, a young Shirley Temple, that is.

Alice Holmes, May 13, 2011



2 Responses to “JackBe Joins the Business Intelligence Is Easy Parade”

  1. alize johnson on May 21st, 2011 5:57 pm

    The B.I. Guy discusses a revolutionary new way to deliver business intelligence. It is an extremly powerful B.I. system providing very powerful ad-hoc queries and drill down. But the B.I. templates are designed in Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint so template design is a lot faster and easier – and non-programmers can design reports.

    Under 10 minutes from start to a moderately complex template designed and the user can perform their queries and drill into their data. No hiring an army of consultants first, no need to spend weeks learning the system.

    business intelligence is very important for you

  2. David Thielen on May 21st, 2011 6:29 pm

    For those interested in the blog by The B.I. Guy, the url is http://www.the-business-intelligence-guy.com/

    thanks – dave

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