Google and the $64 Billion Question

May 17, 2011

Short honk: No big ideas about this. I found the statement in “Google’s 2010 Economic Impact” fascinating:

Today we’re announcing that Google provided $64 billion of economic activity to businesses, website publishers and non-profits in 2010. This is an 18% increase from the economic impact total in 2009. Here’s how it works: for every $1 a business spends on Google AdWords, they receive an average of $8 in profit through Google Search and AdWords.

I like the $64 billion number. Big and resonant. However, I had one question, “Why is Google pitching its economic impact?” Google makes its economic impact with each quarterly report. Is something putting pressure on Google to squeeze such congratulatory utterances from the “official Google blog”?

My hunch. Something is up or down. Maybe online ad performance? Maybe hype to pump up Google bonds? Interesting timing.

Stephen E Arnold, May 17, 2011

Freebie unlike Google Adwords with their 8 to 1 return. Wow. How about some big data to support the assertion?


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